Secret of Monkey Island, The (original) (raw)

hamakei 2024-01-26
Point and click adventure games can be split into before-monkey and after-monkey. Sure, this wasn't the first Lucasarts game, but I don't think anybody walked away from Zak McKraken feeling their life had changed forever.

This was almost as if the adventure game gods, angry and frustrated at the previous efforts, came down to show everybody how it's supposed to be done. No exaggeration to say this is the adventure equivalent of Jimi Hendrix. It introduced a whole new aesthetic that would be imitated right through to the present day (Ben There, Dan That, anybody?).

So what does it do right? Putting aside the great story and the fact it's genuinely funny, the design and planning are enough to give classes on. Gating gives players multiple puzzles to solve at once so if they get stuck they can try a different one and come back later, it's not possible to get into an unwinnable state, and there's only one way to die, and frankly if that happens you deserve it. I also like how character interactions vary depending on what actions you've already taken, making the game world feel more alive and responsive.

But the most important lesson....

Never pay more than $25 for a computer game
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Dimitris1980 2023-06-27
What a classic. The PC CD version is the best one because of the 256 colors, the graphical inventory, and the audio cd music. But the Amiga version is also great, it has its own style and the fact that it is for many their favorite version, is not weird.
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TexasFoosballer 2023-06-09
The Secret of Monkey Island. This game will forever be one of my favorites on the Amiga. This game is truly remarkable; imerssive, fun, hilarious, and a story! It is a true gem on the Amiga and a must play for any Amiga fan.
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FincasKhalmoril 2023-05-13
My sister and I played this a lot. Even after we had solved it. It’s still my favorite adventure and the Amiga version is really well done.
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Dwarfy2k 2023-02-20
For me the definitive edition of this game. The sound and visuals were always amazing.

Story, characters and comedy for this game is great.

I'd give this a 10/10 but the whole sword insult thing which is fun overstays its welcome as it can be hard to get all the answers/insults. Theres also a few evil puzzles but overall you can finish this pretty easily.
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fyl2049 2023-02-08
Just looking at the screenshots makes me want to play it again... Very few games can tempt me like this. I was blown away by the intro back in the day with the lovely music and the impeccable style of the graphics.
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Kyodai 2022-10-27
Ah yes - a true classic. If you like adventure games. If you don't then this isn't for you. Back in 1991 this kinda set some new standards regarding a working mix between everythis awesome. The Characters (If you can't remember Stan the restless salesman you sure missed something), the matching music, dialogues with loads of humour and wittiness, the story you want to see proceed, the many locations to discover. If I could give it a 9.5 it would be that. Not the best adventure of world and time - but extremely close. So rounded this is a 10. At least if you love adventures you might agree with that.
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octo 2021-11-25
This game is so good that I played and finished it again, in 2021, and loved it. It's good that I forgot the puzzles too!
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grande316 2020-12-20
Although I did (briefly) play this on the Amiga when it was a new release, I'm more familiar with the PC version. Either way it's a 10/10, although it pains me to say Day Of The Tentacle is even better.
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mailman 2020-06-05
I have to admit that I played "Monkey Island" relatively late when it comes to my adventure with Amiga adventure games. For quite a long time I could not understand the phenomenon of this game. Things changed when I became quite adept in english. This game amazed me when I decided to give it a go. The humour, the riddles, the whole environment in which the game is set - all make it one of a kind. Ron Gilbert and his associates made a true piece of art that is everlasting.
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Deist 2018-09-17
Still 21 who voted 1% to this!
Can't such people even ask themselves sth as simple as: If you just hate adventure/P&C games, does your opinion really matter here? (Hint: No, it doesn't)

Voted 10 myself, and I'd have gone Spinal Tap on that one (ie. "All the way to 11" ) if I could...
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IceAlchemist 2018-07-24
Quite simply this together with its sequel and Beneath a Steel Sky were my favorite adventure games of the time. Although the sequel had better graphics this was always my favorite.

It takes you on a whimsical journey filled with great humor and characters. A true classic!
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gaff 2017-11-18
I've tried it x times but never get into it. Looks great and funny, but still point & click adventure for children. In contrast with Dreamweb, which is not so clicking, much more brutal and much less for women.

