Essays on Early 17th Century English Literature (original) (raw)
King James VI & I (1566-1625) | =Student Essay |
From Scotland to England: The Poetic Strategies of James VI and I - Jane Rickard
'No Scot, No English Now': Literary and Cultural Responses to James VI and I's Policies on Union - Sandra Bell
James VI and I and the Fringes of the Enlarged Kingdom - Martyn Bennett
The Impact of James I's Accession on the North-East of England - Diana Newton
King James and the Union - Bryan Bevan
The Accession of King James I and English Religious Poetry - James Doelman
Assessing Cultural Influence: James I as Patron of the Arts - Leeds Barroll
James VI& I - Jenny Wormald
Macbeth, King James and the Witches - Edward H. Thompson
The 'Candie-souldier,' Venice, and James VI's Advice on Monarchic Dress in 'Basilicon Doron - Daniel Fischlin
The Stewarts: An Historical Essay - Russ Jimeson
Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626) | =Student Essay |
Lancelot Andrewes' Doctrine of the Incarnation - Rev. Davidson R. Morse [.pdf]
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
'The Feast in the Text,' Lancelot Andrewes on the task and art of preaching - David A. deSilva
Lancelot Andrewes and Language - Peter E. McCullough
An introduction to The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes - F. E. Brightman
Bishop Andrewes' Sermons - James Bowling Mozley
The Pulpit - George Philip Krapp
Lancelot Andrewes, Plagiarism, and Pedagogy at Hampton Court in 1606 - P. J. Klemp
Preaching pastor versus custodian of order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean church - Daniel W. Doerksen
Lancelot Andrewes and Prayer - Dr Marianne Dorman
Andrewes' and English Catholics' Response to Cranmer's Prayer Books of 1549 and 1552 - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
Andrewes and the Caroline Divines' Teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
Lancelot Andrewes—Prelate, Preacher, Pastor - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes: A Spiritual and Devotional Classic - Joel Stephen Williams
John Donne (1572-1631) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: John Donne's Songs and Sonnets: A Reinterpretation in Light of Their Traditional Backgrounds - Leslie A. Fiedler [.pdf]
Dissertation: The Sacramental Art of John Donne's Sermons on the Penitential Psalms - Philip M. George [.pdf]
Dissertation: Ovid and John Donne: A Comparative Study of Love Poetry Written by Two Kindred Minds - Alta A. C. Schoner [.pdf]
Dissertation: Holy Ambition: The Rhetoric of Courtship in the Sermons of John Donne - Brent Nelson [.pdf]
Dissertation: The Poetry of Immanence: Sacrament in Donne and Herbert - Robert H. Whalen
Dissertation: Somiotics: Rhetoric, Medicine and Hermeneutics in John Donne - Stephen Pender [.pdf]
Dissertation: Narcissus in the other: John Donne, woman and the dynamics of recognition - Steven M. Larocco [.pdf]
Dissertation: Negotiating the threshold: Self-other dynamics in Milton, Herbert, and Donne - Susannah B. Mintz [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Me thoughts I heard one calling": Talking to God in the Poetry of John Donne,
George Herbert, Christina Rossetti, and Gerard Manley Hopkins - Sarah F. Winters [.pdf]
Dissertation: Prophetic Vision and Poetic Faith: A Reading of Donne's "Anniversaries" - Paul A. Parrish [.pdf]
Dissertation: Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings By and For the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - Patricia M. Garcia [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Petty magic to experiment": The Seventeenth Century's Scientific Revolution and the Closing of This World to the Next - Mary E. Zimmer [.pdf]
Thesis: Animal Imagery in the Poetry and Prose of John Donne - Miriam S. Long
Thesis: Time, Death, and Mutability: A Study of Themes in Some Poetry of the Renaissance — Spenser, Shakespeare, and Donne - Jean M. Gerber [.pdf]
Thesis: Versions of the Apocalypse in Four Seventeenth Century Authors - Charles Earnest Watson
Thesis: A New Reading of John Donne's "Song. Goe, and catche a falling starre" - David T. Newton [.pdf]
Thesis: John Donne's Songs and Sonets: The Intractable "I" - Wladyslaw Konieczny [.pdf]
"For reason, put to her best extension,/Amost meets faith":
The Flawed Dialectical Structure in Donne's Sonnets - Margaret Oakes
The Canonization of John Donne - David Kelly [.pdf]
A Pattern for Love — The Structure of Donne's "The Canonization" - A. P. Riemer [.pdf]
John Donne and the Translation of Aristotle�s Politics into English - James R. Stoner, Jr.
