MsC343 (original) (raw)

MsC 343

Manuscript Register


Collection Dates: 1933 -- 1975

32 linear ft.

This document describes a collection of materials held by the Special Collections Department University of Iowa Libraries
Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1420
Phone: 319-335-5921
Fax: 319-335-5900

Posted to Internet: February 1998

Acquisition Note: These papers were donated to the University of Iowa Libraries in 1976 by Lillian Baldwin.

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research**.**

Photographs: Boxes 32 and 33

Ephemera: Leaflets Box 21; Leaflets, broadisdes, pamphlets Box 27

Audio Material: Box 34

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:� Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections: The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Table of Contents

[Biographical Note](#BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE)

[Scope and Contents](#SCOPE AND CONTENTS)

[I. Series One](#SERIES I. GENERAL SUBJECT FILES) -- General Subject Files

Boxes 1 - 11

[II. Series Two](#SERIES II. SPEECHES) -- Speeches

Boxes 12 - 14

[III. Series Three](# SERIES III. CIO-POLITICAL ACTI) -- CIO Political Action Committee (CIO - PAC)

Boxes 15 - 17

[IV. Series Four](#SERIES IV. NATIONAL CITIZENS PO) -- National Citizens Political Action Committee (NPAC)

Boxes 18 - 19

[V. Series Five](#SERIES V. PROGRESSIVE CITIZENS) -- Progressive Citizens of America (PCA)

Boxes 20 - 23

[VI. Series Six](#SERIES VI. PROGRESSIVE PARTY) -- Progressive Party

Boxes 24 - 28

[VII. Series Seven](#SERIES VII. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF) -- U.S. Department of Agriculture

Boxes 29 - 31

[VIII. Series Eight](#SERIES VIII. PHOTOGRAPHS) -- Photographs

Boxes 32 - 33

[IX. Series Nine](#SERIES IX. TAPE RECORDINGS) -- Tape Recordings

Box 34

[X. Series Ten](#SERIES X. NEWSCLIPPINGS) -- Newsclippings

Box 35 - 64

[XI. Series Eleven](# XI. SCRAPBOOKS) -- Scrapbooks

Biographical Note

Calvin Benham "Beanie" Baldwin was born on August 19, 1902, in Radford, Virginia. He attended the Virginia Polytechnical Institute from 1920 to 1923. For the next five years he worked for the Norfolk and Western Railroad. In 1929, Baldwin became the manager and owner of the Electric Sales and Service Company in East Radford, Virginia.

With the advent of the New Deal, Baldwin became the assistant to the Secretary of Agriculture, Henry A. Wallace. He first worked with the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and then for the Resettlement Administration. In 1937, the Resettlement Administration changed its name to the Farm Security Administration (FSA). In 1940, Baldwin took over the administration of the FSA. This controversial program distributed low interest loans to small farmers and encouraged cooperatives. Critics charged both the FSA and Baldwin with trying to "communize American agriculture".

A supporter of the New Deal's most radical programs, C.B. Baldwin favored national health insurance, guaranteed jobs for the poor, and expanded federal housing. As attacks mounted by conservative factions became more and more frequent, he left government service in 1943 to work with the Congress of Industrial Organizations' Political Action Committee (CIO-PAC). In that capacity, he worked to secure the labor vote for Roosevelt. In 1945, CIO-PAC founded the National Citizens Political Action Committee (NCPAC). It was a liberal lobby whose membership included Communists. Baldwin became its executive vice-chairman and its driving force. Increasingly critical of Truman, Baldwin's NCPAC and other liberal organizations united to form the Progressive Citizens of America (PCA). Under Baldwin's political leadership, the PCA mounted a third party presidential challenge with nominee Henry A. Wallace, under the Progressive Party banner. At Wallace's request, Baldwin resigned his position as director of the PCA in January 1948, and became the campaign manager. Although they lost the 1948 election, Baldwin credited the campaign with moving Truman politically to the left. Baldwin remained the national secretary of the Progressive Party until its dissolution in 1955.