Anyway, I'm going to give it last chance
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ScartDeluxe 2016-03-15
What an incredible experience this is. So polished it shimmers. A timeless classic, and a celebration of the only good kind of piracy. Fantasy pirates! Yar! How about a CD32 version Ron? Mr Huelsbeck?
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mapo 2015-06-03
Amazing game but the second part of the series beats in graphics-sound-game size and overall gameplay. The graphics were not so good converted from the PC version. That said, this is a must for adventure players.
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Arsace 2015-01-04
Ok, I am more and more convinced that this is an Amiga classic, I've confronted the St version and the Pc one, but the Amiga version is the best and the intro music is fantastic, best arrangement
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Voight-Kampff 2013-09-15
Fantastic adventure! I played every adventuregame i could get y hands on as a kid, and the monkey island series was among the best. Playing it now I'm wondering where all the Music and soundeffects went, but it's still brilliant!
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Stan Jr 2012-06-10
This is quite simply the greatest game ever made for the Amiga (and most other platforms). It isn't just the incredible immersion that the storyline offers, or the quality of the graphics, or the brilliance of the music, or the unparalleled characterisation - it is the complete experience of playing it.

Take the third screenshot down on this page. There is Guybrush on the wooden bridge with a wooden building behind him. There are bright windows in that building and I can remember wondering what was happening inside when I first played this game. The fact that you can't actually get inside and see didn't really matter. It was that this game provided a level of immersion that I had never experienced before in a game.

Anybody who doesn't like this game, simply can't comprehend what a true adventure game is all about. If it isn't your cup of tea then that is fine, some of my best friends didn't particularly like it either. Each to their own. But if you are an adventure gamer then this can only be on the top of your list.

I can't praise The Secret of Monkey Island highly enough. It revolutionised my gaming experience and nothing I have played since has matched the feeling I got when I first played it. 10/10
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PortugueseWarrior 2012-05-23
Over what? This is a monumental achievement and one of the best Amiga games EVER! A definitive must have for any Amiga aficionado.
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Isvenger 2011-11-09
Great game but overrated... Amiga games were more than this PC cartoon movie games...
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ReTroViRuS 2011-02-20
Looking back on the first entry of the Monkey Island series, I fondly remember how gritty things still were: You get to talk to a severed head that wears an eyeball necklace, discover a rotting corpse hanging from a tree, and get captured by cannibals who actually eat people - and not tofu and vegetables.
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Aurigon 2010-12-07
To all those who think this masterpiece can't actually be finished without some walkthrough, I will say this: I started playing it when I was only 8 (1992), and it got me so hooked I could barely stop.
Its many puzzles could be solved both through logic and proceeding by trial and error. Of course, this was not a game for arcade lovers: it required a bit of application and resolve, but the more difficult a puzzle was, the more rewarding the game proved to be once you got through. Puzzles didn't make the game hard, they made it fascinating. Such is how things were back in those days. We had totally different perspectives.
Honestly I've never known how to get past those piranha poodles, and only discovered what that rubber chicken (with a pulley in the middle) was intended for in 2000 or so, when my late lamented A500 had already started to fade away, but I'm still to renew my commitment to this game by beating it on either WinUAE or Cloanto's Amiga Forever.
It's not an impossible game, it's only impossible for it to ever be forgotten.
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Phantom 2010-12-04
One of the all time greats, spent ages playing this and the sequel. Completed the first three without the aid of a walk-through but I think my wife's lack of patience is wearing off on me. Rarely do I spent the length of time to play games any more and often resort to walk-throughs. The HD remakes are good but have lost a lot of charm in the process and I think the music is better on the Amiga versions.
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Lord_Maletoth 2010-08-19
Another great Lucasfilm adventure, and the best Monkey Island chapter. I managed to complete most of it, just couldn't guess how to pic Le Chuck's key in the ghost ship (that damned magnetic compass!). Humour and demented situations are enough to make this title another huge classic in the prestigious tradition of graphic adventures.
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Patarival 2010-07-21
This was the game I finally bought my 1 MB upgrade!

Was it worth it? Oh yes, yes and yes!! The first Monkey Island game is still not only one of the best adventure games but one of the games. Period. Ever.

The truth is, however, that I would recommend the PC VGA CD version (playable with ScummVM) as that is - in my opinion - technically the best version.