Donne's "dialogue of one" - Paul Dean
Religious criticism, the verse epistle, and Donne's daring discretion - Gregory Kneidel
John Donne's Bawdy Body Devotion - James Wardwell
The Rape of Mother Earth in Seventeenth Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
'Be My Trew Mistres Still, Not My Faignd Page': Truth and Disguise in Donne's 'Elegy 16' - Daniel Nisa Cáceres [.pdf]
John Donne: "Holy Sonnet XIV" or the Plenitude of Metaphor - Purificación Ribes
John Donne: The New Turn of Classical Tradition - Laura Lojo Rodríguez [.pdf]
John Donne and the New Universe: Retaking the Issue - Julián Jiménez Heffernan [.pdf]
'The Rest is Silence': Absent Voices in John Donne's Songs and Sonnets - Antonio Ballesteros González [.pdf]
Donne's "The Good-Morrow" - Eleanor Tate [.pdf]
Nothing's Paradox in Donne's "Negative Love" and "A Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Sean Ford [.pdf - p.98]
'All flat maps, and I am one': Cartographic References in the Poems of John Donne - Ladan Niayesh [.pdf]
The Prosodic Significance of Donne's "Accidentals" - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
Les représentations scientifiques dans la poésie de John Donne: Satire et Imaginaire - Zohra Rahmouni [.pdf]
John Donne - T. S. Eliot
Criticism by Terry G. Sherwood
Criticism by A. Alvarez
John Donne's strategies for discreet preaching - Marla Hoffman Lunderberg
Alchemical augmentation and primordial fire in Donne's "The Dissolution" - Roberta Albrecht
Spenser, Donne, and the Theology of Joy - Adam Potkay
The Erotology of Donne's "Extasie" and the Secret History of Voluptuous Rationalism - Catherine Gimelli Martin
John Donne and Music: Paths to an Opera - Chris Jarrett
Poetry as Language Presentation: John Donne, Poet, Preacher, Craftsman - Anca Rosu
Elizabethan Precursors of Donne's Divine Meditations - William L. Stull
John Donne: Bulimic Bore? - Veronica Chater
The Metaphysical Sonnets of John Donne and Mikolaj Sep Szarzynski: A Comparison - Magdalena Kay
In the Person of Womankind: Female Persona Poems by Campion, Donne, Jonson - Pamela Coren
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into Praise - John Lyon
Heaven's Net: The Meeting of John Donne and Johannes Kepler - Jeremy Bernstein
Completing the Conversation: Donne and Lady Mary Wroth - Maureen Quilligan
Donne's "Elegy 19": the busk between a pair of bodies - Sandy Feinstein
The meaning of "rage" in "The Canonization" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
"Lines which circles do contain": circles, the cross, and Donne's dialectic scheme of salvation - Alan Fischler
John Donne and the Baroque Doubt - Kathleen Raine
John Donne and Elizabethan Economic Theory - Coburn Freer
Can't buy me love: money, gender, and colonialism in Donne's erotic verse - Shankar Raman
Love, Poetry, and John Donne in the Love Poetry of John Donne - R. V. Young
The Religious Poetry of John Donne - Helen Gardner
Talking to a Silent God: Donne's Holy Sonnets and the Via Negativa - Lawrence Beaston
John Donne and Scholarly Melancholy - Trevor Douglas
Severed Hair from Donne to Pope - Erik Gray
The "press and the fire": print and manuscript culture in Donne's circle - Richard B. Wollman
Donne, The Rainbow, and The Lady of the Camellias - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Donne's Body - Nancy Selleck
'Hebdomada Mortium': the structure of Donne's last sermon - Jonquil Bevan
Preaching pastor versus custodian of order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean church - Daniel W. Doerksen
John Donne the Divine and Mundane - Yoshiko Fujito
"miserrimum dictu": Donne's Epitaph for his Wife - M. Thomas Hester
Donne and the Court of Wards - M. Thomas Hester
The Titles/Headings of Donne's English Epigrams - M. Thomas Hester
Moses, Dante, and the Visio Dei of Donne's "Going to Bed" - Raymond-Jean Frontain
Donne's Imperfect Resurrection - Raymond-Jean Frontain
The Plot of Donne's Anniversaries - James Andrew Clark
The Act of Preaching and the Art of Prophesying - Bryan Crockett
Donne's Atomies and Anatomies: Deconstructed Bodies and
the Resurrection of Atomic Theory - David A. Hedrich Hirsch
Love "Elemented" in John Donne's "Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" - Edgar S. Laird
Gold in the Washes: Donne's Last Going Into Germany - Jeffrey Johnson
An Occasion for John Donne's 'The Lamentations of Jeremy' - William B. Hunter
Theology and Spirituality: Notes on the Mystical Christology of John Donne - Mark A. Mcintosh
Plato in John Donne's 'The Good Morrow' - Christopher S. Nassaar
Memory, Reason, and the Quest for Certainty in the Sermons of John Donne - Elizabeth Tebeaux
The 'Well Wrought Urne' as Competitive Trope - Ceri Sullivan
"Forget the Hee and Shee": Gender and Play in John Donne - Susannah B. Mintz
"In whom love wrought new Alchimie": The Inversion of Christian Spiritual
Resurrection in "A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day" - Mary E. Zimmer
Radical Donne: "Satire III" - Richard Strier
A History of Donne's "Canonization" from Izaak Walton to Cleanth Brooks - Dayton Haskin
Depicting Lesbian Desire: Contexts for John Donne's 'Sapho to Philaenis' - C. Annette Grise
'Batter My [Flaming] Heart': Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw - Lisa S. Starks
John Donne, Richard Crashaw, and the Mystery of God's Grace - R. V. Young
Under the Sign of Donne - Judith Scherer Herz
Love's Refinement: Metaphysical Expressions of Desire in Philip Sidney and John Donne - Daniel Philip Knauss
Colon and Semi-Colon in Donne's Prose Letters: Practice and Principle - Emma L. Roth-Schwartz