C.B. Baldwin died of cancer in 1975.

Scope and Contents

The papers of C.B. Baldwin consist of thirty-two linear feet of manuscripts dating from 1933 to 1975, documenting his career. Arranged in eleven separate series, the collection begins with a general subject file grouping. In these first eleven boxes are materials on Henry A. Wallace, the presidential elections of 1940 -- 1948 and 1960, civil rights, Farmers Union, and correspondence. The second series is made up of speeches given by Baldwin, Wallace, and others. The third set consists of CIO-PAC materials, such as membership lists, news releases, memos, and publicity. Next is the National Citizens Political Action Committee (NCPAC) grouping. It contains notes from trips, publicity, and correspondence. Series five is made up of Progressive Citizens of America (PCA) documents. There are meeting minutes, leaflets, foreign policy papers, and information about state chapters.

The next group is titled Progressive Party. It is composed of papers from various conventions, fact sheets, and platform statements. The seventh series consists of three boxes relating to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It primarily documents Baldwin's service with the Farm Security Administration (FSA). The last four sections are respectively: photographs, tape recordings, newsclippings, and scrapbooks. There are photographs of such notables as Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Paul Robeson, Fiorello LaGuardia, Henry Morganthau, and Henry A. Wallace. The tape recordings include interviews and Baldwin's memorial service. There are twenty-nine boxes of newsclippings. These are arranged chronologically with some subject folders on such topics as the Progressive Party, PCA, and Henry Wallace. The eleventh and final series consists of three volumes of scrapbooks dating from 1945 to 1948.

Important correspondence can be found throughout the entire collection. There are letters from: Will W. Alexander, Paul H. Appleby, Charlotta A. Bass, Elmer A. Benson, Anita McCormick Blaine, Jo Davidson, W.E.B. Dubois, Elinor Gimbel, Vincent W. Hallinam, Robert E. Hannegan, Moss Hart, Lyndon B. Johnson, Frank Kingdon, Fiorello LaGuardia, Fulton Lewis, Vito Marcantonio, Henry Morgenthau, Dorothy Parker, James G. Patton, Claude Pepper, Gifford Pinchot, Eslanda and Paul Robeson, Franklin D. and Eleanor Roosevelt, Fred W. Stover, Glen Taylor, Theodore O. Thackrey, Rexford G. Tugwell, Henry A. Wallace, and Alexander F. Whitney.

The Libraries also have the following related collections:

Papers of Lewis Crown Frank.
Papers of Stetson Kennedy.
Papers of Hugh C. MacDougall.
Papers of Fred Stover.
Records of the Progressive Party.

Series 1. General Subject Files

Box 1

Appleby, Paul. 1942.

Arizona Wallace for President Committee. 1948.

Atomic Energy. 1945 - 1946.

Baker, John. 1943.

Baldwin, C.B.:

----Address Book.

----Appointment to Administrator of Farm Security Administration, 1940.

----Appointment to Area Director of Economic Operations for Italy, 1943. (3 folders)

----Correspondence, 1939 - 1975. Including letters from: A. Stevenson, G. McGovern,and E. Benson. (2 folders)

Box 2

Baldwin, C.B. (cont.):


--------MA, MI, MN, MT, MO, Personal, PA, 1937 - 1946.

--------CA, N.D., N.Y., WI, 1944 - 1946.

--------Democratic National Committee, 1944 - 1946.

--------Letter to C. Holifield, Dec. 22, 1947.

--------Letter to PM Reprinted in The Nation. Dec. 28, 1947.

--------“Open Letter To President Truman” Reprinted in New Republic, 1945.

--------Churchman Award Dinner, 1945.

--------Dinner Invitations, 1944 - 1952. Including letters from D. Parker.

--------Farewell Dinner -- New Orleans Restaurant, 1943.

--------Fiftieth Birthday Dinner, 1952: Including letters from E. Benson:

------------Arrangements, 1952. Including a letter from W.E.B. DuBois.

------------Regrets, 1952.

