Subtle little whispers of sexiness in icon making. (original) (raw)
Hi everyone-hope this finds everyone well. And thanks to U guys that sent well wishes to me to get better! Really sweet & appreciated. And I am feeling alot better! ;)
Well here's the deal guys-I changed a couple of rules that U should be aware of. The first has to do with ties & tiebreakers and will be applied to voting on "Contest 7" and all contests after that. If it does change in the future I will be sure to let U know.
When icons are tied for placement I will let the contest/voting run alittle longer
Banners will be given for 2 icons only~ tied for placement-that goes for all placements 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Three or more icons tied for placement will be put into a tiebreaker vote
that also goes for all placements 1st, 2nd, 3rd
I hope there is no confusion-if any questions please feel free to ask.
Now on to the second...And I hope I don't come across has "the mean mod or the mod that sucks" because that is not my intention.
Please don't be a deadbeat member or lurker~Make an effort to participate even
if U don't make icons you can still participate by voting.
If U don't participate in any of the above for long periods of time~U will eventually be removed from the room
Sorry, I really didn't want to add on to this rule which was on the user pg from the start. But I have to wonder why some members join and don't participate at all. Not with voting which takes a few seconds to do or submitting icons. Which is fine because I know not everyone is into making icons or has the time to make icons. And trust me I know that everyone has a "real life" off of LJ and real life tends to get very hectic at times. And I realized too that some are not on the journal that often. But it would be much appreciated if everyone that is a member of the community please make whatever effort U can to at least vote!
It is a community-please everyone try to participate more. Because that in the long run it is what makes a community work~! ;) And on that note I don't want to become the "mean, bad mod" for removing U from the community because I have to wonder why U joined in the first place.
On to one last thing-there has been alot of "stealing of icons" & that nasty business of posting them & claiming U made them, taking credit for them in LJ land & on those rotten sites off of lj or posting them on to icon stealing communities! I don't see a problem in here but I just want to give fair warning if U are caught stealing icons from here & doing any of the above which is a no-no. Because there is nothing more that pisses me off when I see that-people claiming they made something they didn't & taken credit for it. You will be banned from the community permanently. Not only that but it runs up people's bandwidths. That they have pay for to host their icons. It is definitely not cool in my book & will not be toilerated in here if U are caught doing it.
If there is a icon U would like to adopt like the rules say-just feel free to contact me or if U know who the maker is & please respectively asked first. Not so hard to do! :)
Waves bye & hopes I didn't blow your minds with this long ass post :P
Remember any entries for "CONTEST 7 EYE" are due by 11:00PM EST.
And one more thing-U guys really rock! I love running this community and U all I just ♥ I have really fantastic members!! ;)
See ya later!