Donne, Herbert, and the Worm of Controversy - Louis L. Martz
W[illiam] S[hakespeare]'s A Funeral Elegy and the Donnean Moment - Claude J. Summers
John Donne's "Lamentations" and Christopher Fetherstone's Lamentations.... - Ted-Larry Pebworth
"The strangest pageant, fashion'd like a court": John Donne and Ben Jonson to 1600 - William F. Blissett
"I launch at paradise, and saile toward home" : The Progresse of the Soule as Palinode - Wyman H. Herendeen
"I haue often such a sickly inclination": Biography and the Critical Interpretation
of Donne's Suicide Tract, Biathanatos - R. G. Siemens
"Witness this Booke, (thy Emblem)": Donne's Holy Sonnets and Biography - Diana Treviño Benet
Trumpet Vibrations: Theological Reflections on Donne's Doomsday Sonnet - G. Richmond Bridge
Britten and Donne: Holy Sonnets Set to Music - Bryan N. S. Gooch
Dr. Donne & Sir Edmund Gosse - Jeremy Bernstein
Rhetoric in English Baroque Literature - Rolf Lessenich
Oral Sex: A Theme in Donne and Some Cavalier Poets - Prof. David Renaker
A Quick and Rough Explication of Donne's Holy Sonnet 10: Death Be Not Proud - Anniina Jokinen
John Donne and the "Anthropomorphic Map" Tradition - Noam Flinker [.pdf]
Two Examples of Poetic Parallelism between John Donne and Lope de Vega - Jesús Cora
The Circle of Souls in John Donne's "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning" - Cynthia A. Cavanaugh
Teaching in the School of Donne: Metaphysical Poetry and English Composition - Steven Marx
'Let them sleepe': Donne's personal allusion in 'Holy Sonnet IV.' - M. Thomas Hester
Cunning elements: water, fire, and sacramental poetics in 'I am a little world.' - Theresa M. Di Pasquale
Carew's response to Jonson and Donne - Scott Nixon
John Donne's Use of Space - Lisa Gorton
Evidence of Dialectical Disputatio in Early Modern Manuscript Culture - Margaret Downs-Gamble
Empson on Donne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 14 - Craig Payne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 18 - Paul R. Rovang
Explication of Devotion 14 - Meenakshi Venkatasubramanian
Explication of Elegy 8, "The Comparison" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Sunne Rising" - M. E. Rickey
Explication of "The Indifferent" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Ecstasy" - Stephen Farmer
Explication of "Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Explication of "To his Mistress Going to Bed" ll.33-35 - Robert H. Ray
The exemplification of love through the use of geometric conceits
in the poetic works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Donne’s Sermons: His (Un)Reason from the Renaissance Episteme - Clarissa Lee Ai Ling
Galvanized, Erotic Love Refined: An Explication of John Donne's "The Ecstasy" - Ken Thompson
Political and Social Criticism in "The Calme" by John Donne - John De Stefano
Views of Death in Donne’s Poetry - Antonio S. Oliver
The Petrarchan Tradition and the Female Object in Donne's Songs and Sonets - Sylvie Crane
Societal Discourse in the Poetry of John Donne - Jon Etter
The Cultural Politics of John Donne: A Bibliographic Essay - Patricia Webb
On Donne's "Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day" - Susan Siferd
John Donne and the Tradition of English Literature - Bill Morgan
Donne and Metaphor in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - William Ames
Love and Gender in the Poetry of John Donne - John Larson
Religion and Politics in Satyre III - Bryan Herek
The Female Body in John Donne's Poetry - Ashley Halsey [.pdf]
Companion Poems: Donne's "To His Mistris Going to Bed" & Hope's "The Elegy" - Kaye Anfield
Conceits in "The Flea" - Kaye Anfield
The Love Poetry of John Donne - Ian Mackean
Ben Jonson (1572-1637) | =Student Essay |
Please see Ben Jonson Essays
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) | =Student Essay |
Please see Sir Francis Bacon Essays
Thomas Dekker (1572?-1632) | =Student Essay |
Please see Thomas Dekker Essays
John Webster (?1580-1625) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Thesis: White Devil, Black Magic: Remnants of Occult Philosophy in the Drama of John Webster - Joseph Gavin Paul [.pdf]
Truth and Effect in The Duchess of Malfi - F. H. Langman [.pdf]
"An headlesse Ladie" and "a horses loade of heades": writing the beheading - Patricia Palmer
The White Devil and Old Wives' Tales - Judith Weil
Stuart Civic Pageants and Textual Performance - David M. Bergeron
The Crux in A Cure for A Cuckold: A Cryptic Message, A Doubtful Intention,
and Two Dearest Friends - David Carnegie and Macd. P. Jackson
John Webster, James Shirley, and the Melbourne manuscript - MacD. P. Jackson
John Webster's handbook of model letters: a study in attribution - Charles R. Forker
The severed hand in Webster's Duchess of Malfi - Albert H. Tricomi
"Ears prejudicate" in Mariam and Duchess of Malfi - Reina Green
"Dido I am, unless I be deceived": Female Desire and Ruin in Christopher Marlowe's
Dido, Queen of Carthage (1594) and John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi (1613) - Grace Windsor
Patientia Regina: Patience as Character from the Morality Play to Jacobean Tragedy - Mark Sandona
Arbella Stuart, Catherine of Valois, and The Duchess of Malfi: An Examination of
Women, Marriage, and Widowhood in Jacobean England - Nanci Lamb Roider
An Italian Werewolf in London: Lycanthropy and The Duchess of Malfi - Brett D. Hirsch
Religion, Politics, Revenge: The Dead in Renaissance Drama - Thomas Rist
The Part with Ne'er a Bone In't: Webster's Women and the Politics of Speech - Lisa Hopkins
