A list of Market Towns (original) (raw)
SOURCE: REMARKS ON LONDON, being an Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, Borough of Southwark... By W. Stow., London, 1722.
A List of all the Market Towns in England and Wales; with the Days of the Week whereon kept.
Note, m. signifies Monday; t. Tuesday; w. Wednesday; th. Thursday; f. Friday; and s. Saturday.
Those Places printed with English* Letters, are Cities; those with Italick Letters, Shire Towns.
[*Editor: Since Web Browsers vary in the fonts they have available, we have substituted bold type to indicate Cities.
Abbotsbury in Dorsetshire, th.
Aberforth, Yorksh, w.
Abergavenny, Monm. t.
Aberistwith, Cardig. m.
Abingdon, Berks, m. f.
Ailesbury, Bucks, s.
Aldborough, Suff. s.
Alesham, Norf. s.
Alford, Linc. t.
Alfreten, Derbysh. m.
Alnwick, Northumb. s.
Alresford, Hantsh. th.
Alstonmore, Cumberl. s.
Altrincham, Chesh. t.
Ambleside, Westmorl. w.
Amersham, Bucks. t.
Ampthill, Bedf. th.
Andover, Huntsf. s.
Apulby, Westmorl. s.
Arundel, Suff. w. s.
Ashbourn, Derbysh. s.
Ashburton, Devon, s.
Ashby de la Zouch, Leic. s.
Ashford, Kent, s.
Atherston, Warwic. t.
Attleborough, Norf. th.
Aubourn, Wilts, t.
Aukland, Durh. th.
Aulcester, Warwic. t.
Autrey, Devo_n_, t.
Axbridge, Somerset. th.
Axminster, Devon, s.
Aye, Suff. s.
Bakewell, Derbysh. m.
Bala, Merionethsh. s.
Baldock, Herts. th.
Bampton, Oxon, w.
Banbury, Oxon, th.
Bangor, Carnarv. w.
Barking, Ess. W.
Barnet, Herts, m.
Barnard Castle, Durh. w.
Barnsly, Yorksh. w.
Barnstable, Devon, f.
Barton, Lincol. m.
Barwick, Northumb. s.
Basingstoke, Hant. w.
Bath, Somerset, w. s.
Battle, Suss. th.
Bautry, Yorksh. s.
Beaconsfield, Bucks, Th.
Beaumaris, Anglesey, w.
Beccles, Suff, s.
Bedes, Yorksh. t.
Bedford, Bedf. t. s.
Bediford, Devon, t.
Bemister, Dorset, t.
Berkhamstead, Hertf. m.
Beverly, Yorksh. w. s.
Bewdly, Worcest, s.
Bicester, Oxon, f.
Biggleswade, Bedf. t.
Bildeston, Suff. w.
Billericay, Ess. t.
Bilsdon, Leicest. f.
Binbrook, Lincol. w.
Bingham, Nottingh. th.
Birmingham, Warwic. th.
Bishops Castle, Salop, f.
Blackbourn, Lancash. m.
Blandford, Dorset. s.
Bodwin, Cornw. s.
Bolsover, Derbysh. f.
Bolton, Lancash. m.
Boston, Lincolnsh. w. s.
Bosworth, Leicest. w.
Bourn, Lincolnsh. s.
Bow, Devon. th.
Brackley, Northamp. w.
Bradfield, Ess. th.
Bradford, Wilts, m.
Bradforth, Yorksh. th.
Brading, Hant. f.
Braintree, Ess. w.
Brampton, Cumberl. t.
Bramyard, Herefordsh. m.
Brecknock, Brecon, w. s.
Brentford, Midd. t.
Brentwood, Ess. w.
Breewood?, Stafford. t.
Bridgend, Glamorg. s.
Bridgnorth, Salop, s.
Bridgwater, Somerset. th.
Bridlington, Yorksh. s.
Bridport, Dorset. s.
Brigs, Lincoln, th.
Bristol, Somerset. w. s.
Bromley, Kent, th.
Bromley, Staff. t.
Broomsgrove, Worcest. t.
