Players By Name -- Legends of Hockey -- The Legends (original) (raw)

Esso Hockey since 1936Legends Of Hockey Players Esso Hockey since 1936
Sidney Gerald (Sid) Abel John James (Jack) Adams Daniel Alfredsson Glenn Anderson Dave Andreychuk Charles Joseph Sylvanus (Syl) Apps George Edward (Chief) Armstrong Back to Top ... Irvine Wallace (Ace) Bailey Donald H. (Dan) Bain Hobart Amery Hare (Hobey) Baker William Charles (Bill) Barber Tom Barrasso Martin A. (Marty) Barry Andrew James (Andy) Bathgate Robert Theodore (Bobby) Bauer Ed Belfour Jean Arthur Beliveau Clinton S. Benedict Douglas Wagner (Doug) Bentley Maxwell Herbert Lloyd Bentley Rob Blake Hector (Toe) Blake Leo Joseph Boivin Richard R. (Dickie) Boon Michael (Mike) Bossy Emile (Butch) Bouchard Francois X. (Frank) Boucher John George (Buck) Boucher Raymond Jean Bourque John William (Johnny) Bower Russell (Dubbie) Bowie Francis Charles (Frank) Brimsek Harry L. (Punch) Broadbent Walter Edward (Turk) Broda Martin Brodeur John Paul (Johnny) Bucyk Harry Wilfred (Billy) Burch Pavel Bure Back to Top ... Harold Hugh (Harry) Cameron Guy Carbonneau Gerald Michael (Gerry) Cheevers Chris Chelios Dino Ciccarelli Francis M. (King) Clancy Aubrey V. (Dit) Clapper Robert Earle (Bobby) Clarke Henry William Sprague Cleghorn Paul Douglas Coffey Neil McNeil Colville Charles William (Charlie) Conacher Lionel Pretoria Conacher Roy Gordon Conacher Alex Connell William (Bill) Cook Frederick Joseph (Bun) Cook Arthur Edmund (Art) Coulter Yvan (Roadrunner) Cournoyer William Mailes (Bill) Cowley Samuel Russell (Rusty) Crawford Back to Top ... John Proctor (Jack) Darragh Allan M. (Scotty) Davidson Clarence (Happy) Day Alexander Peter (Alex) Delvecchio Cyril Joseph (Cy) Denneny Marcel Elphege Dionne Gordon Arthur Drillon Charles Graham Drinkwater Kenneth Wayne Dryden Dick Duff Woodrow Clarence (Woody) Dumart Thomas Dunderdale William Ronald (Bill) Durnan Mervyn (Red) Dutton Cecil Henry (Babe) Dye Back to Top ... Philip Anthony (Phil) Esposito Anthony James (Tony) Esposito Back to Top ... Arthur F. Farrell Bernard Allan Federko Sergei Fedorov Viacheslav Fetisov Ferdinand Charles (Fernie) Flaman Peter Forsberg Frank C. Foyston Ron Francis Frank Fredrickson Grant Fuhr Back to Top ... William Alexander (Bill) Gadsby Robert Michael (Bob) Gainey Charles Robert (Chuck) Gardiner Herbert Martin (Herb) Gardiner James Henry (Jimmy) Gardner Michael Alfred Gartner Bernard Joseph Andre (Boom Boom) Geoffrion Edward George (Eddie) Gerard Edward (Eddie, Fast Eddie) Giacomin Rodrigue Gabriel (Rod) Gilbert Clark Gillies Hamilton Livingston (Billy) Gilmour Doug Gilmour Frank Xavier (Moose) Goheen Ebenezer Ralston (Ebbie) Goodfellow Michel Goulet Danielle Goyette Cammi Granato Michael (Mike) Grant Wilfred Thomas (Shorty) Green Wayne Douglas Gretzky Silas Seth (Si) Griffis Back to Top ... George Hainsworth Glenn Henry Hall Joseph Henry (Joe) Hall Douglas Norman Harvey Dominik Hasek Dale Hawerchuk William George Hay Geraldine Heaney Jayna Hefford William Milton (Riley) Hern Bryan Aldwyn Hextall Harry (Hap) Holmes Charles Thomas (Tom) Hooper George Reginald (Red) Horner Miles Gilbert (Tim) Horton Marian Hossa Phil Housley Gordon (Gordie) Howe Mark Howe Sydney Harris (Syd) Howe Henry Vernon (Harry) Howell Robert Marvin (Bobby) Hull Brett Andrew Hull John Bower (Bouse) Hutton Harrold M (Harry) Hyland Back to Top ... Jarome Iginla James Dickenson (Dick) Irvin Back to Top ... Harvey (Busher) Jackson Angela James Ivan Wilfred (Ching) Johnson Ernest (Moose) Johnson Thomas Christian (Tom) Johnson Aurele Emile Joliat Back to Top ... Paul Kariya Gordon Blanchard (Duke) Keats Leonard Patrick (Red) Kelly Theodore Samuel (Ted Teeder) Kennedy David Michael Keon Valeri Kharlamov Jari Pekka Kurri Back to Top ... Pat LaFontaine Elmer James Lach Guy Damien Lafleur Edouard (Newsy) Lalonde Rod Corry Langway Joseph Jacques Hughes Laperriere Guy Gerard Lapointe Edgar Louis Laprade Igor Larionov Jean Baptiste (Jack) Laviolette Percy LeSueur Brian Joseph Leetch Frederick Hugh (Hughie) Lehman Jacques Gerard Lemaire Mario Lemieux Herbert (Herbie) Lewis Nicklas Lidstrom Eric Lindros Robert Blake Theodore (Ted) Lindsay Kevin Lowe Harry (Apple Cheeks) Lumley Henrik Lundqvist Roberto Luongo Back to Top ... Al MacInnis Duncan McMillan (Mickey) MacKay Francis William (Frank) Mahovlich Sergei Makarov Maurice Joseph (Joe) Malone Sylvio Mantha John C. (Jack) Marshall Fred G. (Steamer) Maxwell Lanny King McDonald Francis (Frank) McGee William George (Billy) McGimsie George McNamara Mark Messier Stanley (Stan) Mikita Mike Modano Richard Winston (Dickie) Moore Patrick Joseph (Paddy) Moran Howard William (Howie) Morenz William (Bill) Mosienko Joseph Mullen Larry Thomas Murphy Back to Top ... Vaclav Nedomansky Cam Neely Scott Niedermayer Joe Nieuwendyk Frank Nighbor Edward Reginald (Reg) Noble Back to Top ... Herbert William (Buddy) O'Connor Adam Oates Harold (Harry) Oliver Murray Bert Olmstead Robert Gordon (Bobby) Orr Caroline Ouellette Back to Top ... Bernard Marcel (Bernie) Parent Douglas Bradford (Brad) Park Lester Patrick Joseph Lynn Patrick Gilbert (Gil) Perreault Thomas N. (Tommy) Phillips Pierre Paul Pilote Didier Pitre Joseph Jacques (Jake the Snake) Plante Denis Charles Potvin Walter (Babe) Pratt A. Joseph (Joe) Primeau Chris Pronger Marcel Pronovost Robert Jesse (Bob) Pulford Harvey Pulford Back to Top ... Hubert George (Bill) Quackenbush Back to Top ... Frank Rankin Joseph Gilbert Yvon (Jean) Ratelle Claude Earl (Chuck) Rayner Kenneth Joseph (Kenny) Reardon Mark Recchi Joseph Henri (Pocket Rocket) Richard Joseph Henri Maurice (The Rocket) Richard George Richardson Gordon Roberts Larry Robinson Luc Robitaille Arthur Howey (Art) Ross Patrick Roy Angela Ruggiero Blair Russel Ernest (Ernie) Russell J. D. (Jack) Ruttan Back to Top ... Joe Sakic Riikka Sallinen Anders Borje Salming Denis Savard Serge Aubrey Savard Terrance Gordon (Terry) Sawchuk Fredrick (Fred) Scanlan Milton Conrad (Milt) Schmidt David (Sweeney) Schriner Daniel Sedin Henrik Sedin Earl Walter Seibert Oliver Levi Seibert Teemu Selanne Brendan Shanahan Edward William (Eddie) Shore Stephen John Shutt Albert Charles (Babe) Siebert Harold Joseph (Bullet Joe) Simpson Darryl Glen Sittler Alfred E. (Alf) Smith William (Bill) John Smith Clinton James Smith Reginald (Hooley) Smith Thomas J. Smith Kim St-Pierre Martin St. Louis Allan Herbert Stanley Russell (Barney) Stanley Peter Stastny Scott Stevens John Sherratt (Black Jack) Stewart Nelson (Old Poison) Stewart Bruce Stuart William H. (Hod) Stuart Mats Sundin Back to Top ... Frederick (Cyclone) Taylor Cecil R. (Tiny) Thompson Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretiak Henry Judah (Harry) Trihey Bryan John Trottier Pierre Turgeon Back to Top ... Norman Victor Alexander (Norm) Ullman Back to Top ... Rogatien Vachon Mike Vernon Georges Vezina Back to Top ... John Phillip (Jack) Walker Martin (Marty) Walsh Harry E. (Moose) Watson Harry Percival Watson Ralph (Cooney) Weiland Harry (Rat) Westwick Frederick Whitcroft Hayley Wickenheiser Doug Wilson Gordon Allan (Phat) Wilson Lorne John (Gump) Worsley Roy (Shrimp) Worters Back to Top ... Aleksander Yakushev Stephen Gregory Yzerman Back to Top ... Sergei Zubov Back to Top ...
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