Strategies of Submission: Desdemona, The Duchess, and the Assertion of Desire - Emily C. Bartels
On Marston, Chapman, Deckar, Webster - William Hazlitt
Desire, Commodification and the Sublimity of the Early Modern English Playwright - Katherine O. Acheson
A Discussion of Morality and Horror in "The Duchess of Malfi" and "Edward II" - Timothy Fox
The Theme of Entrapment in The Duchess of Malfi - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
The Duchess: Victim or Villain? - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
Bosola: Evil or Misled? - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
Reaffirming the Male Ambition in John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi - Scott
Lycanthropy in The Duchess of Malfi - Christina Hart
Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury (1582/3-1648) | =Student Essay |
Lord Herbert of Cherbury: Sex and Violence - John Carey
"The Virtue and Discipline" of Wrestling with God - John T. Shawcross
The Unsteady Crown: The State of the Monarchy in Edward Herbert's Poetry of Politics - Anne B. Mangum
Robert Herrick (1591-1674) | =Student Essay |
Landscape and Property in Seventeenth-Century Poetry - Andrew McRae [.pdf]
Robert Herrick: A Tithe of Praise - James Wardwell
Robert Herrick's "Unified vision" and Its Place in Early Seventeenth Century Poetry - Kevin Roberts [.pdf]
'But do not so': Herrick's Ravishment and Lyric Address - Darrell Hinchliffe
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb
"This Poetick Liturgie": Robert Herrick's Ceremonial Mode - A. Leigh Deneef
Robert Herrick's Fathers - Roger B. Rollin
Robert Herrick and the Makings of 'Hesperides.' - Randall Ingram
Herrick among the Goths - Russell Fraser
Herrick and the Ceremony of Mirth - H. R. Swardson
Carew and Herrick - Charles Neaves
Robert Herrick, the Human Figure, and the English Mannerist Aesthetic - L. E. Semler
The Politics of Fairylore in Early Modern English Literature - Marjorie Swann
"The Uncanny Stranger on Display": The Female Body in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Love Poetry - Moira P. Baker
Marriage, celibacy, and ritual in Robert Herrick's'Hesperides' - Marjorie Swann
False Visions in Hesperides - Julia D. Chaffe
Carpe Diem: Seizing the Day in Herrick's "To the Virgins" and Marvell's "Coy Mistress" - Karen Ransom
Rhyme in "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" - Kaye Anfield
George Herbert (1593-1633) | =Student Essay |
Please see George Herbert Essays
Lady Mary Wroth (1587?-1651?) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Reading Women Writers in the Cultural Politics of Early Modern England - Edith Snook [.pdf]
"Et in Arcadia Ego": The Politics of Pirates in the Old Arcadia, New Arcadia and Urania - Claire Jowitt
"Injoying of true joye the most, and best": Desire and the Sonnet
sequences of Lady Mary Wroth and Adrienne Rich - Madeline Bassnett
A Pack of Lies in a Looking Glass: Lady Mary Wroth's Urania and the Magic Mirror of Romance - Jennifer Lee Carrell
"Sleepe fy possess mee nott": The Return of the Repressed in Lady Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, Sonnets 16 and 17 - Jesús Cora [.pdf]
Questioning Men's Love in Sidney's Astrophil and Stella and Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus - Ivan Cañadas [.pdf]
"Love is a subject so delightful": Concepto y casuística de amor en el mundo pastoril de la Urania de Mary Wroth - Jorge Figueroa Dorrego
Love, Death and Resurrection in Tragicomedies by Seventeenth-Century English Women Dramatists - Marguèrite Corporaal
Mary Wroth's Poetics of the Self - Nona Fienberg
The Sage Felicia and the Grave Melissea: Diana of George of Montemayor, An Inspiration for Wroth's
Defense of Women in Urania - Sharon Rose Yang
Pastoral, Temperance, and the Unitary Self in Wroth's Urania - Amelia Zurcher Sandy
Constructing a City of Ladies - Margaret P. Hannay
The Passion Signified: Imitation and the Construction of Emotions in Sidney and Wroth - Jacqueline T. Miller
"Watch, Gaze, and Marke": The Poetry of Mary Wroth - Gary F. Waller
Completing the Conversation: Donne and Lady Mary Wroth - Maureen Quilligan
George Herbert and Lady Mary Wroth: a root for 'The Flower?' - R. E. Pritchard
'I Exscribe Your Sonnets': Jonson and Lady Mary Wroth - R.E. Pritchard
"The Wreck of Order" in Early Modern Women's Drama - Irene Burgess
"But Worth pretends": Discovering Jonsonian Masque in Lady Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus - Anita M. Hagerman
The Labyrinth as Style in 'Pamphilia to Amphilanthus' - Mary Moore
Transgressing Boundaries: Women's Writing in the Renaissance and Reformation - Janet Clare
Gender and Genre in the Sonnet Sequences of Philip Sidney and Mary Wroth - Jennifer Laws
Lady Mary Wroth: An Overdetermined Self Manifested in Writing - Carolyn Campbell
Twisting Typical Gender: The Androgynous Speaker in the Poems of Lady Mary Wroth - Gabriel Sanchez
Lady Mary Wroth: Autonomy From the Traditional Role of Woman - Katharine Emerson
The Disturbing Lady Mary Wroth - Jason M. Swarts
Thomas Carew (1594-1640) | =Student Essay |
Carew's Boar and Panther - Scott Nixon
"The English Masque" - Felix E. Schelling
The Strategy of Carew's Wit - Bruce King
Carew and Herrick - Charles Neaves
Thomas Carew: The Cavalier World - Louis L. Martz
The Poetry of Thomas Carew - G. A. E. Parfitt
Carew's Monarchy of Wit - Diana Benet
Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into Praise - John Lyon
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Reinterpreting Formalism and the Country House Poem - Heather Dubrow