Or buy the remake which adds higher resolution graphics and superb voice overs (but also, loses a tiny bit of it's charm).
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Eiji 2010-01-30
This game rocks! Played Monkey Island SE on PC! Speech is great, dialogues are fantastic! Location, puzzles and NPC are weird! Just incredible! Now i understand, why this game is Top of all Times here on Lemonamiga!
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Masterblaster 2010-01-20
The adventure game that defined the genre! The gfx, the music, the humour, the puzzles, the plot, everything is great!
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Meditation Guru 2010-01-03
These click adventure games really aren't my thing really, however I can still appreciate a very good game which this without a doubt is. It's a very extensive and large game with a huge amount of scenery and locations to explore. I'm not the sort of gamer which would have been able to complete this without a guide and help though, and I find it hard to believe anyone ever could. Some of the puzzles will leave you wondering how anyone could make the links and put everything together to solve them. The story and plot is my favourite part of this game though. It's very very good although the ending is rather quite predictable.
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king_of_pain 2009-06-21
Great game! And its comin to xbla (xbox live arcade) soon to. Def gonna play it again then!
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lifeschool 2009-05-20
Very addictive, very funny, and often infuriatingly simple puzzles that will drive you crazy. On par with Monkey 2.
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BusterB 2009-04-11
Played it again a few years ago. Still fantastic!
I actually wish my memory could be wiped so I could enjoy the exploration and puzzle solving from scratch.
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lazarou 2009-03-03
As far as adventures go, it really never got any better than this. And doesn't look like it ever will again. A masterpiece of writing, gameplay and art direction, and to this day the greatest adventure game the world has yet seen.

Lovely job porting it to Amiga too, could put a few other devs I can think of to shame.
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Anding 2009-02-15
I just played the game for the first time in 2009. Great fun but some of the puzzles are more wacky than logical ;-) I'd have been lost without the cheat sheet... Did people really get to the end without any hints at all? Must have taken ages!
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scarydk 2009-01-30
This will forever be one of my favorites. Not beeing a native english speaker, it was deep in the Carribean I first had the chance to develop my english skills. Still today, almost 20 years on I can get the same rush playing the game and listening to its music. It's just an awesome game.
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Avinitlarge 2008-11-18
This has got to be the best game I have ever played. It seems to have so much atmosphere, Its fun to play and gets the grey matter working at the smae time. I bought this game when it 1st came out 17 or so years ago, I loved it then, I still love it now. I would rather play this game than play on the PS3 or Wii I have, Graphics are not everthing
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Scrawffler 2008-10-09
Gaming doesn't get much better than this, on any computer or console.

This is the very definition of an adventure game. Great graphics, awesome music, brilliantly-designed characters, amazing humour and some of the most memorable puzzles in gaming history.

If you are already a fan of point-and-click adventures, Monkey Island is an absolute must. Do not miss out on it. If you are not a fan of point-and-click adventures, well... This game might just get you into them!

And the replayability is remarkable. You don't just play this game, finish it and then forget about it. You go back and play it over and over again. A lot of this is down to the comedy side of it; LucasFilm Games/LucasArts have created some incredible games with great humour and jokes that'll actually make you laugh out loud, and Monkey Island is a fine example of this kind.

So what are you waiting for? Go. Play it. Now.
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Tiramarth 2008-08-23
I always think this is the best videogame in history! I really had a feeling with Guybrush and his world: I played it for years (I started at 5-6), without any solution, but with a school friend, both helping the other. I remember when I didn't know what kind of game an adventure was, and that I should save the game sometimes to finish it. Nope..I played a lot of times to the circus and Fettuccini brothers (was that the name?), then I always had to go, turning my Amiga off and restarting the story from the beginning as soon as I could. LOL
Yes, it was love..and I finished it only when I was 18 or so! (with solutions, because I was blocked onto LeChuck's ship..the end was near).

The best..10/10
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PiAnt 2008-07-26
Why would you possibly need a rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle?

To get to the other side of course.
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Vandalis 2008-06-15
Monkey Island is my favorite point and click adventure game. But i got stuck looking for the helmet xD ( I didnt see it in the kitchen lol). Until 5 years later when i got to play it again cos my amiga broke.
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Mancomb Seepgood 2008-04-03
Even after 17 years of its release this game still manages to make an emotional impact. This is something special. Something magically fairytale-like, reminding me of the time when I was still a kid.
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jhandt 2008-03-31
I liked that game. I was quite impressed by the LSD-type graphics/geometries. Still, it was somhow a little too "harmless/sweetish".
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spray 2008-02-28
This must be the most innovative and influencial adventure game ever. I completed it several times for fun's sake. Great story, great music, excellent dialogue... Superb!
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Zappa 2008-02-13
I just can't say that this game was the beginning af all, because this is a sentence that suits for Maniac Mansion or Zak, but MI was a GIANT breakthru for sure in adventure games, with SCUMM at its best... I never thought that Lucas would have done better with MI2...
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TheNavvie 2007-10-02
A genuine classic. A purely perfect mix of engrossing storytelling and entertaining gameplay. Every point 'n' click game sinse has been a poor pretender. This is the one and only.
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Steve Wilkins 2007-07-27
Summer 1991…

I’ll never forget that frustrating situation: I owned a brand-new Amiga 500, the game itself, but no 1 Meg-memory expansion – what a bother!