Box 3

Baldwin, C.B. (cont.):

----Interviews, 1965 - 1968.

----Obituaries, 1975

----Old Westbury Lectures, 1971 - 1974.

----Political Profiles, 1943 - 1975.

----Sponsoring Activities and Memberships. 1947-1948.

Baldwin, C.B. and Elmer Benson -- Washington Appointments, May 1945.
Benson, Elmer:

----Correspondence, May-Nov. 1945. (3 folders)

----Benson Reception -- Washington, 1945. Including a letter from G. Pinchot.

Blaine, Anita McCormick, 1947 - 1949.

Box 4

Blaine, Anita McCormick, 1948 - 1950. Including letters from H.A. Wallace.

Cable to French Political Leaders, re: Wallace Visit, 1947.

Committees, 1944.

Civil Rights Rally, 1949 - 1950. Including mimeograph speeches and letters from: H.A.

Wallace, W.E.B. DuBois, and P. Robeson.

Chapin, Henry. "The Independent Voter Wants In", 1944.

Conference of Independent Groups, 1946.

Conference of Progressives:

--------Chicago Meeting. 1946.

--------Continuation Committee, 1946. Including letters from P. Robeson and F.LaGuardia.

--------Coordinating Committee Meeting, 1946.

--------Washington, D.C. Meeting, 1947.

Conference on Housing -- Buenos Aires, 1939.

Congress of Progressives -- Designation of Committee on Action Meeting, 1946.

Congressional Hearings, 1942 -1945.

Box 5

Daniels, Jonathan, 1973.

Delaware Wallace for President Committee.

Democratic National Convention, 1944.

Downes, Olin, 1948 - 1952. Including a letter from H.A. Wallace.

Durr, Virginia, 1945 - 1951.

Economic Notes -- Labor Research Association, 1955.

Election of 1940.

Election of 1944. Letters of Congratulations.

Election of 1948.

Election of 1960.

Fair Employment Practices Committee, 1944 - 1945. Including a letter from E. Roosevelt.

Farmers Union:

----1944 - 1945.

----Album, 1935 - 1939. Including letters from F.D. Roosevelt and H.A. Wallace.

The First Round. Thank-you Letters, 1945. Including letters from: L.B. Johnson, J.W. Gwynne, and K.M. LeCompte.

Foreign Economic Administration -- Proposed Organization, 1943.

France, Clemens J., 1943.

Hannegan, Robert, 1946 - 1947.

Inaugural Invitation List, 1944.

Independent Citizens Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions -- National Citizens

Political Action Committee (ICCASP - NCPAC). Joint Convention, 1946.

Box 6

ICCASP - NCPAC. Merger of Budgets, 1946.


----Coordinating Committee, 1946.

----Coordinating Meeting, 1946.

Independent Progressive Party of California:

----1947 - 1948. Including speeches of H.A. Wallace.

----Correspondence, 1951 - 1954.

Independent Voters of Minnesota, 1947. Including a photograph of a Wallace Rally.

Jackson, Gardner, 1938 - 1940.

Lewis, Fulton Jr., 1950.

Luscomb, Florence. "Progressive Movements and What They Did To Me", 1957.

Miscellaneous Pamphlets, 1943 - 1953.

National Committee to Abolish the Poll Tax, 1945.

National Farmers Union, 1951 - 1952.

National Wallace for President Committee. 1947 - 1948. Including speeches of: H.A. Wallace and K. Van Orden. (3 folders)

Box 7

National Wallace for President Committee (cont.):

----Administration Committee, 1948.

----Chicago, 1948.

----Executive Committee, 1947

----Invitations and Replies, 1948.

----Press, 1948.

----Steering Committee, 1948.

"The New Deal-It Worked" -- Graphs.

Nonpartisan Association For Franchise Education, Inc., 1945.

Olson, Orville, 1945 - 1946.

Peace Committees and Conferences, 1946.

People's Progressive Party of Florida, 1948.

Box 8

Press Editorials, 1948.



----The Frederick - Clinton Report, 1948.