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb
Two Versions of the Funeral Elegy: Henry King's "The Exequy" and Thomas Carew's "... Elegie Upon ... Donne" - Antoon Van Velzen
Carew's Funerary Poetry and the Paradox of Sincerity - James Fitzmaurice
Self-Presentation in Carew's 'To A. L. Perswasions to Love' - Renée Hannaford
'My Unwashed Muse': Sexual Play and Sociability in Carew's 'A Rapture' - Renée Hannaford
Carew's 'A Rapture': The Dynamics of Fantasy -
'Wee, of th' adult'rate mixture not complaine': Thomas Carew and Poetic Hybridity - Reid Barbour
'Deare Ben,''Great DONNE,' and 'my Celia,': The Wit of Carew's Poetry - Ada Long and Hugh MacLean
Carew's response to Jonson and Donne - Scott Nixon
Oral Sex: A Theme in Donne and Some Cavalier Poets - Prof. David Renaker
Rejecting the mean in Carew's "Mediocritie in love rejected" - Philip Priestley
Richard Crashaw (1613-1649) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings By and For the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - Patricia M. Garcia [.pdf]
Thesis: A Reading of Richard Crashaw - P.K. Sundararajan [.pdf]
Thesis: Protestants Reading Catholicism: Crashaw's Reformed Readership - Andrew D. Davis [.pdf]
Thesis: Versions of the Apocalypse in Four Seventeenth Century Authors - Charles Earnest Watson
Opening the Purple Wardrobe: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Poetry of Richard Crashaw - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
The Religious Epigram in Early Stuart England - James Doelman
L�éloquence de la suavitas: Richard Crashaw et la spiritualité salésienne - Vincent Roger [.pdf]
Pastorale et "parodie sacr�e" dans la po�sie m�taphysique: "In the Holy Nativity" de Richard Crashaw - Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise [.pdf]
Intimacy and the Body in Seventeenth-Century Religious Devotion - James M. Bromley
Richard Crashaw - Edmund Gosse
Crashaw and Marvell - George MacDonald
'Batter My [Flaming] Heart': Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw - Lisa S. Starks
John Donne, Richard Crashaw, and the Mystery of God's Grace - R. V. Young
The Crashavian Mother - Susannah B. Mintz
Henry Vaughan (1621-1695) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: The Scriptural Texture of Henry Vaughan's Silex Scintillans:
The Poetics, Politics and Theology of Intertextuality - Holly F. Nelson [.pdf]
"The Soul in Paraphrase": The Devotional Poetry of George Herbert and His Contemporaries - Helen Wilcox
Essay on the Life and Writings of Henry Vaughan, Silurist - Alexander B. Grosart
George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and the Conversion of the Jews - Nabil I. Matar
A Mount of Vision—Henry Vaughan - George MacDonald
The Sign of the Rose: Vaughan, Rilke, Celan - Shimon Sandbank
"The Virtue and Discipline" of Wrestling with God - John T. Shawcross
The Poisoned Grove. Henry Vaughan: the Grove Recovered - P. W. Thomas
The Exemplification of Love Through the Use of Geometric Conceits in the Poetic Works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Emblems, Style, and Metaphor in Vaughan - Jen Fela, et al.
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) | =Student Essay |
Thesis: Andrew Marvell and Privacy - Keith McDonald [.pdf]
Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller: Seventeenth-Century Praise and Restoration Satire - Steven N. Zwicker
Rewriting Cromwell: Milton, Marvell, and Negative Liberty in the English Revolution - C.G. Martin
I, Easy Philosopher: Who is Andrew Marvell's "Upon Appleton House" Really About? - Bill Philips [.pdf]
Action and Indolence in Andrew Marvell's "Upon Appleton House" - Byron Nelson [.pdf]
'A storm of lamentations writ': Lachrymae Musarum and Royalist Culture After the Civil War - John McWilliams
Andrew Marvell's Ambivalence Toward Adult Sexuality - Michael John DiSanto
Andrew Marvell and the 'Painter Satires': A Computational Approach to Their Authorship - John Burrows
Marvell's "The Garden" and the Ars Moriendi - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe [.pdf]
The Alchemical Code in Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress - Lyndy Abraham [.pdf]
"To His Coy Mistress" as Characterization - R. V. Young
Fallen Fruit, Fallen Men, and a Fallen State: Images in Marvell's Pastoral Poetry - Andrew Monnickendam
Seneca and the Text of Marvell's 'Climb at court for me that will' - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
"'Still Keep thy Sword Erect': Marvell and the Phallic Republic - Jonathan Sawday [.doc]
On Andrew Marvell - T. S. Eliot, 1921
Marvell and Milton's literary friendship reconsidered - John McWilliams
Crashaw and Marvell - George MacDonald
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Reinterpreting Formalism and the Country House Poem - Heather Dubrow
Representing Cromwell: Marvell's Wiser Art - Bruce Lawson
Reversible Space, Linear Time: Andrew Marvell's Bermudas - Catherine Gimelli Martin
Marvell's Dialogized Nymph - Daniel Jaeckle
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
"By Lucan driv'n about": A Jonsonian Marvell's Lucanic Milton - Andrew Shifflett
Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' and Sandys's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses - Robert H. Ray
Feminizing Vision: Andrew Marvell and Female Prophecy - Rachel Trubowitz
The Slain Deer and Political Imperium: As You Like It and Andrew Marvell's "Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Fawn" - Chris Fitter
Marvell's metamorphic 'Fleckno' - Joan Hartwig
The Persuasion of the Coy Mistress - Robert W. Halli, Jr.
