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Arend Smilde s C. S. LEWIS pages<o:p>

C. S. Lewis-pagina s  van Arend Smilde<o:p>

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It is his glory that he did not move with the times; it is his reward that<o:p>

he now remains when those times, as all times do, have moved away.<o:p>

 C. S. Lewis on St Athanasius,  <o:p>

 On the reading of old books (1944)<o:p>



new ��  Politics in C. S. Lewis s Collected Letters �� new<o:p>

A 2024 sequel to  C. S. Lewis in Times of Trump <o:p>

 The devil about trying to write satire now-a-days is that reality constantly outstrips you. <o:p>

C. S. Lewis in times of Trump<o:p>

The instruction for Christians sent out among the wolves<o:p>

 A tour de force of good sense & Christians should indeed take note.
  Rowan Williams (September 2020)<o:p>

C. S. Lewis in The Spectator, 1920-1970<o:p>

How he wrote and was written about<o:p>

 We must get rid of our arrogant assumption that it is the masses who can be led by the nose.
IR  Readers who accept Mr. C. S. Lewis s tasty soothing syrup will be in for a rude awakening. <o:p>

How Heathen was Britain...<o:p>

...while C. S. Lewis was  transmitting Christianity ?<o:p>

 Nothing which was not in the teachers can flow from them into the pupils <o:p>

A Summary of The Abolition of Man<o:p>

Followed by a Brief Summary <o:p>

Ayn Rand on The Abolition of Man<o:p>

her private (yet published) marginalia<o:p>

 The  rational to him is blind faith! ... The abysmal scum! <o:p>

George Orwell on That Hideous Strength<o:p>

Review in Manchester Evening News, 16 August 1945 <o:p>

 We are within sight of the time when such dreams will be realisable <o:p>

J. B. S. Haldane on C. S. Lewis<o:p>

As Lewis has completed his science fiction trilogy, a great scientist hits back<o:p>

 His arguments seem to me to include many which definitely muddy the stream of human thought <o:p>

Alastair Fowler on C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Yale Review, October 2003<o:p>

 Of course he was bookish; hang it, he tutored in literature <o:p>

Mary Midgley on C. S. Lewis<o:p>

 A moral philosopher s opinion and reminiscences of CSL, as given in a private correspondence<o:p>

 Like good wine, he improves with time <o:p>

The Anscombe Affair<o:p>

What Lewis really did to Miracles: A scrutiny and presentation of primary sources<o:p>

A win-win game after all?<o:p>

 Mere Christianity <o:p>

Where Lewis found the phrase<o:p>

 And now Sir, I am sorry that you are not content with meer Christianity,<o:p>

and to be a Member of the Catholick Church ...
  Richard Baxter, 1680<o:p>

The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy<o:p>

A detailed summary of �tienne Gilson s Gifford Lectures 1931<o:p>

How Christianity  provided philosophers with more rational truth than they found in philosophy <o:p>

C. S. Lewis s Shorter Writings<o:p>

A survey of his shorter prose writings as published in collected editions (1939-2013);<o:p>

followed by alphabetical & chronological listings<o:p>

An integrated Table of Contents for C. S. Lewis s Collected Letters<o:p>

3,208 letters in three volumes, listed by date and by recipient s name<o:p>

A History of C. S. Lewis s Collected Shorter Writings, 1939-2000 <o:p>

With a 2015 postscript<o:p>

Why Lewis s shorter writings are still waiting the definitive,
comprehensive and lovingly attentive treatment they deserve

 The intellectual problem raised by suffering <o:p>

Assessing the philosophical weight of Lewis s first foray into Christian apologetics<o:p>

How Lewis was a Christian thinker<o:p>

Horrid Red Herrings<o:p>

C. S. Lewis and the  Argument from Desire <o:p>

 It is a remarkable fact that no canonical writer has ever used Nature to prove God. <o:p>

C. S. Lewis, St Jerome, and the Biblical Creation Story<o:p>

The likely background of a recurrent misattribution<o:p>

Long live (in)accuracy<o:p>

The Allegory of Love: a detailed summary<o:p>

Lewis s 1936 masterpiece on  the liberation of fantasy from its allegorical justification
condensed in 13,500 words<o:p>

 What the romantics learned from Spenser was something different from alle�gory;
but perhaps he could not have taught it unless he had been an allegorist.

C. S. Lewis and Baron von H�gel<o:p>

Echoes from a forgotten thinker<o:p>

 ... the soul, qua religious, has no interest in just simple unending existence & 
 & the source and object of religion & cannot be as clear to me even as I am to my dog.