Bruton, Somerset. s.
Buckenham, Norf. s.
Buckingham, Bucks, s.
Buddesdale, Suff. th.
Built, Brecon, m. s.
Bullingbrook, Linc, t.
Bungey, Suff. th.
Buntingford, Hertf, m.
Burford, Oxon, s.
Burgh, Linc. t.
Burnham, Norf. s.
Burton, Linc. th.
Burton, Westmorl. t.
Caerfilly, Glamorgan, th.
Caerlion, Monm. th.
Caerwis, Flintsh. t.
Caln, Wilts, t.
Cambridge, Camb. s.
Camelford, Cornw. f.
Campden, Gloc. w.
Canterbury, Kent, w. s.
Cardiff, Glamorg. w. s.
Cardigan, Cardig. s.
Carlisle, Cumberl. s.
Carmarthen, Carm. w. f.
Carnarvon, Carnar. s.
Cartmel, Lancash. m.
Castlecurry, Somers. t.
Caston, Norf. t.
Castor, Lincol. m.
Cawood, Yorks. w.
Caxton, Camb. t.
Cerne, Dorsets. w.
Chard, Somerset. t.
Charley, Lancash. t.
Cheadle, Staff. s.
Chelmsford, Ess. f.
Cheltenham, Gloc. th.
Chepstow, Monm. s.
Chesham, Bucks, w.
Chester, Ches. w. s.
Chesterfield, Derbys. s?.
Chichester, Sus. w. s.
Chimligh, Devon, th.
Chippenham, Wilts, s.
Chipping norton, Oxon, w.
Chudleigh, Devon, s.
Churchstretton, Salop, th.
Cirencester, Gloc. m. f.
Clare, Suff. f.
Clebury, Salop, w.
Cliffe, Northampt. t.
Clithero, Lancash. f.
Cockermouth, Cumberl. m.
Cogshal, Ess. s.
Colchester, Ess. s.
Colebroke, Bucks, w.
Coleshil, Warwic. w.
Calne, Lancas. w.
Columpton, Devon, s.
Congleton, Ches. s.
Conwey, Carnarvon. f.
Corfe?, Dorset. t.
Coventry, Warwic. f.
Cambridge, Glamorg. t.
Cranborn, Dorset. w.
Cranbrook, Kent, s.
Cray, Kent, W.
Crediton, Devon. s.
Creeklade, Wilts, s.
Crickhowel, Brecon, th.
Cromer, Norf. s.
Crookhorn, Somerset. s.
Croyden, Surry, s.
Cuckfield, Suss. t.
Culliton, Devon. th.
Dalton, Lancash, s.
Darby, Darbysh.
Darking, Surry, th.
Darlington, Durh. m.
Dartford, Kent, s.
Dartmouth, Devon, f.
Daventry, Northampt. w.
Dean, Gloc. m.
Debenham, Suff. f.
Deddington, Oxon, s.
Denbigh, Denbigs. w.
Dereham, Norf. f.
Devizes, Wilts, th.
Dieping, Lincolnsh. th.
Dinas-mouthwye, Merio. f.
Dis, Norf. f.
Dodbrook, Devon. w.
Doluelle, Merioneths. w.
Doncaster, Yorksh. s.
Dorchester, Dorset. s.
Dover, Kent, w. s.
Downham, Norf. s.
Drayton, Salop, w.
Droitwich, Worcest. f.
Dronfield?, Darbys. t.
Dudley, Worcest. s.
Dulverton, Somerset. s.
Dunckton, Wilts, f.
Dunnington, Lincolnsh. s.
Dunmore, Ess. s.
Dunstable, Bedfords. w.
Dunster, Somerset. f.
Dunwich, Suff. s.
Durham, Durh. s.
Dursley, Gloc. th.
Eccleshal, Staff. f.
Edgworth, Midd. th.
Egremond, Cumberl. s.
Eleham, Kent, m.
Ellismere, Salop, t.
Ely, Cambridgsh. s.
Enfield, Midd. s.
Epping, Ess. th. f.