The Balance of Power in Marvell's "Horatian Ode." - Thomas M. Greene
England Deflowered and Unmanned: The Sexual Image of Politics in Marvell's "Last Instructions." - Barbara Riebling
Lady State's First Two Sittings: Marvell's Satiric Canon. - Annabel Patterson
Speaking and silent women in Upon Appleton House - Sarah Monette
Preserving Property: History, Genealogy, and Inheritance in "Upon Appleton House." - Brian Patton
The Nature of Marvell's Mower - Linda Anderson
Cohesion as Logic: The Possible Worlds of Marvell's "To his Coy Mistress" - Jeffrey W. Karon
Imaging Social Languages in Marvell's The Last Instructions -Daniel P. Jaeckle
Sacred Violence in Marvell's "Horatian Ode" - Thad Bower
Marvell's Nymph Complaining' as Historical Allegory - Yvonne L. Sandstroem
The Poisoned Grove: Marvell and Lovelace in Retreat - P. W. Thomas
Marvell's Horatian Ode - Brooks/Warren
The Exemplification of love through the use of geometric conceits in the poetic works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Now and Then: The Conceptualization of Time in "To His Coy Mistress" - Linda Nguyen
Carpe Diem: Seizing the Day in Herrick's "To the Virgins" and Marvell's "Coy Mistress" - Karen Ransom
Politics and Poetry in Andrew Marvell's "An Horation Ode" - Debbie Wechselblatt-Cranford
Marvell's "The Gallery" vs. Gray's "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" - Michael Wells
Marvell and Nun Appleton House - Angela C. Caraway
Troublemaking Interpretations: Bush and Brooks on "Horation Ode" - Chris McGee
Marvell: How Noble in Reason - Anon.
Carpe poem: Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" - John Larson
John Milton (1608-1674) | =Student Essay |
Please see Milton Essays
Sir John Suckling (1609-1642) | =Student Essay |
John Suckling's Semi-Serious Love Poetry - Michael H. Markel
'At Bottom a Criticism of Life': Suckling and the Poetry of Low Seriousness - Thomas Clayton
Traditions of Précieux and _Libertin_in Suckling's Poetry - Fletcher Orpin Henderson
The Canon of Sir John Suckling's Poems - L. A.Beaurline
The Pleasures of Restraint: The Mean of Coyness in Cavalier Poetry - Joshua Scodel
Richard Lovelace (1618-1657) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Looking for Lovelace: Identity, Style and Inheritance in the Poetry of the Interregnum - Dosia Reichardt [.pdf]
Another Look at 'Amyntor's Grove': Pastoral and Patronage in Lovelace's Poem - Dosia Reichardt
Reading the Light in Lovelace's 'The Grasshopper' -Dale B. J. Randall
The Poisoned Grove: Marvell and Lovelace in Retreat - P. W. Thomas
Francis Beaumont (1584-1616) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Thesis: The Blest Fountain: A Study of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus - Sheila M. Roberts
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
Anatomizing the Body Politic: Corporeal Rhetoric in The Maid's Tragedy - Jason R. Denman
The Multiple Plot in Fletcherian Tragicomedies - Mark E. Bingham
The Role of Folk Humor in Seventeenth-century Receptions of The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Dana Aspinall
Mixed Government and Mixed Marriage in A King and No King: Sir Henry Neville Reads Beaumont and Fletcher - Zachary Lesser [.pdf]
Cross-dressing, Gender, and Absolutism in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays - Peter Berek
How to Look at a Hermaphrodite in Early Modern England - Jenny C. Mann
Unraveling Beaumont from Fletcher with Music, Misogyny, and Masque - Catherine A. Henze
How Music Matters: Some Songs of Robert Johnson in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher - Catherine A. Henze
"The English Masque" - Felix E.Schelling
The Analogous Qualities of The Two Noble Kinsmen and Masque of The Inner Temple and Grey's Inn - Noel R. Blincoe
Staging the Feminine Performance of Desire: Masochism in The Maid's Tragedy - Christina Leon Alfar
Masque Influence on the Dramaturgy of Beaumont and Fletcher - Suzanne Gossett
The Citizens in Philaster: Their Function and Significance - Adkins
The High Design of A King and No King - Arthur Mizener
The Political Appeal of Beaumont and Fletcher's 'A King and No King' on the Restoration Stage - Stephan P. Flores
John Fletcher (1579-1625) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Men on the Road: Beggars and Vagrants in Early Modern Drama - Mi-Su Kim [.pdf]
Dissertation: Speaking England: Nationalism(s) in Early Modern Literature and Culture - Christopher L. Morrow [.pdf]
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
Tragicomic Transformations: Passion, Politics, and the 'Art to Turn' in Fletcher's The Island Princess - Jean E. Feerick
Anatomizing the Body Politic: Corporeal Rhetoric in The Maid's Tragedy - Jason R. Denman
Fletcher, Massinger, and Roman Imperial Character - John E. Curran Jr.
