What time are we upon? (original) (raw)
1. Name: Jen
2. Age: 16
3. Location: Bohemia, NY
4. Heritage: Half Puerto Rican..the rest of me is Bohemian, German and Italian.
**5. Hobbies/Interests:**Writing, reading, astrology, Tarot cards, role-playing, modeling, cosplay or just having a reason to dress up..photography, CANDY, anime, manga.. the Martial Arts..and o'course, Asian Music. ;]
6. Five Positive Adjectives Which Describe You: caring, loyal, sensitive, rebelious, child-like
7. Five Negative Adjectives Which Describe You: distant, stray, cold, angsty, paranoid
8. Place You'd Most Like To Visit: Asia, particularly Japan
9. Your Dream Job: I don't know. Something that will leave my mark on this Earth to prove I was here and will be remembered, even when I am gone. Maybe through music..through writing..somehow, but not by means of negative things.
10. Favourite Books: The Harry Potter series, The Perks of being a Wallflower, Running with Scissors, Empress of the World, Speak, Go ask Alice, Othello,
11. Favourite Movies: The Lion King, Suicide Club/Suicide Circle, "O", as well as the classic Disney movies [Aladdin, the Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast; etc]..I can't think of anymore..its beena while since I watched a movie I really enjoyed.
12. Post Some Song Lyrics to Which You Can Relate:
Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime.
Lead me, save me, from my solitude.
Say you'll want me with you here beside you.
Anywhere you'll go, let me go too..
Christine, that's all I ask of [you]
-The Phantom of the Opera, the lyrics Phantom sings after Point of no Return.
Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair,
Down we plunge to the prison of my mind,
Down that path into darkness deep as Hell
-Also from The Phantom of the Opera, Down Once more.../Track down this Murderer
13. Tell Us Something Interesting or Random About Yourself: I am a total different person when I am in complete rage; Its like 'a demon possessed' me, as a friend said once. I can't forgive betrayal. As you might have guessed, I also love Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, the Broadway play. The music is beautiful.. and I feel like I can relate to the Phantom. My biggest fear is being alone; I've always been outcasted. I am very sensitive when it comes to this play.
14. Please Include At Least Two Clear Photos of Yourself:
That would be me, and my bag. And a fat guy behind me. My friends made that pretty clear.
Yay another picture of my bag :]
Yay its my friends, aren't they great? They can be idiots, but they're pretty cool. And yeah I am short..
Me decked out in make-up. Don't I look ultra scary with that pink top on? Yes, I do.
Wee another picture of me with make-up on. I usually only wear black eyeliner, or maybe nothing at all.