Danielle (original) (raw)
101 things you don’t know about me
- I’ve done one on these things before
- I think it was exactly a year ago
- Because I did it my birthday weekend
- It is again my birthday weekend!!
- My birthday is COOLER than yours!
6)10-09-88 - Good Charlotte wrote a SONG about MY birthday!
- I hate people who think they're SUPER RADD because they HATE GOOD CHARLOTTE. I am still a PROUD FAN of GOOD CHARLOTTE and I met them at their record release show on October 5th, 2004, 4 days before my sixteenth birthday.
- I probably said all this in my other 100 things, but, Good Charlotte were REALLY REALLY NICE when we met them….and we didn’t have a wristband…
- I’m getting everything I’m putting in this thing out of my MySpace about me
- Because that thing is getting way too fucking long
- I’m actually doing this in Microsoft word
- Cause I’m a dork
- MySpace is in my Microsoft word dictionary
- And I’m so pathetic that I actually spelled it wrong
- I LOVE to go to the city
- I was going to go to the city this weekend, for my birthday, but then terrorists threatened to bomb our subways so that idea was off
- We were going to go and play in FAO Schwartz
- I am going to be 17 on Sunday, October 9th, 2005
- Guys think I look like I’m 19
- I liked the SPICE GIRLS BEFORE it was the SUPERXXSCENE thing to do
- I love Starbucks
- I love Taco Bell
- I work at IKEA
- I quit my job at McDonald’s
- I donated 14 inches of my hair to bald people
- I have been single for almost a year and a half
- I have extremely and almost TOO high standards
- However they ARE NOT irrational, REALLY
- There are a lot o things and people I hate
- I REALLY DO have A LOT of pet peeves
- I hate people who think that they are SUPER H-EX-SEE because they have 70005654943564704536095306 MySpace friends
- I just misspelled MySpace AGAIN!!!
- I hate people who talk shit about people they DON’T KNOW
- My theory on people from my school is simple. I was SUPER SHY until like 9th grade. By then, everyone had their own cliques and I dint fit in with anyone so I hung out with people from OTHER schools. NOBODY from my school really knows much of ANYTHING about me so anything bad they may say about me ISNT justified…and yet I’m the one everyone loves to hate...so I think they all have slight issues. Whatever. I’ve been over it. But I had to say that because it’s all part of my PEOPLE rant.
- And two-faced people
- I know A LOT of those
- I don’t CARE what people think of me
- Cause like I said in 36, if you have a problem with me, chances are, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW ME AND I HATE YOU for being obnoxious and judging people you don’t even know.
- I am the strangest person you’ll ever meet.
- I hate people who go around trying to play match-up with clothing and music etc.
- I WEAR HOLLISTER CLOTHES AND my favorite bands are Folly, Emanuel, UnderOath, From First to Last, Comeback Kid, and Fear Before the March of Flames and SOOOO MANY OTHER BANDS. Deal with it.
- I absolutely love shopping
- I love those t shirts that have funny saying on them
- I want to major in music industry at Oneonta
- I am, by the way, a senior at Macarthur High school
- Which is why I did the classic homecoming thing at DIVISION
- Most my friends go to Division
- I LOVE Iliana
- Her sweet 16 is on Sunday
- She’s the only person I would allow to have her party on my birthday
56)56 means 56
57)56 IS MY FAVORITE NUMVER - Music is my life
- I take guitar lessons
- My teacher is awesome he teaches me cool songs
- I NEVER practice
- Here is another people theory
- I hate to say I hate labels...because my theory on that is that most of the people who shop in Hot Topic and listen to all the "punk rock scene hardcore emo" bands go around saying "Omg!!! I HATE labels!! Omg!! I hate that girl and I'm NOT going to hang out with her because she likes UnderOath and shops in Hollister!! WHY do they sell that music in there anyway??" THESE are the people who INVENTED labels. THEY'RE the ones who say that you have to dress and act a certain way, and listen to a certain type of music to fit in. FUCK THAT. If you're cool, I'll like you. If you're a little hypocritical petty immature cunt, I won’t. Case closed. :)
- I use too many text messages
- I eat too much
- I am a Virgin
- I love my Mp3 player
- I love Photography
- OMG 69 HAHAHA!!!!
- I just spell checked some more. I found out that UnderOath was already in my dictionary (figures lol) and I just added “Omg” and “cunt” into my dictionary.
- Live journal/ MySpace addict
- Hopeless romantic
- Did I mention my name is Danielle?
- I have a cat named Whisper, another named Cookie, and a Dog named Nicky.
- I’m watching Punk’d right now
- Ashton’s talking about getting cakes in a restaurant on your birthday
- Iliana and I did that at Ruby Tuesday tonight
- My favorite drink is Smirnoff Raspberry
- I am a lightweight so yes, that stuff DOES get me drunk
- Brittney and I are really dumb and we decided to mix it with rum
- We got REALLY sick
- I have a list in my Live Journal of the dumbest things I’ve ever done
- Here it is
- I like making my eye makeup all cool
- My cousin Katie is the greatest person in the world
- I used to be a vegetarian
- I’ve bought and returned 3 Mp3 players cause I couldn’t figure out how to use them
- The fourth was the one I broke
- The fifth is the IPOD color I bought Wednesday
- With my early birthday money
- Im going to Six Flags on Monday
- I want to go on Kingda Ka
- I love going on crazy rides
- I’ve done sky-diving at Six Flags twice.
- I’ve been skinny dipping
- I don’t, never have, and have no desire to ever smoke.
- My cell phone has an awesome Emanuel ring tone
- I think about that band too much
- If you’re a boy and you like that band, I will almost automatically think you’re hot and AWEOSME
- Fear Before the March of Flames and Comeback Kid are AWESOME bands, too. I remember the days when Brand New and Mest and Good Charlotte were my FAVORITES. I still LOVE them.
- I had absolutely no trouble coming up with anything to say! My last words are I REALLY FUCKING MISS THE DOWNTOWN!!!