Sweetly poisonous in a welcome way: Reflections on a Definitive Biography<o:p>

On A. N. Wilson s biography of C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Wild ideas about Lewis exposed by and in his biographer<o:p>

*with a Postscript (2009) *<o:p>

Critical Notes on Alister McGrath s biography of C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Including a review essay in Journal of Inklings Studies, April 2014<o:p>

 Aslan is not a tame lion, and we may doubt McGrath has succeeded in taming Lewis. <o:p>

The Writings of Joy Davidman Lewis (1915-1960)<o:p>

By Paul Leopold. The Bulletin of the New York C. S. Lewis Society, February 1983<o:p>

 The courage so celebrated in her writings appears to have been really hers <o:p>

A valuable addition to Studies in Words<o:p>

Logan Pearsall Smith s essay  Four Romantic Words (1925) <o:p>

Gollancz Memorial Prize 1937<o:p>

CSL s prizemanship reveals a cultural and scientific cornucopia<o:p>

 Great War Corrigenda<o:p>

Correction slip for The  Great War of Owen Barfield and C. S. Lewis (2015)<o:p>

C. S. Lewis in Poets Corner: Rowan Williams s Address<o:p>

Westminster Abbey, London, 22 November 2013<o:p>

 Lewis s interest in words and what they tell us about humanity, is one
reason ... to remember today the fact that we honour him in Poets Corner.

Notes on The Pilgrim s Regress<o:p>

Notes on The Problem of Pain<o:p>

Notes on The Screwtape Letters<o:p>

Notes on The Abolition of Man<o:p>

Notes on Out of the Silent Planet<o:p>

Notes on Perelandra<o:p>

Notes on That Hideous Strength<o:p>

Notes on Miracles<o:p>

Notes on Surprised by Joy<o:p>

Index to Surprised by Joy<o:p>

Notes on Reflections on the Psalms<o:p>

Notes on The Four Loves<o:p>

Notes on Letters to Malcolm<o:p>

Notes on 121 SHORTER WRITINGS<o:p>

A 13th-century portrait of C. S. Lewis<o:p>



C. S. Lewis Bibliography|Bibliografie van C. S. Lewis<o:p>

C. S. Lewis in Dutch |C. S. Lewis in het Nederlands<o:p>

Bibliography of Dutch Lewis translations, 1947 to the present<o:p>

Bibliografie van Nederlandse Lewis-vertalingen, 1947 tot heden<o:p>

Books on View|Boeken in beeld<o:p>

covers of Dutch C. S. Lewis translations, 1947-2019<o:p>

omslagen van Nederlandse Lewisvertalingen, 1947-2019<o:p>



               DUTCH ONLY | NEDERLANDS               <o:p>


Levensloop van C. S. Lewis in jaartallen<o:p>

Autonomie wordt ouderwets<o:p>

Notities bij mijn zoveelste herlezing van De afschaffing van de mens<o:p>

Op en achter de zegekar<o:p>

C. S. Lewis en Reijer Hooykaas over Francis Bacon en de Wetenschappelijke Revolutie<o:p>

Ken je Klassieken: C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Gastcollege voor de Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, 16 januari 2017<o:p>

Paas & Peels en C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Een Lewisiaans commentaar op God bewijzen (2013) van Stefan Paas en Rik Peels


in mijn EIGEN Lewis-vertalingen<o:p>

De Socratic Club, toen  en nu?
Een vergelijking met het werk van ForumC in Nederland anno 2012<o:p>

Bij de verschijning van twee Lewis-vertalingen, 1 maart 2007<o:p>

Waarom C. S. Lewis schreef zoals hij schreef<o:p>

Lewis, Tolkien en de Gollancz-connectie<o:p>

 Chemie tussen alfa s en bta s<o:p>

Het raadsel der leesbaarheid<o:p>

A. N. Wilson over C. S. Lewis<o:p>

Radicale verlichting of radicale verduistering?<o:p>

Het hoofdstuk over C. S. Lewis in de bundel Conservatieve vooruitgang (2010)<o:p>

o.r.v. Thierry Baudet en Michiel Visser

Lewis als  conservatieve denker <o:p>

blog voor www.protestant.nl, augustus 2010<o:p>

Een dikke Duitse dissertatie<o:p>

recensie van
Norbert Feinendegen, Denk-Weg zu Christus:
C. S. Lewis als kritischer Denker der Moderne

C. S. Lewis in Duitsland<o:p>

recensie van
Wahrheit und Selbst�berschreitung
, hrsg.
M�llenbeck & Wald (2009)<o:p>

  over C. S. Lewis en Josef Pieper<o:p>

Lewis op zijn best<o:p>

Een bespreking van zijn sciencefiction-trilogie<o:p>

Samenvatting van The Allegory of Love (1936)<o:p>

Samenvatting van De afschaffing van de mens (The Abolition of Man, 1943)<o:p>

Samenvatting van An Experiment in Criticism (1961)<o:p>

Recensie van All My Road Before Me (1991)<o:p>

Recensie van C. S. Lewis: A Companion and Guide (1996)<o:p>

Recensie van Collected Letters of C. S. Lewis (2000-2006)<o:p>



webmaster:  AREND SMILDE   Utrecht, The Netherlands, e-mail smilde#lewisiana.nl (# = @)<o:p>