Moorish dancing in the Two Noble Kinsmen - Sujata Iyengar
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott
The Multiple Plot in Fletcherian Tragicomedies - Mark E. Bingham
The Role of Folk Humor in Seventeenth-century Receptions of The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Dana Aspinall
Mixed Government and Mixed Marriage in A King and No King: Sir Henry Neville Reads Beaumont and Fletcher - Zachary Lesser [.pdf]
Cross-dressing, Gender, and Absolutism in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays - Peter Berek
Unraveling Beaumont from Fletcher with Music, Misogyny, and Masque - Catherine A. Henze
How Music Matters: Some Songs of Robert Johnson in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher - Catherine A. Henze
Staging the Feminine Performance of Desire: Masochism in "The Maid's Tragedy" - Christina Leon Alfar
Sex Averted or Converted: Sexuality and Tragicomic Genre in the Plays of Fletcher - Verna A. Foster
Distinguishing Shakespeare from Fletcher Through Function Words - Thomas B. Horton
Colonialism, Politics, and Romanization in John Fletcher's Bonduca - Claire Jowitt
John Fletcher's Response to the Gender Debate: The Woman's Prize and The Taming of the Shrew - Molly Easo Smith
Ben Jonson's Head - Jeffrey Masten
Phrase lengths in 'Henry VIII' Shakespeare and Fletcher - Tony Kline
The Analogous Qualities of The Two Noble Kinsmen and Masque of The Inner Temple and Grey's Inn - Noel R. Blincoe
The persistent 'Kinsmen' of Shakespeare and Fletcher - Hugh M. Richmond
Masque Influence on the Dramaturgy of Beaumont and Fletcher - Suzanne Gossett
The Citizens in Philaster: Their Function and Significance - Adkins
The High Design of A King and No King - Arthur Mizener
The Political Appeal of Beaumont and Fletcher's 'A King and No King' on the Restoration Stage - Stephan P. Flores
Fletcher's_The Tragedie of Bonduca_ and the Anxieties of the Masculine Government of James I - Julie Crawford
Edmund Waller (1606-1687) | =Student Essay |
Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller: Seventeenth-Century Praise and Restoration Satire - Steven N. Zwicker
Edmund Waller, English Precieux - Thomas Kaminski
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
Edmund Waller's Sacred Poems - Richard Hillyer
Abraham Cowley (1618-1667) | =Student Essay |
"The eternal now": Virgilian Echoes and Miltonic Premonitions in Cowley's Davideis - Sue Starke
Odes of Absorption in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century - Margaret Koehler
Abraham Cowley - Geoffrey Walton
Saul and the Social Contract: Constructions of 1 Samuel 8-11 in Cowley's'Davideis' and Defoe's 'Jure Divino.' - Michael Austin
Epic Warfare in Cowley and Milton - D.M. Rosenberg
Truth Is Truest Poetry: The Influence of the New Philosophy on Abraham Cowley - Robert B. Hinman
Discordia Concors, Decorum, and Cowley - Harvey D. Goldstein
The Epic Reticence of Abraham Cowley - Timothy Dykstal
Cowley's 'Pindarique Odes' and the Politics of the Inter-regnum - Stella P. Revard
Dorothy Osborne (1627-1695) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Desire and Renunciation: The Letters of Dorothy Osborne - Carrie Anne Hintz [.pdf]
Epistolary, Audience, Selfhood: The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to William Temple - Sara Crangle [.pdf]
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Wicked Words, Virtuous Voices: The Reconstruction of Tragic Subjectivity by Renaissance and Early Restoration Women Dramatists - Marguérite C. M. Corporaal [.pdf]
Dissertation: A Figurative Matter: Continuities Between Margaret Cavendish's Theory of Discourse and her Natural Philosophy - Leni Katherine Robinson
Dissertation: Brave New Worlds? The Gender Politics of Margaret Cavendish's Primary and Secondary Realms - Tanya C. Wood [.pdf]
Mad Madge: Britain's First Woman Scientist - John K. Borchardt
Performance, Performativity, and Identity in Margaret Cavendish's The Convent of Pleasure - Katherine R. Kellett
The Life and the Literary Reputation of Margaret Cavendish - James Fitzmaurice [.pdf]
Women, the Republic of Letters, and the Public Sphere in the Mid-Seventeenth Century - David Norbrook
Rhetoric and Gender in Plays by English Renaissance Women - Marguérite Corporaal
Reading Through Galileo's Telescope: Margaret Cavendish and the Experience of Reading - Elizabeth A. Spiller
The Rape of Mother Earth in Seventeenth Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
Material Cavendish: Paper, Performance, "sociable virginity" - Jeffrey Masten
The Irregular Aesthetic of The Blazing World - Angus Fletcher
Contemplation on the "World of My Own Creating": Alchemical Discourses on Nature and Creation in The Blazing World - Tien-yi Chao
The Function of Analogy in the Scientific Theories of Margaret Cavendish and Anne Conway - Sandrine Parageau [.pdf]
'An Amazonian Heroickess': The Military Leadership of Queen Henrietta Maria in Margaret Cavendish's Bell in Campo - Kamille Stone Stanton
La satire des sciences dans Observations upon Experimental Philosophy et The Blazing World de Margaret Cavendish - Sandrine Parageau [.pdf]
