And the darkness still echoes her warning (original) (raw)

quiz and friends only [Aug. 1st, 2003|11:42 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[Current Mood** |chipperchipper] [Current Music** highlander theme song]No Stopping Usyour song is "No Stopping Us" Which Jason Mraz song are you? brought to you by QuizillaWell, this Journal is now friends only. I would appreciate it if you would comment and tell me you're adding me and then I will take a look at your lj and decide if i want to add you. Most likely, I will add you. So thanks for commenting and g'bye
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(no subject) [Aug. 1st, 2003|11:29 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[Current Mood** |lazylazy] [Current Music** kelly clarkson<>the trouble with love]Jamie is the #233 most common male name.0.066% of men in the US are named Jamie.Around 80850 US men are named Jamie!source namestatistics.comJamie is the #146 most common female name.0.153% of females in the US are named Jamie.Around 195075 US females are named Jamie!source namestatistics.comJamie is the #63085 most common last name.0.0005% of last names in the US are Jamie.Around 1250 US last names are Jamie!source namestatistics.comBullock is the #605 most common last name.0.02% of last names in the US are Bullock.Around 50000 US last names are Bullock!source namestatistics.comvery interesting
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(no subject) [Aug. 1st, 2003|11:04 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |contemplativecontemplative]hey, well, I just got home today and PC trip was interesting. Yeah, it was. well, melissa as the youth director is even more interesting. yeah, heather is like a dream compared to melissa. it's sad. but my mom has given me and travis the choice of going to church or not. that makes me happy. yeah, so i might just decide not to go to sunday school or youth. well, actually it depends on travis. i can either not go to church at all or just go for the sermon. i dont know yet. it depends. but im happy that i get the choice. im not going to go to youth i know that. so sorry for the people that have to go or want to go. but yeah. thats all right now, bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 26th, 2003|02:06 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[Current Mood** |contemplativecontemplative] [Current Music** Jon playing guitar and singing]hey people. well, guess who was over at my house today? hahaha, Melissa was. yeah, I didn't know she was coming over. She came over with Jon to practice the songs for camp today. Yeah, and she told Jon that there will be times that she will ask him not to sing and just let "us" sing. And "us" meant melissa and me and I told Jon that "I'm the song leader here!! I get some word in this don't I?" and of course my word is that i'm not doing a little duet with her. The singing for camp should be very casual and not like...organized. I don't see why it should be. She is very picky with the songs she is letting us do. Jon and I were saying a lot of songs but she just kind of wants the songs to go along with what we are learning monday through friday. The week is about "finding ourselves" But yeah...the song list is... The Song List for the week~shout to the lord~meet with me~prince of peace~in the secret~shout to the north~god of wonders and the "maybe" songlist is...~love song for savior by jars of clay~worlds apart by jars of clay...yeah so that what the songs are. told ya it's kind of organized.ok im going to go now, bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 25th, 2003|11:08 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[Current Mood** |mellowmellow] [Current Music** some hanson song (sorry liz)]well, tonight i went to perk with my peeps and "spooky dawn" was there playing. did not impress me. i love the type of music (heavey metal and screaming) but the thing i hated was that pretty much every song they sang was the same. i dont mean the lyrics either but the sound. and they had it very smoky there and it was irritating my eyes and it just sucked a lot. so yeah. but i did get my french kiss smoothie from there. yeah it was good. then we got very tired of it. and we left to go to columbus park crossing as everything was closing at 9 except for barnes and noble and that was cool. i found out that i really dig Emily Dickenson. her work is so cool. i sat on the floor and read one of her books for about 15 minutes. haha. yeah, it was cool. jon was sitting next to em reading a book he found so it was cool, once again. but yeah. then we left there at ten and came back here. yeah, it was a great night. lol.ok I think I'm going to go now, bye. yeah, jon is still here singing and playing guitar. it's cool.