Radio, TV, Press, 1952.

Robeson, Eslanda and Paul, 1950 - 1952.

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1940 - 1959. Including letters from G. Pinchot.

Roosevelt Campaign, 1944. (4 folders)

Roosevelt Memorials, 1945 - 1947.

Senate Hearing On Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures, 1942. Baldwin Testimony.

Box 9

Stalin -- A Copy of an Open Letter From H.A. Wallace To Stalin, 1948.

Taylor, Glenn H.

Thackrey, Theodore O.:


----Daily Compass, 1951-1952.

Thatcher, M.W.:

----1936 - 1974.

----Correspondence. 1938 - 1975. Including a letter from E. Benson.

----Interview by C.B. Baldwin, 1965.

Truman, President Harry S., 1945.

Tugwell, Rexford G., 1937 - 1943.

Box 10

Tugwell, Rex. Farewell Dinner, 1937.

Union For Democratic Action, 1944.

United Citizens Council, 1945.

W. Organization, 1949 - 1950.

Wallace, Henry A.:

----1944-1965. (5 folders)

----Fact Sheet On Independent Candidacy.

----International Forum Tour, 1949.

----Letter To President Truman Reprinted in New Republic, Sept. 30, 1946.

Box 11

Wallace, Henry A. (cont.):

----Letter To H.A. Wallace. List of Signers.

----Luncheons, 1947. Including letters from V. Marcantonioand E. Kefauver.

----Nomination for Secretary of Commerce, 1945.

----Peace Tour, 1949.

----Scroll, 1947. Including letters from: L. Adamic, R. Tugwell, E. Benson, F. LaGuardia, F. March, A. Copland, J. Davidson, F. Kindon, H. Keller, H. Morgan, and M. Bethune. (2 folders)

----Tours, 1947 - 1948.

----Western Trip, 1947 - 1948. ( 2 folders)

Walsh, J. Raymond, 1947.

Washington and You. Newsletter, 1955.

Washington (D.C.) Committee For Wallace, 1948.

Whitney, A.F., 1946.

Series II. Speeches

Box 12

Baldwin, C.B., 1944 - 1953. (4 folders)

Bass, Charlotta, 1952.

Hallinan, Vincent, 1952.

Marcantonio, Vito, 1952.

Miscellaneous, 1944 - 1945.

Roosevelt, Franklin D., September 23, 1944.

Wallace, Henry A., May - September 1947.

Box 13

Wallace, Henry A., October 1947 - September 1948. Including letters from H.A. Wallace. (5 folders)

Box 14

Wallace, Henry A., October 1948 - 1950. Including letters from H.A. Wallace. (5 folders).
Speeches and Correspondence -- Unidentified Fragments.

Series III. CIO-Political Action Committee (CIO-PAC)

Box 15

1944 - 1946.

Battle Page Material, 1944.

CIO Membership Lists, 1943 - 1945.

Dies Committee, 1944.

Election (1944) et seq. 1944 - 1945. Including letters from G. Pinchot.

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1944.

Financial Information, 1944.

Grant Case, 1944.

Inter-Office Memos, 1944 - 1945. (2 folders)

Labor, 1944 - 1945

Leaflets, Pamphlets and Broadsides, 1943 - 1946.

Box 16

Leaflets, Pamphlets and Broadsides, 1943 - 1946.

Legalities of Political Contributions, 1943 - 1944.

Meeting, April 5, 1945.

Membership and Mailing Lists, 1944 - 1949.

News Releases, December 1943 - November 1944. Including a photograph of T.E. Dewey, L. Weinstock and M.J. Quill in 1937. (2 folders)


Opinion Polls, 1944.

Pamphlet No. 2. Acknowledgments, 1944.


----1944 - 1945.

----Detailed Qualifications, 1944.

----Letters of Recommendation, 1943 - 1945.

----Recommended for PAC and Other Appointments, 1944 - 1945. Including a letter from E. Benson.

Platforms, 1944.

Posters, 1944.