Evershot, Dorset. t.
Evesham, Worcest. m.
Ewel, Surry, th.
Exeter, w. f.
Fairford, Glo_c_. th.
Fakenham, Norf. th.
Falmouth, Cornw. th.
Foreham, Hant. th.
Faringdon, Be?ks, t.
Feversham, Kent, w. s.
Fishguard, Pembrokes. f.
Flint, Flintsh. tho' a Shire Town, hath no Market.
Fokingham, Lincolns. th.
Folkeston, Kent, th.
Fowey, Cornw. s.
Framlingham, Suff. s.
Frampton, Dorset. th.
Frodesham, Chesh. w.
Froom, Somerset. w.
Gainsborough, Lincolns. t.
Garstand, Lancash. th.
Gisborough, Yorks. m.
Glassenbury, Somerset. t.
Glocester, Gloc. w. s.
Godalmin, Surry, s.
Grampound, Cornw. s.
Grantham, Lincolns. s.
Gravesend, Kent, w. s.
Grimsby, Lincolns. w.
Grinstead, Suss. th.
Guilford, Surry, s.
Hadley, Suff. m.
Halesworth, Suff. t.
Halifax, Yorks. th.
Hallaton, Leic. th.
Hampton, Gloc. t.
Harborough, Leic. t.
Harlech, Merioneths. s.
Harleston, Norf. w.
Hartford, Hartf. s.
Harwich, Ess. t.
Hastingden, Lanc. w.
Hastings, Suss. w. s.
Hatfield, Hartf. s.
Hatherly, Devon. f.
Haverford west, Pemb. t. s.
Haveril, Ess. w.
Hawkshead, Lancas. m.
Hay, Brecon, m.
Helmesly, Yorks. s.
Helmeston, Suss. th.
Helston, Cornw. s.
Henly, Oxon, th.
Henly, Warwic. m.
Hereford, Heref. w. f. s.
Herling, Norf. t.
Hexham, Northumb. t.
Heydon, Yorks. s.
Highamferries, North. s.
Hindon, Wilt_s_, th.
Hinkley, Leicest. m.
Hitcling, Hertf. t.
Hoddesdon, Hertfords. th.
Holbeck, Lincolns. th.
Holt, Norf. s.
Honiton, Devon, s.
Horncastle, Linc. s.
Hornden, Ess. s.
Horsham, Suff. s.
Houlsworth, Devon. s.
Howden, Yorks. s.
Hull, Yorks. t. s.
Hungerford, Berks, w.
Huntington, Hunt. s.
Hyth, Kent, s.
Hyworth, Wilts, w.
Ilchester, Somerset. w.
Illsey, Berks, w.
Ilminster, Somerset, s.
Ipswich, Suff. w. f. s.
Ireby, Cumberl. t.
Irworth, Suff. f.
Ivingo, Bucks, f.
Kederminster, Worcest. th.
Kendel, Westmorl. s.
Keswick, Cumberl. s.
Kettering, Northampt. f.
Keynsham, Somerset. th.
Kidwelly, Carmarth. t.
Kilgarren, Pembrokes. w.
Kilham, Yorks. th.
Kimbolton, Huntingt. f.
Kingsbridge, Devon. s.
Kingsclere, Hant. t.
Kingston upon Thames, Surry, s.
Kingston, Heref. w.
Kirbymoorside, Yorks. w.
Kirby-Stephen, Westm. f.
Kirkham, Lancash. t.
Kirk-Oswald, Cumberl. th.
Kirton, Lancash. s.
Knighton, Radnors. th.
Knottesford, Chesh. s.
Keekyth, Carnarvons. w.
Kyneton, Warwic. t.
Lanbeden, Cardigans. t.
Lancaster, Lancash. s.
Lanceston, Cornw. s. It is an antient Market-Town; and the Market, in King John's Days, was kept on Sundays; but for a Fine of 5 Marks, was altered to Thursday, and since is remov'd to Saturdays, as it now remains.
Landaff, Glamorg. tho' a City and Bishoprick, has no Market.