Because money had run out, I've had to wait a whole month, until I've bought this indispensable piece of hardware...

After installing it, I’ve inserted the boot disk in pleasant anticipation - then I’ve finally heard the sweet reggae sounds; saw the shapes of Melee Island...
...and finally head off to find ‘The Secret of Monkey Island’...

That 1 Meg expansion was one of the best investments in my whole life...
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jeffbaynard 2007-06-24
Possibly the most artistic expression ever seen in a video game. Ron Gilbert as legendary designer. 9/10 for me but easily a 10 overall.
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=^D Guy 2007-06-14
This is the best thing I ever seen and luckily played. This game is so good that in my ever-biased opinion is that everyone who thinks this game is a piece of crap is an "blind voting" idiot, or perhaps doesn't even try to do anything in the game.
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GoToMonkeyIsland 2007-06-08
When I think of this game, from its opening screen to the ending that I wish would never come, I think this is what my heaven would look like. I wish I could go to monkey island, meet everyone there, explore every endless and constantly changing corner. It's a warm, safe, magical place that is such a far cry from my sad and stressed out life today. I wish there was a hollo-deck I could use to go there. This is where I would retire, drinking grogg at the scumm bar with all the characters. I know this all sounds ridiculous, but this is what this game meant to me.

Sadly, each sequel was exponentially less and less good. They all grew more technically advanced, until they had the fully 3D Prince of Persia thing going, but the magic was long gone.

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Makke 2007-05-11
Playing Secret of Monkey Island always feels like returning home... You get that cozy warm, secure feeling inside, and you become a kid again.
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Yure 2007-05-07
This is a game you would like to play now and then even if you finished it thousands of times, just for the fun of it. Pure genius.
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Mechulus 2007-04-25
The game was fun and all, but I was let down by the ending. I won't give it away, but... "E-ticket?" - pfft...
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elend 2007-04-05
Words can't describe the genius behind that game. A superb story, a perfect translation into german and that awesome soundtrack. No doubt the Nr. 1.
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pottyboy 2007-03-02
The best adventure game ever written on any platform!

This game had me glued right to the end thanks to the superb puzzles and hilarious humour!
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Muggas 2006-11-01
Have played this one through so many times that I've lost count. Perfectly balanced and more engaging than anything else. Best adventure game ever, and by far the best Amiga game.
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bman 2006-10-15
Yeah, Monkey island. Crazy jokes, nasty puzzles, 100% pure fun to play. Unbeatable!
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quaver 2006-10-10
One small step for Lucasfilm, one giant leap for canine communication. Without a doubt a landmark with very well deserved love and praise. Laughed my ass off for hours playing this and ate its excellent predecessors for breakfast. I hope that the guys and gals involved still appreciate just what a wonder they created.
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Killbot 2006-09-06
Absolutely the best game on the Amiga. Ron Gilbert's classic adventure is structured brilliantly, with every puzzle being perfectly pitched in difficulty so that the game is never either overly easy or frustratingly obscure.

The writing, too, is inspired. Not a single joke falls flat in a script that puts to shame most comedy movies of recent years, and the characters Guybrush meets and the situations in which he finds himself are always entertaining. It all leads to that rarest of beasts - an adventure game with genuine replay value. Even once you know the solution off by heart you'll still come back occasionally simply because you want to meet Herman Toothrot, Stan, Lemonhead and the rest again.

The graphics are packed with character and atmosphere and the sound, although minimal, often raises a smile. And with the game squeezed onto a relatively svelte (for a point & clicker) four disks, even those using a standard Amiga with only one floppy drive wouldn't be overly troubled by requests for new disks (the only thing that spoiled the otherwise excellent sequel).

Monkey Island drips entertainment from every pore and frankly I can't think of a single thing wrong with it. The rubber tree, the three-headed monkey, the men of low moral fibre, rubber chickens with pulleys in the middle - if any of these mean anything to you you'll know why this has to score a maximum.