Box 17


----1944 - 1945. (2 folders)

----Against PAC, 1944 - 1945. Including photographs of opposition billboard advertising.

Racial Issues, 1944.

Radio, 1944. (2 folders)

Speakers Manual, 1944.

Stamps "Votes Are Weapons on the Home Front".

Voter Registration, 1944.

Washington, D.C., 1944 - 1945.

Women's Division, 1944.

Write Today. Newsletter, 1944.

Series IV. National Citizens Political Action Comittee (NCPAC)

Box 18

1945 - 1948. (2 folders)

Action Required, 1945.

Action Memo, 1946.

Administrative Committee, 1945 - 1946.

Benson and Baldwin Trip:

----Addresses For Mailing List, 1945.

---Appointments, 1945.

----Expenses, 1945.

----Letters Sent Before Trip, 1945.

----People Contacted, 1945.

----Report, 1945.

Benson and Baldwin Trips To:

----Bismarck, North Dakota, 1945.

----California, 1945. Including a manuscript from E. Benson.

----Denver, Colorado, 1945.

----Helena, Montana, 1945.

----Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1945.

----Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1945.

----Oregon and Washington, 1945.

----St. Louis, Missouri, 1945.

----Salt Lake City, Utah, 1945.

Box 19

By-laws, 1946.

Contributions, 1944.

Correspondence, 1945 - 1946.

Executive Committee, 1944 - 1945. Including a letter from G. Pinchot.

Leaflets, Broadsides and Pamphlets, 1943 - 1946. Including Roosevelt campaign songs.

National Executive Committee Membership. 1944 - 1945.

News Releases, 1944 - 1946. (3 folders)

Political Candidate Endorsements, 1945 - 1949. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Political Guide: The Journal of Political Action Techniques, 1945-1946.

Program, 1945.

Publicity, 1944 - 1945.

Radio FM, 1945 - 1946.

Religious Associates, 1946 - 1948.

Statement, Dec. 5, 1945.

Steering Committee:

----1945 - 1946.

----Minutes, 1945 - 1946.

Series V. Progressive Citizens of America (PCA)

Box 20

Administration Committee, 1947.

Background. Newsletter, 1947.

Board and State Directors Meeting, Chicago, 1947.

Board Meetings, 1946 - 1948. (2 folders)

By-laws, 1947.

Chicago Stadium Mass Meeting, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Coal Miners' Meeting, 1947.

Connecticut Chapter, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Crisis Meeting, March, 1947. Including speeches of J. Davidson and H.A. Wallace.

Dinner for Henry Wallace, 1947. Including a speech of H. A. Wallace.

Domestic Policy, 1947.

Box 21

Executive Committee:

----1947 - 1948.

----Meeting, Dec. 15, 1947.

----Meeting Notes in Shorthand, 1947 - 1948.

Fact Sheets, 1947.

Foreign Policy, 1947.

Leaflets, Pamphlets and Broadsides, 1947.

Lobby Day, 1947.

Maryland Chapter, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Massachusetts Chapter, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace and photographs.

Box 22

Military Lend Lease Program for Greece and Turkey, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

New Jersey Independent Citizens League, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace and a photograph of H. Wallace, A. Einstein, P. Robeson and F. Kingdon.

New York State Chapter, 1947 - 1948.

Officers, 1947 - 1948.

Pennsylvania Chapter, 1947. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Press Releases, 1947.

Program, 1946.

Progressive Counter - Attack Rally, 1947. Including speeches of P. Robeson and L. Horne.

Report On PCA and NCPAC Activities, 1947.

Resignations, 1946 - 1948. Including a letter from J. Davidson.

Box 23

Rhode Island Chapter, 1946 - 1948.

Second National Convention. 1948. Including a speech of H.A. Wallace.

Program, 1948

Southern California Chapter, 1947. Including a speech of K. Hepburn.

State Committees, 1945 - 1948.

Wilson (Luke) Memoranda and Correspondence from Washington D.C., 1947 - 1948.