Landelghawe, Carmart. t.
Lanelly, Carmarth. t.
Langadock, Carmarth. th.
Langport, Somerset. s.
Lanimdovery, Carmar. w. s.
Lanrost, Denbighsh. t.
Lantrissent, Glamorg. f.
Lanvilling, Montgom. th.
Lavenham, Suff. t.
Laughern, Carmarth. f.
Lavington, Wilts, w.
Lechlade, Gloc. t.
Leeds, Yorks. t. s.
Leek, Staffordsh. w.
Leicester, Leicest. s.
Leighton, Bedfords. t.
Lenham, Kent, t.
Leominster, Heref. f.
Leskard, Cornw. s.
Lestoff, Suff. w.
Lestwithiel, Corn_w_. f.
Leverpool, Lancash. s.
Lewes, Suss. s.
Lichfield, Staff. t. f.
Lidbury, Heref. t.
Lincoln, Lincolns. f.
Linton, Camb. th.
London, every Weekday at one place or other.
Longtown, Cumberl. th.
Lonsdale, Westmorl. th.
Loughborough, Leicest. th.
Lowe, Cornw. s.
Ludlow, Salop, m.
Luton, Bedfords, m.
Lutterworth, Leicest. th.
Lyme, Dorset. f.
Lymington, Hant. s.
Lynn, Norf. t. s.
Macclesfield, Chesh. m.
Machynleth, Montgom. m.
Maidenhead, Berks, w.
Maidstone, Kent, th.
Maldon, Ess. s.
Malling, Kent, s.
Malmsbury, Wilts, s.
Malpas, Chesh. m.
Malton, Yorksh. s.
Manchester, Lancash. s.
Maningtree, Ess. t.
Mansfield, Nottingh. th.
Marketjew, Cornw. th.
Marlborough, Wilts, s.
Marlow, Bucks, s.
Marshfield, Gloc. t.
Masham, Yorks. t.
Melcomb, Dorset. t. f.
Melton, Leicest. t.
Mendlesham, Suff. t.
Mercle, Camb. f.
Mere, Wilts, t.
Midhurst, Suss. th.
Middlewich, Chesh. t.
Milbrook, partly in Devon, partly in Cornwal, s.
Mildenhall, Suff. f.
Milton, Dorset, m.
Milton, Kent, s.
Modbury, Dorset, th.
Monmouth, Monmouths. s.
Montgomery, Mongom. th.
Montsorrel, Leicest. m.
Moreton, Devon. s.
Morpeth, Northumb. w.
Namptwich, Chesh. s.
Narbarth, Pembrokes. w.
Neath, Glamorg. s.
Needham, Suff. w.
Nevon, Carmarth. s.
Newark, Nottingh. w.
Newborough, Anglesey, t.
Newbury, Berks, th.
Newcastle, Northumb. t. s.
Newcastle, Staff. m.
Newent, Gloc. f.
Newmarket, Suff. th.
Newnham, Gloc. f.
Newport, Hant. w. s.
Newport, Monm. s.
Newport, Pembrokes. s.
Newport, Salop, s.
Newport-pagnel, Bucks, s.
Newton, Devon. w.
Newton, Montgom. t.
Neyland, Suff. s.
Northallerton, Yorks. w.
Northampton, Northampt. s.
Northcurry, Somerset. t. s.
Northfleet, Kent, where a Market is only kept every Tuesday after Easter Tuesday till Whitsun Tuesday.
Northwich, Chesh. f.
Norwich, Norf. w. f. s.
Nottingham, Notting. w. f. s.
Nuneaton, Warwic. s.
Oakham, Rutland, s.
Oakhampton, Devon. s.
Ockingham, Berks, t.
Odiam, Hant. s.
Onger, Ess. s.
Orford, Suff. m.
Ormskirk, Lancash. t.
Orton, Westmorl. w.
Oswestry, Salop, m.
Otley, Yorks. t.
Oulney, Bucks, m.
Oundle, Northampt. s.
Oxford, Oxon, w. s.
Packlington, Yorks. s.