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(no subject) [Jul. 25th, 2003|05:39 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |contemplativecontemplative]hey people!! well, I got photoshop installed on my computer now and I'm all happy. I just got to figure out how to do everything on there. it's cool though. I ahve fooled around a bit but not really done anything. so yeah, i might eb asking questions every now and then. ok i had to share that,bye
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new icon alert!!!!! new icon alert!!!!! [Jul. 25th, 2003|02:49 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[Current Mood** |gigglygiggly] [Current Music** relient k]wow guys! look at the very cool very fly icon i got today. isn't it da bomb!? man, i got it from the community johnny_icons. you can find the link in my userinfo yeah cause i dont bother doing the little link in here. ok so juat had to tell ya'll and show off my new hottie icon. talking about johnny of course. he is like the best looking man in eyeliner. lol. ok talk later,bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 25th, 2003|11:07 am]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |crankycranky]My mom is getting on my nerves. Ever since I told her that Lucas and I broke up...she has been after me about Micheal! Micheal Frye! and I'm like mom, I'm not going to go out with Micheal. And she's like "well, maybe you should call him and ya'll can go to a movie on friday" and I'm like "mom!!no!" and she just keeps saying how he's so smart and he is probably going to have quite a bit of money one day and I'm like "Mom, I don't care about how much money he is going to ahve. I gotta love the guy!" I mean there is nothing wrong with Micheal but, I mean he just isn't really the kind of guy I would go out with. I also consider him a brother so no it just wouldn't work out. I know he would be happy if i called and asked him if he wanted to go to the movies and I know he knows about me and lucas not being together so I don't want to risk him asking me out and having to tell once again that I ahve no romantic feelings for him. I feel kind of bad cause I don't know. He kind of revolves his love life around me. He got a girlfreind to make me jealous and then I would go otu wiht him (thats what he thought would work) but i felt nothing but happiness for him. He does stuff like that all the time and I hate it. i ahve told him that him having a girlfriend does not make me the bit jealous and that I'm only happy for him and then he has to goa nd break up with the girl cause his "plan" did not work. I feel bad for him sometimes.but anyways, I'll stop talking about Micheal. I just had to get that out of my system. well, my mom is being annoying again. she keeps wanting to hang out wiht me and everyday she is like " well, jamie where are we going today? I don't want to sit here in this house all day so where are we going?" and I really dont want to go anywhere with her. I know it's bad to say but if she didnt try to be cool or funny or not talk to me about things that I already know. like this morning i was in here and she was like "well, ya know james is going to ohio today with benhard? I am nervous. can you believe he is going there with bernhard? i can imagine what trouble he will get into up there if he got in the trouble he ahs here wiht his car." and I'm like "mom, I know" and she just keeps saying things over and over and over. I hate it!ok I'll stop talking now,bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 25th, 2003|10:58 am]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |flirtyflirty]hey guys!! well, ya'll need to go check out my new layout!! it's so cool! ok well, talk later,bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 24th, 2003|09:11 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |cheerfulcheerful]you know...people aggrivate me. for some reason poeple do. they do stuff and i just start to think how badly i want to hurt them. i dont know. not hurt them really but i just think about afflicting pain on to them. ok well, thats hurting so i guess...yeah. and it's not just one or two people. it's people in general. yes, i too get aggravated with myself. why do i make mistakes...why do other people make mistakes. but none of us are perfect. we are all equal. maybe not in the same areas like if you're thinking about being smart or more athletic. if you were adding it all up we are all equal. like...say Heather and me. (im only going to say one per person) see, I am a lot loser than she is but she is more tight than i am and get her work done more than i do. i really dont know actually. dont worry about what i just said. i think you get the idea, right??ok i just felt like saying something like that. talk later,bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 24th, 2003|08:42 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |satisfiedsatisfied]yayayayayayayayayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get my smoothie tomorrow!! I'm going to perk wiht liz, travis, and jon. we are most likely going to hang out wiht laura ann too. man im so happy! i love perk. we have to give lucas a ride though. he is meeting his friends there. i wonder who is playing? hopefully somebody really good. it's going to be the last time i get to go before school starts. man, i'm so happy and excited and ready my french kiss smoothie. man, that thing is so good.ok i just had to share this good news with you, bye
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(no subject) [Jul. 24th, 2003|06:47 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |hopefulhopeful]would anybody in the youth group be kind enough to lend me their copy of adobe so i can install it on my pc? it would be greatly appreciated. thanks
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"How old are we really?" [Jul. 23rd, 2003|11:05 pm]Just Jamie and Nothing More
[**Current Mood** |indescribableindescribable]hey! well, (we=liz, jon, travis, my mom and me)watched "Almost Famous" and oh my god!! I know this is really bad to say but...I would sell my soul to the devil to be like anybody in that movie. It's so sad that I want to be so close to music that I would do that. But I don't know. I understood everything in that movie. It's like I had been reincarnated (and no i dont believe in that but if it is true and i dont think it is) and that was my last life. man, I just don't know. I don't know anything now I don't know who I am or who the people around me are or who I am supposed to be or what kind of life I'm supposed to lead. I dont know anything about myself and I really want to know everything about me. ya know? I just don;t think that other people should know more about me then me. cause thats how i feel. even if they dont know the real me...they still know somebody...right? Is this wrong to think? I have been so confused latly. about everything. well, not everything...i still believe in god... haha. yeah, well, thats the only thing im not confused about and it makes me kind of sad. not really. but it just sucks.does anybody really know who they are? haha. that sounds liek something that "Penny Lane" woould say...doesnt it? ahha. thats kind of what i was going for.haha. well, i think i'll stop saying stuff that sound like a person on acid would say.ok I think I'll go anyways, bye
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