PCA and Progressive Party -- Correspondence, 1944 - 1951. Including letters from H.A. Wallace and M. Hart.

Series VI. Progressive Party

Box 24

Administration Committee, 1948 - 1952. (2 folders)

Budget for Abundance, 1950.

Civil rights, 1949.

Comments on National Candidacies, 1952.

Founding Convention:

---1948. Including campaign songs. (3 folders)

----Committees, 1948.

----Platform, 1948.

----Press Accreditation Materials, 1948.

----Press Releases, 1948.

Box 25

Founding Convention (cont.):

----Proceedings -- Sessions 1-3, 1948.

----Proceedings -- Sessions 4-5, 1948.

----Speeches, 1948. Including speeches of: H.A. Wallace, R. Tugwell, F. Stover, J. Gitt, C.P. Howard, G. Taylor, C.B. Baldwin, and E. Benson.

Second Convention, 1950:

----Mimeo Letters and Press Releases, 1950.

----Preliminary Arrangements, 1950.

----Program, 1950.

----Resolutions Committee, 1950.

----Speeches, 1950. Including speeches of W.E.B. DuBois, E. Benson, E. Gimbel, H.A. Wallace, and P. Robeson.

Third Convention:

----1952. Including campaign songs.

----Committees, 1952.

----Delegate's Kit, 1952.

----Floor Plans, 1952.

Box 26

Third Convention (cont.):

----Interviews, 1952.

----Panels, 1952.

----Part of the Proceedings, 1952.

----Platform, 1952:

--------Accepted Resolutions, 1952.

--------Rejected Amendments, 1952.

--------Special Resolutions, 1952.

----Preliminary Arrangements, 1952.

----Press Releases, 1952.

----Speeches. 1952. Including speeches of: V. Marcantonio, W.E.B. DuBois, P. Robeson, C. Bass, Vivian Hallinan, 1952; E. Robeson.

----State Directors' Memos, 1952.

----Statements and Fact Sheets, 1952.

Correspondence with the White House, 1951 - 1955.

Dissolution, 1955.

Election Material, 1951 - 1952.

Executive Committee, 1948 - 1949.

Fact Sheets, 1949, 1951. (2 folders)

Box 27

Financial Information, 1947 - 1952.

Korea, 1948 - 1952.

Leaflets, Broadsides and Pamphlets, 1948 - 1949, 1951 - 1954. Including campaign songs, 1952). (2 folders).

Legislative Bulletin, 1953 - 1954.

McGarran - Wood Bill, 1950.

Mundt Bill, 1948 - 1950.

National Committee:

----Correspondence. 1952.

----Meetings Minutes. 1948.

Box 28

National Committee (cont.):

----Meeting Minutes, 1948 - 1955 (4 folders)

----Officers and Members, 1948 - 1951.

National Conference On Jobs and Economic Crisis, Cleveland, 1949.

National Subcommittee on the Negro Vote, 1949 - 1950.

Newsletters, 1951 - 1952.

Peace, 1950 - 1955. Including a letter from P. Robeson.

Platform, 1948.

Platform and Campaign, 1952.

Press, 1950.

Radio, 1948 - 1950.

Rules of Organization, 1948.

State Organization, 1949 - 1950.

Washington State, 1951 - 1952.

Series VII. U.S. Department of Agriculture

Box 29

CD of the memos in Box 29

Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1933. Personnel.

C.B. Baldwin Memoranda, 1935 - 1936.

Combined Food Board Meeting, 1943.

Farm Security Administration, 1937 - 1942. Including letters from F.D. Roosevelt and L.B. Johnson. (5 folders)

Box 30

CD of the contents of Box 30

Farm Security Administration (cont.):

----1943 - 1945. Including letters from F.D. Roosevelt. (3 folders)

----Annual Reports, 1941 - 1947.

----Conference at Capon Springs, 1940.

----Congratulatory Letters, 1933 - 1943.

----Documentary Photography Program.

----Legislation, 1937 - 1941.

----National Defense Migration Hearing, 1941 - 1942.