Padstow, Cornw. s.
Panswick, Gloc. t.
Patrington, Yorks. s.
Pembridge, Heref. t.
Pembroke, Pembrok. s.
Penkridge, Staff. t.
Penreth, Cumb. t.
Penrife, Glamorg. th.
Penryn, Cornw. w. f. s.
Pensford, Somerset. t.
Penzance, Corn_w_. th.
Pershore, Worcest. t.
Peterborough, North. s.
Petersfield, Hant. s.
Petworth, Suss. s.
Philipsnorton, Somerset. th.
Plymouth, Devon. m. th.
Plymouth, Devon. s.
Pontefract, Yorks. s.
Pontypole, Monm. s.
Pool, Dorset. m. th.
Portsmouth, Hant. th. s.
Potton, Bedfords. s.
Poulton, Lanc. m.
Prescot, Lanc. t.
Prestain, Radnors. s.
Preston, Lanc. w. f. s.
Pulhely, Carnarvons. w.
Queenborough, Kent, th.
Radnor, Radnors. th.
Ramsey, Hants. w.
Rasen, Lincolns. t.
Ravenglas, Cumb. s.
Rayleigh, Ess. s.
Reading, Berks, s.
Repeham, Norf. s.
Retford, Notting. s.
Rhiradergwy, Radnors. w.
Richmond, Yorks. s.
Ringwood, Hunt. w.
Ripley, York_s_. f.
Rippon, Yorks. th.
Risborough, Bucks, s.
Rocklade, Lanc. t.
Rochester, Kent, f.
Rockingham, Northam. th.
Ross, Heref. th.
Rotherham, Yorks. m.
Rothwell, Northamp. m.
Rugby, Warwic. s.
Rugeby, Staff. t.
Rumford, Ess. w.
Rumney, Kent, th.
Rumsey, Hant. s.
Ruthyn, Denbighsh. m.
Rye, Suss. w. s.
Rygate, Surry, t.
Salisbury, Wilt_s_, t. s.
Saltash, Cornw. s.
Sandbach, Chesh. th.
Sandway, Kent, where a Market is kept for Bullocks, upon every Tuesday after Alhallows Day till Christmas.
Sandwich, Kent, w. s.
Saxmundham, Suff. th.
Scarborough, Yorks. th.
Seechy, Norf. m.
Selby, York_s_. m.
Settle, Yorks. t.
Sevenoke, Kent, s.
Shaftsbury, Dorset. s.
Sheffield, Yorks. t.
Shefford, Bedfords. f.
Sherbourn, Dorset. s.
Shipston, Worcest. f.
Shiptonmallet, Somerset. s.
Shoreham, Suss. s.
Shrewsbury, Salop, w. th. s.
Skipton, Yorks. f.
Slatford, Linc. m.
Snathe, Yorks. f.
Snelsham, f.
Somerton, Somerset. m.
Southampton, Hamp. t. f.
Southmoulton, Devon. s.
South-Petherton, Som. th.
Southwark, s.
Southwell, Notting. s.
Southwold, Suff. th.
Spalding, Linc. t.
Spilsby, Linc. m.
St. Albans, Hertf. s.
St. Asaph, Flintsh. s.
St. Columb, Cornw. th.
St. David's, Pemb. but tho' a Bishoprick, hath no Market.
St. Edmundsbury, Suff. w.
St. Ives, Huntingt. w. f.
St. Neots, Huntingt. th.
Stafford, Staff. s.
Stamford, Linc. m. f.
Stanes, Midd. f.
Stanhope, Durh. t.
Stanton, Lanc. m.
Steyning, Sus_s_. w.
Stevenage, Hertf. f.
Stockport, Chesh. s.
Stokesly, Yorks, s.
Stone, Staff. t.
Stony-Stratford, Bucks, ?.
Storeford, Hertf. t.
Stow, Glo_c_. th.
Stow, Suff. th.
Stowey, Somerset. t.
Stratford, Warwic. th.
Stratton, Cornw. t.
Stroud, Gloc. f.
Sturbridge, Worcest. f.
