East Boston (B&A)
Causeway St.(Fitchburg RR) {1927}
North Station [orig.] {1927}
North Station [2nd] {1998}
East Boston (East.) [orig.] {1841}
East Boston (East.) [2nd] {1842}
Causeway St. (East) [1st] {1862}
Causeway St. (East) [2nd]{1893}
Pleasant St. (B&P) [orig.] {1875}
Park Sq. (B&P) {1909}
Summer St. (B&NYC) [orig.] {1872}
Summer St. (B&NYC) [2nd] {1896}
Kneeland St. (B&A) {1960's}
Kneeland St. (NH) {1918}
Washington St. (B&W) [orig.] {1836}
Beach/Lincoln Sts. (B&W/ B&A) [2nd.] {ca. 1899}
Fairmont/Hyde Park [orig.] {c.1900}
Fairmont/Hyde Park (P) [c.1969]
Fairmont/Hyde Park (F)
Dewey Sq. (NY&NE) {1897}
Everett/Brighton Sts (B&L) [orig.] {1857}
Causeway St.(B&L) [2nd] {1873}
Causeway St.(B&L) [3rd] {1927}
Columbus Avenue [orig. B&A Trinity, Huntington in Back Bay]
Forest Hills [orig.] {c.1909}
Forest Hills (elev.){1987}
Sullivan Square (elev.) {1975}
Trinity Place/Huntington Ave. (Back Bay) (B&A){1964}
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (P) [orig.]{1845}
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (P) [2nd] {1897}
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (F) [orig.] {1850}
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (F) [2nd] {1861}
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (F) [3rd]
Boston (Haymarket Sq.) (F) [4th]
Roslindale (eastbound)
Roslindale (westbound)
Bellevue [repl.]
Back Bay (B&P) (NH) (orig.) [1928]
Back Bay (B&P) (NH) [2nd, rebuilt]{1979}
Bellevue (eastbound)
Bellevue (westbound)
Highland (West Roxbury) (eastbound)
Highland (West Roxbury) (westbound)
West Roxbury [orig.]
West Roxbury [repl.]
Neponset [southbound]
Neponset (northbound)
Chelsea (B&A)
Chelsea (B&M) (P)
Chelsea (B&M) (F)
Massachusetts Ave.(B&A)
Spring Street (P)
Spring Street (F)
Boston (NH) (F #12)
Mass. Ave (NH) (F #20)
South Boston (NH) (P)
South Boston (NH) (F)
Blue Hill Ave. (eastbound)
Blue Hill Ave. (westbound)
Bird St. (westbound)
Bird St. (eastbound)
Savin Hill (northbound)
Savin Hill (southbound)
Clarendon Hills (southbound)
Clarendon Hills (northbound)
Brighton [repl.]
Shawmut [1926]
Harvard St. (eastbound)
Harvard St. (westbound)
Ocean View
Pleasant St. (Winthrop)
Mt. Hope (westbound)
Mt. Hope (eastbound) {1941}
Suffolk Downs {1984}
Field's Corner
Orient Heights (Winthrop Jct.) [repl.] [1941]
Orient Heights (Winthrop Jct.) [orig.] [1941]
Point Shirley
Crescent Beach (Revere Beach)
Point of Pines (East./B&M)
Oak Island (East./B&M)
Point of Pines (BRB&L)
Oak Island (BRB&L)
Ocean Spray
Bath House
Atlantic/Revere St.
Wood Island {1940s}
Winthrop Highlands
Winthrop Centre
Ocean Pier
Cottage Hill
Revere St. (Wonderland/ Atlantic)
Winthrop Beach {1940} link
Belle Isle
Battery (Cherry St.)
West Lynn (BRB&L)
Highlands (BRB&L)
Popes Hill (southbound)
Popes Hill (northbound)
Uphams Corner
East Boston (BRB&L) [1940]
Locust St.
Crescent Avenue{1929}
Brighton [orig. [1959]
Rowe's Wharf (BRB&L)
Ashmont (orig.) [1895]
Ashmont (repl.)
Ashmont (3rd)
Readville (B&P/NH) (orig) {conv. to frt,1873}
Readville (B&P/NH) (2nd) {one story}
Readville (B&P/NH) (3rd) {1897}
Readville (B&P/NH) (4th){1983}
Readville (NY&NE/NH)
Atlantic Avenue (elev.) {c.1939}
Dover St. (elev.)
Egleston Sq. (elev.)
Boston Adams Square (elev.)
City Station (elev.)
Green St. (elev.)
Northampton St. (elev.)
Forbes (platform still standing)
Thompson Sq. (elev.)
Harrison Square
North Station (elev.)
Faneuil/Brook St.
Roxbury {late 1960's}
Rugby (repl.){c.191}
Rugby (orig.)
Milton Lower Mills {1929}
Short Beach
West Roxbuty (B&W)
Revere (East. RR)
Dudley St./Roxbury (elev.) []
Centre St.
State St. (elev.)
Jamaica Plain (orig. Bartletts) {1871}
Jamaica Plain/Boylston(westbound) (eastbound)
Jamaica Plain (2nd)
(Jamaica Plain:{1893} never built)
Hazelwood (northbound)
Hazelwood (southbound)
Great Head
River St.
Glenwood (Ave.)
Mattapan (Old Colony) [orig.]
Everett (elev.)
Scollay Sq. (trolley)