Muine Gall/Moneygall (original) (raw)

1552 Monegaltie F Leathanach: 1146Fiants: Calendar to Fiants of reign of Henry VIII. 1510-47...of Queen Elizabeth. 1558-1603'. In RDK (1875-90) Nóta eolais: Tagraítear d'uimhir ailt (ó am go chéile, nuair a théann an t-alt thar bhreis agus leathanach amháin, tagraítear d'alt agus do leathanach) / Reference to article number (occasionally, when the article extends over more than one page, the article and page number are given)., Áit foilsithe: London, Bliain foilsithe: 1875-90
1620 in Monegall CPR Leathanach: 481Calendar of Patent Rolls of James I Bliain: 1603–23, Pubref: BÁC, 1966, Teideal iomlán: Irish Patent Rolls of James I: Facsimile of the Irish Record Commission's Calendar prepared prior to 1830
1620 Moneygall, Shanballyard and Kilkerane CPR Leathanach: 467Calendar of Patent Rolls of James I Bliain: 1603–23, Pubref: BÁC, 1966, Teideal iomlán: Irish Patent Rolls of James I: Facsimile of the Irish Record Commission's Calendar prepared prior to 1830
1620 Monygall Shanballyard and Kilkeran CPR Leathanach: 453Calendar of Patent Rolls of James I Bliain: 1603–23, Pubref: BÁC, 1966, Teideal iomlán: Irish Patent Rolls of James I: Facsimile of the Irish Record Commission's Calendar prepared prior to 1830
1620 Moynegall CPR Leathanach: 467Calendar of Patent Rolls of James I Bliain: 1603–23, Pubref: BÁC, 1966, Teideal iomlán: Irish Patent Rolls of James I: Facsimile of the Irish Record Commission's Calendar prepared prior to 1830
1620 Moynegall Shanballyard Brokery and Kilkeran CPR Leathanach: 467Calendar of Patent Rolls of James I Bliain: 1603–23, Pubref: BÁC, 1966, Teideal iomlán: Irish Patent Rolls of James I: Facsimile of the Irish Record Commission's Calendar prepared prior to 1830
1654 Monegayle, Monegaile CS X Leathanach: 32.34Civil Survey X. Supplementary vol. (ed. Simington, 1961) Bliain: 1654
1655-7 Monegar DS Down Survey (Barony Maps - Hiberniae Regnum, 1654, cóipeanna a rinne an tSuirbhéireacht Ordanáis ó na bunchóipeanna i bPáras, 1908) Bliain foilsithe: 1655-7
1655 Monegay Killkieran & DS (P) Parish Maps of the Down Survey (LN p. 7384; LN 721 -- cóipeanna a rinne D. O'Brien, 1786-7) Bliain foilsithe: 1655
1655 Moneyay Killkieran and Garrara DS (P) Parish Maps of the Down Survey (LN p. 7384; LN 721 -- cóipeanna a rinne D. O'Brien, 1786-7) Bliain foilsithe: 1655
1659 Moneygall Cen. Leathanach: 441A census of Ireland, circa 1659: with supplementary material from the poll money ordinances (1660-1661), eag. S. Pender (1939) Bliain foilsithe: 1939, Údar: S. Pender, Áit foilsithe: Dublin
1660c Monigay, Kilkeiran and Garrara BSD (UF) Leathanach: 50Books of Survey and Distribution, County Offaly Áit: Cartlann Náisiúnta
1666 Monegall ASE Leathanach: 71Abstracts of Grants of Lands..under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, A.D.1666-1684 (Appendix to Fifteenth Annual Report from the Commissioners of Public Records of Ireland, 45-280; 1825) Bliain: 1666-84
1667 Monegay als Monegall ASE Leathanach: 164Abstracts of Grants of Lands..under the Acts of Settlement and Explanation, A.D.1666-1684 (Appendix to Fifteenth Annual Report from the Commissioners of Public Records of Ireland, 45-280; 1825) Bliain: 1666-84
1685 Moneger Hib. Del. Hiberniæ Delineatio, William Petty Bliain foilsithe: 1685, Bliain foilsithe: 1685, Foilsitheoir: Irish University Press (1969)
1780c Moneygawl LN Leathanach: 16A2:14Lámhscríbhinn sa Leabharlann Náisiúnta, uimhir aitheantais na lámhscríbhinne leis. Bliain: 1200-1850
1837 Moneygall Garvey, Mr.:AL Finné in AL
1837 Moneygall Co. Bk.:AL County Book, foinse in AL / source in Ordnance Survey Parish Namebooks.
1837 Money Gall CM:AL Grand Jury County Map ex Ainmleabhar Paróiste na Suirbhéireachta Ordanáis / Ordnance Survey Parish Namebook Bliain foilsithe: 1835C
1837 Moneygall BS:AL Boundary Surveyor c. 1830 as AL / Ordnance Survey Parish Namebooks. Bliain: 1830
1837 Muine Gall, Muine na nGall OD:AL O'Donovan (leagan Gaeilge de logainm nó nóta agus é scríofa le dúch; John O’Donovan / Seán Ó Donnabháin a scríobh de ghnáth), ex AL. A note or an Irish form of a placename in the Ordnance Survey Parish Namebooks, usually written by John O'Donovan. Bliain: 1830-40, Bliain: 1835, Bliain: 1838