Box 31

CD of the contents of Box 31

Farm Security Administration (cont.):

----Personal, 1936 - 1943.

----Personnel, 1933 - 1943.

----Regional and District Supervisors, 1943 - 1944.

Farmers Home Administration, 1965.

Resettlement Administration:

----1933 - 1936. Including letters from: H. Morgenthau Jr., H.A. Wallace, and F.D. Roosevelt. (2 folders)

----Report and Recommendations on Key Positions, 1935 - 1936.

Series VIII. Photographs

Box 32



----Election Night, 1948.

----First Black U.S. Senators.

----Miscellaneous Duplicate Photographs.

----Buenos Aires Housing Conference -- U.S. Delegation, 1939.

----Democratic National Convention, 1944.

----Farm Conference, Chicago, 1948.

----Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions (ICCASP).

----Keep America Free Rally. 1974.

----Miscellaneous Wallace Groups. 1948.

----National Federation of Grain Cooperatives, Washington. 1965.

----National Citizens Political Action Committee (NCPAC).

----National Wallace For President Committee Conference, Chicago, 1948.

----National Wallace For President Headquarters, 1948.

----National Conference of Social Work, Atlantic City, NJ, 1948.

----Political Workshop -- Co-Chairmen.

----Rent Control Delegation, Albany, NY, 1947.

----Progressive Citizens of America (PCA):


--------Art, Sciences and Professions Division Luncheon, Seattle, WA.

--------Chicago, 1947.

--------Founding Convention, 1946.




-------Washington School For Political Action.

-----Progressive Party:

--------Candidates, 1948 - 1952.

--------Conventions, 1948:

------------Founding Convention, Chicago.

------------Second Convention, Philadelphia.

--------State Organizations, 1947 - 1948:

------------Independent Progressive Party of Nevada, 1948.

------------Peoples Party of Connecticut, 1947 - 1948.


------------Massachusetts, 1948.

------------Michigan, 1948.

------------Missouri, 1948.

------------New Jersey, [1948?]

------------Ohio, 1948.


------------Texas, 1948.

------------Washington, 1948.


----A -- P:

--------Alexander, Will.

--------Baldwin, C.B.

--------Bass, Charlotta.

--------Bowles, Chester. Dinner, 1946.

--------Davidson, Jo.

--------Downes, Olin.

--------DuBois, W.E.B., 1952.

--------Durr, Virginia.

--------Hallinan, Vincent and Vivian, 1952.

--------Hellman, Lillian.

--------Hillman, Sidney.

--------Imbrie, James.

--------LaGuardia, Fiorello.

--------Lamont, Corliss.

--------Marcantonio, Vito, 1948.

--------Meade - Lehman Dinner, 1946.

--------Morgenthau, Henry, 1946.

--------Mostel, Zero.

--------Patton, James.

--------Pepper, Senators George and Claude.

--------Perkins, Thelma Dale.

Box 33

People (cont.):

----R -- W:

--------Robeson, Paul and Eslanda.

--------Roosevelt, Eleanor.

--------Roosevelt, Franklin D.

--------Roosevelt Memorial Dinner, 1946.

--------Taylor, Glenn.

--------Van Orden, Katherine.

--------Wallace, Henry A.

--------Wallace, Mrs. Ilo.

--------Whitney, A.F.

----Wallace, H.A. -- Tours and Rallies:

--------B -- M:

--------California -- Wallace Day, Los Angeles, 1947.

--------Idaho -- Wallace Tour, May 1948.

--------Illinois -- Wallace Rally:

------------Chicago Stadium, 1947.

------------Moline, 1948.

------------Rock Island, 1948.

------------Tabernacle Baptist Church, Chicago, 1948.

--------Kansas -- Wallace Tour, May 1948.

--------Maryland -- Baltimore Wallace For President, [1948?].

--------Massachusetts -- Wallace Rallies, 1947.

--------Michigan -- Wallace Rally, Detroit, 1948.

--------Minnesota -- Wallace Tour, Feb. 1948.

