Alice in Wonderland (original) (raw)

What you can expect here:
-Lots of fangirlsm! Akane's crazy and gets so excited when she's happy. If you're as crazy as her, please share your love for the fandom (^^)



Endless RP talk

. I haven't RPed in ages (TAT)
-Endless lolita fashion talk.
-Engrish. The first time I got to use English on the internet, it was to talk to my Japanese friends. So I got the habit to mix English with Japanese words (especially "ne") sometimes. I don't know how to pronounce English to save my life, while I do know how Japanese sounds. To those who are always butthurt about this: get over it or go away, your choice~
-Most of the things listed above are related to Mello x Near. I don't recommend anyone who doesn't like this pairing to stalk this journal!

This said, note that this journal is not friends only. Read it at your own risk, but please don't complain to me later on that you didn't like what you saw here. I don't appreciate ridiculous whining.

(Please note that I don't receive friending or defriending notifications. I can't know if you have friended me unless you tell me yourself, so don't hesitate to let me know!)

Time flies!

Is anyone else alive? (^^)

I just passed by to say hello.

It's been a while! I have received several messages during my hiatus, so I've decided to make a post.

I've been so out of livejournal and out of everything I've had here. Everyone moved on; the friends who have been the closest to me for the past year did too, so I grew distant with everyone. LJ stopped feeling like home, and I stopped having a reason to return here. I still love Death Note and I'm still aware of any news related to it (like its recent mention in Kera magazine). I've just lost the will to share anything related to my fandom with anyone. As for the game, I've been slowest than ever, but I still want to finish it (I must stop being lazy and force myself to work on it. orz).

Anyway, I'm just leaving this message here to let everyone know that I'm alive. Just elsewhere, doing different things (^^a;
Thank you everyone who has been commenting to this journal. I hope that things are good for you all.

Today, Zeda-chan shared a song with me and I fell in love with it immediately. Surprisingly, it's a Katy Perry song; this must be the only song from her that I don't hate so far (^^;
But I've fallen deeply in love with it. And when I fall in love, I translate that into Mello and Near (*o*) *laughs*

They hit me in all their glory. I felt inspired to draw their kimokakkoii side (a mix between gross and very cool), because that's what they are.

If you're looking for moe, you won't find it in this fanart (^^;
This is anti-moe, so be warned!

Kira, be prepared.

( I swear that these two are up to no good...Collapse )

I-I just finished Dragon Age: Awakening, and I'm completely and utterly fascinated. The Grey Warden breaks my heart, and albeit she's my own character, she's still full of mysteries @A@;
...Which hopefully will be solved in the last DCL (which I'll eventually play as well). My brain is overwhelmed right now dffgfg
I'm afraid, hahaha.

On a side note, one of the characters is named Nathaniel. In one of the scenes, he was called Nate. I think that I died inside a bit wwww
Mihael disapproves -30.

And speaking of Mihael and Nate... I had a very weird dream about them. They weren't themselves but strange cosplayers (Mello looked huge, brute, and not very pretty, but I wasn't very troubled because I knew that it was a fan-made thing www), and they were supposed to be brothers in the story (^^;
Not like I'm against them being brothers. That'd be interesting to me! Someday, I want to play such an AU.

Hoy vi que alguien ha posteado banderas del mundo que la gente le había pedido en "Mod the Sims" (banderas para los sims). Y yo toda feliz "a ver dónde está la de España ^o^", pero no la veía.
En lugar de eso... me encuentro con la de Cataluña.

Así que en el post hay muchas banderas del mundo juntas... y la de Cataluña wwwww *se parte*

De verdad que estas ridiculeces sólo nos pasan aquí en España (y si les pasa a alguien más en otros países, les compadezco ;;;)

Being sick makes me feel like I'm floating somewhere far away. It's a strange feeling, so I used the chance to lose myself into Ferelden once more. I've finally started playing Dragon Age: Awakenings, and I must say that I'm having TONS OF FUN so far. I really appreciate being able to play my character again (>w<)
It's a pity that my old party isn't there, but the very few new characters I've met so far are interesting!

I'm also happy to see Oghren back. He's a very funny character, and his banters with Anders are being pure gold. I couldn't stop laughing during the last one wwww
I still need to find the other companions.

*Disappears again to continue playing*

I feel so mean/angry today grrrr.
Fakeness really gets to me, and completely irrational & weird conversations do too (=A=;

Ah, and I got a cold. orz

It's still hot in my country, but it's getting a biiiiit less hot. So, today I tried a Putumayo casual coordinate.

( A few more under the cut.Collapse )