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squap 2006-07-28
Pure brilliance. Hours upon hours of fun back in the days when I had the time to devote to it! I remember a couple of days out sick from school where my brother and I made tremendous progress!
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a_three_headed_monkey 2006-07-13
The daddy of its genre. This is what point n' click adventure games are all about. An extremely well put together game with a funny, yet clever story & a superb, more refined version of Maniac Mansions SCUMM game engine. The vibrant colours, detailed sounds & colourful characters you meet along your quest make this title a joy to play. Possibly my favourite game of all time & in my opinion, still unrivalled by titles in its genre today!

Colourful but not quite as high a resolution as it's sequel.

SOUND 10/10
Absolutely superb!

Top notch!

A real mile stone in gaming. A work of art!
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The1-2-Beat 2006-06-21
They don't make game like this anymore. In fact this is probably the only one this good. Nice interface, challenging puzzles, hours of fun and those great jokes thrown in. What more could you ask for. Yar Har!
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zodiac 2006-06-01
Great game back in the day, but adventure games are dead these days and ought to be.
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z00mba 2006-05-04
This is sad but there is no other game like this one, not even it's successors...
For me this is the best game ever made in term of fun and story.
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Guybrush Threepwood 2006-03-03
This adventure game has everything. Great story, nice GFX (for back then), impressive music by Chris Huelsbeck although original was done by Micheal Land & Co. Simply a one of a kind & a game that would never disappoint, for me anyway. Just recently the theme to Monkey Island has been brought out as a trance tune by a group called Banana INC funnily enough. Its wierd listening to it as something else than the original, although Chris Huelsbeck's Turrican theme got released on Scooters last album, that was impressive.

Would love to see a Monkey Island film now, on the same lines as Pirates of the carribean - I could just see it now...
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EvilCensor 2006-01-15
Beautiful to look at and fun to play but it is an easy game for the experienced adventure player.