--------Missouri -- Wallace Rally, St. Louis.
----N -- W:

---------New York:

------------$100 Plate Dinner, New York City.

------------Wallace Rally, Brooklyn, 1948.

------------Wallace Rally, Madison Square Garden:

--------------March and September 1947.

--------------May 1948.

-------------Wallace Rally, Yankee Stadium, 1948.


-------------Wallace Rally, Philadelphia, Sept. 1947.

-------------Wallace Rallies, Pittsburgh, 1947 - 1948.

--------Virginia, Richmond, 1948.

---------Washington -- Wallace, H.A. Speaking at the University of Washington, 1948.

---------Wisconsin -- Wallace Rally, Milwaukee 1947.
On the Set of "Farmers and Defense". U.S. Department of Agriculture Studio, Aug. 4, 1941.

Series IX. Tape Recrodings

Box 34

Baldwin, C.B. -- Memorial Service (A.D. Black), June 9, 1975.

Interview (largely on Glenn Taylor), Aug. 12, 1970.

Interview with Bob Pratt, n.d.

Lader, Lawrence (W.W. Norton Publisher -- On Radical Movements), May 28, 1974. (2 tapes)

Walton, Dick, July 17, 1974. (3 tapes)

Series X. News clippings

Box 35

1934 - 1935.

1940 - 1946. (8 folders)

Box 36

1946 - 1947. (6 folders)

Box 37 - 38

1947 - 1948.

Box 39 - 54

Box 55

1949 - 1952.

Box 56

Baldwin, C.B. -- Appointment to Area Director of Economic Operations for Italy, 1943.

Baldwin, Lillian.

CIO-PAC, 1944.

Columnists and Editorials, 1947-1948. (6 folders)

Box 57

Columnists and Editorials, 1948. (4 folders)

Daily News -- Battle Page, 1944.

Box 58

Democratic convention, 1944. (3 folders)

Election Guide, 1954.

Hallinan, Vincent and Charlotta Bass, 1952.

Lewis, Fulton Jr. -- Radio Broadcast, 1949:.

----Favorable, 1949.

----Neutral, 1949.

----Unfavorable, 1949.

Box 59

Miscellaneous Newspapers, 1944 - 1950.

NCPAC--School For Political Action, 1946.

National Guardian, 1948 - 1958.


----1946-1947. (3 folders)

Box 60

PCA (cont.):

----Connecticut, 1947.

----Convention, 1946, 1948. (2 folders)

----Detroit, 1947.

----Maryland, 1947.

----New Jersey, 1947.

----New York -- PCA Politics, 1947

----Pennsylvania, 1947.

----The Progressive Citizen, 1947 - 1948.

----Rhode Island, 1947.

----St. Louis, 1947.

----Washington State, 1947.

Progressive Party:

----The Citizen, 1948.

Box 61

Progressive Party (cont.):

----Convention, July 1948. (5 folders)

Box 62

Progressive Party (cont.):

----Convention, July 1948. (4 folders)

Roosevelt, Franklin -- Obituaries, 1945.

Box 63

San Francisco Daily People's Word, 1947.

Taylor, Glenn, 1948.

U.S. Department of Agriculture:

----1933-1943. (2 folders)

----Farm Security Administration, 1938.

Wallace, Henry A. :


----California, 1947.

----Candidacy, 1947.

----Cartoons, 1948.

----Madison Square Garden Rally, 1947. (2 folders)

----Maryland, Baltimore, 1947.



--------Boston, 1947.

Box 64

Wallace, Henry A. (cont):


--------Trip, 1948.

----Missouri, St. Louis, 1947.

----Ohio, 1947.

----Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, 1947.

----Resignation from Department of Commerce, 1946.

----Resignation from Progressive Party.

----Rhode Island, 1947.

----Western Trip, 1945, 1947 - 1948. (4 folders)

XI. Scrapbooks

Women for Wallace, 1948. (Shelved in Oversized)

Scrapbook I, 1945 - 1948.

Scrapbook II, 1946.