1000 Miglia: 1927-1933 Volume 1 (original) (raw)

BigM 2024-03-153/10 (3/10)

So I take the car up to max and...............it looks like I'm not moving. Oh............. Except when I hit a curve and stop in my tracks.
Yup... It's crap.

The problem is not the developers..but the C64 is not a 16-bit machine.

Look at the Amiga version for instance. Some nice audio visual effects and I quite enjoyed the racing aspects.

The C64 tape? Run over it๐Ÿ˜.

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FrightmareFrightmare 2023-10-195/10 (5/10)

Not nearly as bad as many people say, there have been way worse titles in terms of racers on the C64. Still it's pretty uninspired, despite the decent graphics (although a bit bland), playability and sense of speed. It just lacks character and the race is too long and repetitive, failing to keep up interest after some plays. Good presentation and title music, but from a 1992 game it was fair to expect more.

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B3L4 2017-02-051/10 (1/10)

The whole package around the game is 5/5 awesome gfx, intro etc. The game? Well pure crap. I don't understand why did they put such a big effort in the menus, pictures everything when the game sucks ass. Bad, boring, pole poisition or pit stop far better not to mention street rod or test drive. Sad. The other thing was drivning me crazy is the flashing loader. After 30sec I started ticking, after 1 min I wanted to kill someone... But that's the smallest problem with the game

Pure crap :(

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stooart 2014-11-163/10 (3/10)

After the impressive intro I expected a solid racer. How wrong was I? The GFX were blocky and uninspiring, the egine sound was just irritating and the gameplay was dull beyond belief. The only time I seem to have seen any other cars was when I came to a halt! So much better racers than this on the Commy. :sick:

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mailmanmailman 2010-07-312/10 (2/10)

The graphics in the presentation and introduction part are really nice. But the whole rest simply sucks. The gameplay is miserable. It takes hours to complete the race, it is boring and repetitive and it lacks competetion factor. I completely agree with the review of this title available here with a small note - Amiga version was not in any way better.

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SebatianosSebatianos 2009-09-04

Yup, another example of Zzap and users dissagreeing... I mean, come on - how can you give this game 72% That's just silly!

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dksmfb86 2007-07-295/10 (5/10)

Haven't played this in a long time.. The graphics are okey, but I don't think that the gameplay was all that good.

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Italian Old SchoolItalian Old School 2006-06-203/10 (3/10)

What do you pretend from a coder named 'pietro pino'?

I gave it 3/10 because of thios game is a good example:

what a racing game haven't to look like.

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Sanitarium 83 2004-05-13

At first sight, the game looks promising. Good loading screens and stuff, but when you finally get to drive with the car, cruel truth reveals: Another crap game, no can do. 2/10

Beyonce 2003-08-04

Tragic attempt to do a racing game. Pitstop 2 is eight years older...

ABS 2003-05-11

1000 Miglia is very well presented (loading screens, music, options are refined... ) but the game is terrible, in itself. The 3D representation is pathetic and pratically, as racing game, 1000 miglia is non-existent (I agree with Phil). 2/10

Icestorm 2002-06-09

I Played this game not so far... But the Amiga version was fair... The C64 porting is translated, not programmed... So it sucks!

Phil Burgwin 2002-01-25

Hmm, did not like this game. The graphics in it r pathetic. The sound in it is annoying as hell (the sound of the car engine - no in-game music) and the racing track was crap - mostly straight track with some left/right bends which suck because u don't even have to keep turning into them (left/right key) to stay on the track which makes it boring as hell.

Dont take my word for it though - download it and c 4 yerself!