Sturmister, Dorset. th.
Sudbury, Gloc. th.
Sudbury, Suff. s.
Sunderland, Durh. f.
Sutton-Colefield, Warw. m.
Swanzey, Glamorg. w. s.
Swasham, Norf. s.
Swindon, Wilts. m.
Tadcaster, Yorks. th.
Tame, Oxf. t.
Tamworth, Staff. s.
Tanershal, Linc. f?.
Tavestock, Devon. s.
Taunton, Somerset. w. s.
Tenbury, Worcest. t.
Tenby, Pemb., w. s.
Tenterden, Kent, f.
Terring, Suss. s.
Tetbury, Gloc. w.
Tewkesbury, Gloc. s.
Thaxted, Ess. f.
Thetford, Norf. s.
Thornbury, Gloc. s.
Thrapston, Northampt. ?.
Thursk, Yorks. m.
Tickhal, Yorks. s.
Tiddeswal, Derbys. w.
Tiverton, Devon. t.
Tocester, Northampt. t.
Torrington, Devon. s.
Totnes, Devon. s.
Tregaron, Cardigans. th.
Tregony, Cornw. s.
Tring, Hert. f.
Troubridge, Kent, s.
Truro, Corn_w_. w. s.
Tunbridge, Kent, f.
Tutbury, Staff. t.
Tuxford, Nott. m.
Ulverstan, Rutlands. th.
Uppingham, Rutland. w.
Upton, Worcest. th.
Usk, Monm. m.
Utoxeter, Staff. w.
Uxbridge, Midd. th.
Wainfleet, Linc. s.
Wakefield, Yorks. th. f.
Walden, Ess. s.
Wallingford, Berks, t. f.
Walsal, Staff. t.
Walsham, Norf. t.
Walsingham, Norf. f.
Waltham, Ess. t.
Waltham, Leicest. th.
Wantage, Berks, s.
Ware, Herts. t.
Wareham, Dorset. s.
Warrington, Lanc. s.
Warminster, Wilts, s.
Warwick, s.
Watchet, Glamorg. s.
Watford, Hertf. t.
Watlington, Oxon, s.
Watton, Norf. w.
Welshpool, Montg. m.
Wellingborough, North. w.
Werington?, Somerset. th.
Wells, Somerset. w. s.
Wem, Salop, th.
Wendover, Bucks, th.
Wenlock, Salop, m.
Weobly, Heref. th.
Westbury, Wilts. f.
Westminster, Midd. every Day but Sunday.
Westcam, Kent, w.
Wetherby, Yorks. th.
Weymouth, Dorset. t. f.
Whitby, Yorks. s.
Whitchurch, Salop, f.
Whitehaven, Cumberl. th.
Wicomb, Bucks, f.
Wickware, Gloc. m.
Wigan, Lanc. m. f.
Wighton, Yorks. w. t.
Wigton, Cumberl. t.
Wilton, Wilts, w.
Winbourn, Dorset. t.
Wincaunton, Somerset. w.
Winchcomb, Gloc. s.
Winchester, Hant. w. s.
Windham, Norf. t.
Winslow, Bucks, th.
Windsor, Berks, s.
Wicksworth, Derbys. t.
Wisbich, Camb. s.
Wiston, Pemb. s.
Witham, Ess. s.
Witney, Oxf. th.
Wivelscomb, Som. t.
Wobourn, Bedf. f.
Wolverhampton, Staff. w.
Woodbridge, Suff. w.
Woodstock, Oxf. t.
Woolwich, Kent, s.
Worcester, Worc. w. f. s.
Worksop, Notting. w.
Worsted, Norf. t.
Wotton, Gloc. f.
Wotton-basset, Wilts, th.
Wrexham, Denbigs. m. th.
Wrinton, Somerset. t.
Wrotham, Kent, t.
Wuller, Northumb. th.
Wye, Kent, th.
Yarmouth, Norf. s.
Yarum, Yorks. th.
Yexley, Huntingt. t.
Yeovil, Somerset. f.
York, Yorks. th. s. �