To be considered a primer for playing Sierra games like Space Quest 1 to 3
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Rocky1980 2006-01-02
What can you say about this game, its just the best the best no question. Back in the day if you had an Amiga you had this game, period no question. Hundreds of ours of game play , fantastic plot, super cool music. Even the graphics are super smart. This game must be just about the best game on the Amiga. This game and it sequel stand out as the best in classic point and click gaming
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stooart 2005-12-01
I have recently bought an old A1200 and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into this one again. The atmosphere was terrific as was the sense of humour. Mix this with a great storyline and some nifty little puzzles and you a classic adventure.
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Jack Coruso 2005-10-30
So you've just discovered adventure games and you want to play some. Stop right now and waist no time, this is where it begins followed by the amazing sequel.
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Jello 2005-08-12
The Secret of Monkey Island is one of the videogame history milestones.
First of all, it is the first "modern-concept" adventure game ever released. Not only it increase the flexibility and the comfort of the SCUMM system, but it make some other nice additions to the genre archetypes: there's no dead ends, the solution is not linear (there are a lot of mini-task that can be done in the order that you prefer) and the puzzles are perfectly logical in their apparently illogical resolutions, which takes fun of the classic adventure games puzzles and their ridiculously difficult concept.
Second, the script behind the story is pure genius: dialogues are smart, perfectly wrote, giving a real life to the characters. Guybrush Threepwood is the best avatar ever, with his perfectly defined temper and his companions ar not less.
Third, the variety of situations are incredible: The Secret of Monkey Island leaves you with an astonish expression on your face since the first minutes to the last credit screen.
Fourth, the atmosphere: a perfectly rended demential version of the 7th century Caribbean, amazing drawn with hot colours and wonderful comic style.
Last but not last, the great soundtrack, made by Michael Land and converted on AMIGA by Chris Huelsbeck.
An immortal masterpiece.
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TheGaffer 2005-08-03
The game that sent me down the dark path of Adventure gaming. Brilliantly written storyline and great sense of humour all combined with the innovative SCUMM system to create one of the legends of point and click gamery (is gamery a word I don't know?).
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BlueStar 2005-06-26
The best and most innovative adventure game at the time, and it still stands out as a great game. Lots of humor, great interface, challenging but not too difficult puzzles and, above all, a very great atmosphere. Everything just clicks here: the music, the graphics, the gameplay and the Guybrush! A must for any adventure player out there. LOOK BEHIND YOU, A THREE-HEADED MONKEY!
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ReTroViRuS 2005-06-17
The Secret of Monkey Island is an incredibly detailed and ingeniously crafted game. Among over one thousand games I have so far played in my lifetime, this is one of the ten games that impressed me the most. One of the seminal works in computer gaming history.
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Little Monkey Lost 2005-06-08
I was dissappointed of that stupid twist in a plot when a man at Monkey Island says that he did not use a ship because rules say that he must be rescued (the composer of music is by Michael Lang).
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Kai 2005-04-10
Until today one of my 3 most loved games ever! Fantastic atmosphere, gorgeous (title) music, beautiful story, great dialogues, very nice graphics, funny characters, great great gameplay (still LOVE the point-and-click controls!!!).
Overall: a perfect dream of a game, a masterpiece!!! (96%)
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kmarius 2005-03-22
It's in my top 10 Amiga games list. You could probably play this game today and still have problems turning off your computer.
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fluxman 2005-02-20
The PC CD version of this game released a few years ago (with CD quality conversions of the original PC midi music) is the best game ever. Check out if your interested in the games.
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Kriko 2005-02-12
One of the greatest games of all time, along with its first sequel. And for once the Amiga conversion was great (of course, there is the second PC version with 256 colours and CD-audio). It does lack a (small) layer of parallax scrolling in the governor's mansion, though.
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Lindopski 2005-02-11
One of the most amusing, playable and atmospheric adventure games ever, and a serious must have for anyone who owns an Amiga.
The first two monkey Island games are the very heights of the Lucasarts software catalogue which in my view dipped and fell after Monkey Island 2.
A swashbuckling charming chuckle fest from start to finish, a game which I will always have on my hard drive or in my disc box I have finished this hundreds of times and still go back to play it again.
If you don't have it go and get it now.
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jnk 2005-02-07
This must be the greatest game ever made. I love this game more than life itself.
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Shunichiro 2005-01-28
Classic of all classics. Funny, witty, mad, challenging and original. Who could come up with an insult-based swordsplay nowadays? No one, that's for sure! Amiga version feels like a proper Amiga game, not like a cheap PC port. Ah, these old adventures... Luckily we can still play them and not only to relive old memories but to be just as entertained by them as we were back then.
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Dastardly 2005-01-22
An real Amiga classic. Great story, great humour, great puzzles, great characters....great!
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spellbound 2004-12-27
The best adventure ever? No way, not to me. Don't get me wrong, I had great fun whilst playing this crazy game but for some reason I don't find it anymore special than "just another cool Lucas-adventure'". My best time ever adventure still is Zak Mckracken. I've at least worn out 1 joystick on that game. (c64 version) So I guess nothing else can top that, not even monkey island. Still I don't want to underrate this game, that's why I've rated it with a very cool 8!
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TWR 2004-12-23
Jo, ni har ju verkligen lyckats I CL och Royal League... Ha ha ha
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steef-online 2004-12-16
Monkey Islands!... That brings back memories! Together with Zak MacKracken this must be the best adventure EVER. Maybe this one is just better than Zak. The graphics are great, the soundtrack is SUPERB!, and really adds to the overwhelming atmosphere! The story is great with tons of humour along the way! The whole game is so incredibly original, with great great characters. I played the game again a few months ago and I loved it, again! Memories of hours and hours of time spent on this game in my youth! This one is better than its slightly disappointing (but still very good!) sequel (in my opinion).If you've never played this game, GET IT and PLAY IT...NOW! No excuses can justify any other action!

Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 10/10
Playability: 10/10

Overall: 10/10
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studio 2004-12-16
TWR Men å andra sidan har ju ni gnagare USEL smak. Lycka till I superettan!

The MI series is the best adv series ever!
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Roll8or 2004-12-11
One of the best games ever made. The humour, gameplay, music, everything
If you haven't played it yet - why?
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shteev 2004-12-08
Why are you not playing it now? In fact, why am *I* not playing it now? Excuse me...
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Ed W 2004-12-07
Brilliant, awesome, my favourite point and click adventure.

Also sadly responsible for much frustration during my university years. I bought the game from a boot sale in 1997. Got to monkey island after much effort - and it said insert disk 7 (or something) - I only had 6, so never saw the ending!!!
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DeAdLy_cOoKiE 2004-12-05
The icon of all adventure games. Extremely addictive and hilarious at times. Guybrush is a charming fella - I remember thinking that I wanted to be him when I played this game. I also remember eating coconuts when I finally set foot on Monkey Island ™.
A timeless classic, perhaps even the best of the series. Not to be missed.
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James Bond 2004-12-05
Great and funny game. "I'm Guybrush Threepwood and I want to be a pirate!" Play it. Now. Very fun game. The music is great - actually a lot better than the PC version.
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gorkur 2004-12-04
One of the best adventure games ever made, fun puzzles, great characters and brilliant humour. I always play through this one and MI2 LeChucks Revenge during Christmas.
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