FAQ (original) (raw)

Some questions beg to be answered. Some have answers, like “What is yogurt?” Others, do not, like “Why were Episode I and II even made?”

Here are some questions which have answers:

Q. May I make icons out of these?

A. Sure! Feel free to make icons or whatever have you. Just credit back to this journal, if you like and please don’t directly edit the little guys (ie drawing over them, making them do things other than what the comics had them doing, like… whipping elephants for instance).

Q. Do you mind if I friend you?

A. Not at all! The more the merrier.

Q. Will you friend me back?

A. Unfortunately since this place exploded and went from 5 friends to four billion, there’s no way I can keep up and manage the friend list. So taking the path of least effort, I will just leave everything as it is- but know, you are all in the friendlist of my harth.

Q. How do you do these?

A. I work in Adobe Photoshop. I make a little tiny new file and hide it in the very most left-hand corner of my screen. I then draw the little guys with the mouse. Nothing special. They are drawn to size (teenies) in 72 DPI. Because I am a terrible colourist and can’t colour within lines to save my life, I set the drawn layer to “Multiply” and make a new colour layer below and go at it.
The rest is just cheap and easy. The bubbles and boxes are courtesy of Photoshop’s default shape tool set and the font is Minion Pro. It all takes about 8 minutes.

Q. Are you male or female?

A. ♥th.

Q. Who are you?

A. A flower in a meadow. If ever comes a time when I feel the need to say more, I’ll let you know. Who am I not? I have never created any other comics, I don’t flirt around any fandom communities and I never run around saying I am the one who created I Harth Darth.

Q. Do you take requests?

A. I do and I don’t. Sometimes someone will leave a cute comment about doing things and so I will make a note on my little idea post-it note. I love hearing about people’s ideas, I just don’t want to go and say “YES” because I am incapable of saying no and will feel so, so bad if I can’t finish every request. So, I suppose, let’s just leave it be. If you have a cute idea, feel free to leave it but I can’t make promises!

Q. Do you read your comments?

A. Every. Single. One. Even those of you on page 11 who say, “I know you’ll never read this…” I do. I just can’t comment back to everyone because I simply don’t have the time! I usually try to get to the first page of comments, because I am usually still sitting at the computer when it happens and I also reply to any important type comments in latter pages, but otherwise, I stick to read-only mode. Just know, again! – I always read comments. It’s the least I can do for you lovely people.

Q. Can I post unrelated ads or banners in the comments without any other comment or anything else trying to get people to know about a cause or something I’m selling etc etc etc?

A. This isn’t really a question. People just do it. Here’s a warning. Please don’t do it. I don’t care what it is for, this is not the place to promote anything. It is a simple comic journal and people come here for entertainment. It doesn’t mean I don’t agree with causes or don’t appreciate the sentiment, I just think there are worthier places for campaigns to gain attention. It is an invasion and an abuse of the comment pages here and is considerably rude to post what is basically construed as an advertisement without even attaching a regarding message.
Hereto forth I will consider all similar messages to be Spam and I will screen them from view. This is not the place. Please use personal journals and related communities in the future. If you really want to share- email.

Q. Merchandise?

A. Hello. My name is Copyright Law.
Oh, I would love to make merchandise. What fun would it be? How much easier would it be to pay bills? But alas and no. Darth Vader and all others included in these comics are not my intellectual property. They were originally thought up by some guy named Joe Lukus or something.
Kidding aside, LucasArts, as it should be, guards their material jealously and defensively. They have been known to crack down on fanworks in the past. Currently, these cartoons fall under the safe umbrella of farce and I couldn’t get into any trouble. Worst case scenario, I receive a “Cease and Desist” and if indeed, I ever did receive one, that’s all I would have to do: cease and desist.
The MOMENT money crosses hands, even if it’s not my hands, things get a whole lot stickier. I know I have been sent links to “Sith Happens” shirts with Darth Vader on them, saying, “SEE!” but I don’t care. Selling stuff that is directly related to the Star Wars Lucas machine is thin ice I care not to tread. To get permission to reproduce such things, involves much red tape and paper signing. If I did sell things, however, I would do it this way. Legally. I am not going to make money off of someone else’s idea. It isn’t right. I MAKE NO MONEY OFF OF THIS.
This said, if you see someone else selling I Harth materials, contact me immediately because I don’t want to get in trouble and the person selling things obviously never asked me if they could use my doodles for products because I would have said no.

Q. Can I make a comic of [ insert topic here] in your style?

A. Many, many people have asked this and that’s awesome!
To each and every one though, I have encouraged branching out and making their own style. Creativity is so important. In fact, I wish I was more creative here, not riding the back of some fandom whale. These comics aren’t worth emulating. Everyone should try to wow the public with their own taste and flavor. It’s much more satisfying personally and will be that much more enriching to the internet as a whole.
As to making variations on the jokes and phrases here: the only part of these comics which is, without a doubt “me,” are the words. Sometimes they are direct quotes from my mouth; so it’s even more strange when people want to try to mimic them. Let your own humor and words come through! It’s so much better than putting my words into someone else’s mouth.

Q. Would you affiliate with me?

A. Alas, I don’t think I am looking for any affiliates. I am terrible- let me emphasize terrible at keeping up links and I cannot guarantee the longevity of the lifespan of IHD. If you want, send along your link anyhow, because I do totally visit everything sent.

Q. How can I contact you?

A. The comments are the best way, but if there arises the occasion you have something really, really important there is this email: iharthdarth@gmail.com.

If there is anything else you would like added to this list, just comment and let me know.

The Darth Posse:

If ever I am not around those of the Darth Posse can probably answer your questions. They are trustworthy. They are: raedances, jigglykat, macbeemer and air_and_angels. They are like Stormtroopers, though less remedial and wear pink plastic suits.

The Darth Mascot:

Roboclaw who lives with the_dark_side

The Darth Gift Fairies:

People who have made an impression here-

First Friend Fairy: the_worst_part
LJ Fairy :: rube
Domain Fairy:: trimalynn
Fan Community Fairy:: king_avellmon

The Darth Affiliates:



In the meantime, here are some fun iharthdarth links I found on Livejournal.

Omg. A Community.

Omg. An Interest Page.

Omg. A fanlisting Thank you treno!

Omg. A German e-article.

Omg. A Russian translation. <3 la_bond_girl!

Omg. An icon journal.

Omg. Roboclaws.