Politique et imagination féminine dans Nature's Pictures de Margaret Cavendish - Claire Boulard-Jouslin [.pdf]
Miroir du théâtre : maniérisme et mise en abyme dans The Convent of Pleasure de Margaret Cavendish - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
The Irregular Aesthetic of The Blazing-World - Angus Fletcher
Genre's "Phantastical Garb": The Fashion of Form in Margaret Cavendish's Natures Pictures Drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life - Emily Smith
Female Spectacle as Liberation in Margaret Cavendish's Plays - Joyce Devlin Mosher
Concocting the world's olio: Margaret Cavendish and continental influence - Sara H. Mendelson
Mad Science Beyond Flattery: The Correspondence of Margaret Cavendish and Constantijn Huygens - Nadine Akkerman
Happy Families and Learned Ladies: Margaret Cavendish, William Cavendish, and their onstage academy debate - Alexandra Bennett
Playing with Religion: Convents, Cloisters, Martyrdom, and Vows - Erna Kelly
Fighting the Kingdom of Faction in Bell in Campo - Oddvar Holmesland
Crime and Context in The Unnatural Tragedy - Lisa Hopkins
The Intellectual and Literary Courtship of Margaret Cavendish - James Fitzmaurice
Defects Redressed: Margaret Cavendish Aspires to Motley - Lesley Peterson
The City of Chance, or, Margaret Cavendish's Theory of Radical Symmetry - B. R. Siegfried
"My Spirits long to wander in the Air...": Spirits and Souls in Margaret Cavendish's Fiction between Early Modern Philosophy and Cyber Theory - Miriam Wallraven
"I hate such an old-fashioned House": Margaret Cavendish and the search for home - Alison Findlay
An Empowering Wit and an "Unnatural" Tragedy: Margaret Cavendish's Representation of the Tragic Female Voice - Marguérite Corporaal
Gender Subversion in the Science of Margaret Cavendish - Lisa Walters
The First Duchess of Newcastle and her Husband as Figures in Literary History - Henry Ten Eyck Perry
Romancing Multiplicity: Female Subjectivity and the Body Divisible in Margaret Cavendish's Blazing World - Geraldine Wagner
Constructing a City of Ladies - Margaret P. Hannay
Pure Resistance: Queer(y)ing Virginity in Measure for Measure and The Convent of Pleasure - Theodora A. Jankowski
Margaret Cavendish and the Female Satirist - Mihoko Suzuki
Warrior Women in the Plays of Cavendish and Killigrew - Karen L. Raber
Surface and Interiority: Self-Creation in Margaret Cavendish's The Claspe - Jennifer Low
"Plainarid Vulgarly Express'd": Margaret Cavendish and the Discourse of the New Science - Richard Nate
The Mechanist-vitalist soul of Margaret Cavendish - Jay Stevenson
Reading the Stage: Margaret Cavendish and Commonwealth Closet Drama - Marta Stranznicky
Margaret Cavendish and the Romance of Contract - Victoria Kahn
Providence, Fortune, and Gender in Margaret Cavendish’s Life of William Cavendish and
Lucy Hutchinson’s Life of John Hutchinson - Stephanie Sleeper
Margaret Cavendish's Dramatic Utopias and the Politics of Gender - Erin Lang Bonin
Utopian Bliss in Margaret Cavendish’s “The Description of a New World,
Called the Blazing World” and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia - Emily Cho
The Construction of Female Relationships in the Works of Margaret Cavendish - Lora Davies
James Shirley (1596-1666) | =Student Essay |
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
John Webster, James Shirley, and the Melbourne manuscript - MacD. P. Jackson
"Powdered with Golden Rain": The Myth of Danae in Early Modern Drama - Julie Sanders
"The English Masque" - Felix E.Schelling
Swinburne on Shirley
The Poisoned Grove: James Shirley & the Portuguese Ambassador - P. W. Thomas
Francis Quarles (1592-1644) | =Student Essay |
Thesis: Quarles and Benlowes: A Study of Contemplative Themes and Imagery in the Emblemes and Theophila - Mayling Stubbs [.pdf]
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
On Quarles' The New Distemper, 1645 - Lawrence Helm
Thomas Middleton (c.1580-1627) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Dissertation: A Critical Edition of Four Entertainments by Thomas Middleton for the Drapers' Company, &c. - Christina J. Burridge [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Unto my wife I would not be the bride": Rich Widows and Anxious Suitors in Thomas Middleton's Comedies - Jennifer M. Panek
Dissertation: Thomas Middleton's Early City Comedies - Dennis A. Hengeveld [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Female" Stage Props: Visualizing the Disappearing Woman on the Early Modern Stage - Amy R. Pollard [.pdf]
Dissertation: Dealers in Hole-Sale: Representations of Prostitution on the Elizabethan and Jacobean Stage - Trish T. Henley [.pdf]
Dissertation: Sexual Discourse in the Jacobean Theater of Social Mobility - Margaret M. Sticpewich [.pdf]
Dissertation: Violent Performance: A Cultural Analysis of the Intersection of Violence and Embedded Performance
in Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy - Geoffrey A. Booth [.pdf]
Thesis: Blasting Binaries and Humanizing Humans: Thomas Middleton's Feminism - Amy L. Stahl [.pdf]
Thesis: Staging Executions: The Theater of Punishment in Early Modern England - Sarah N. Redmond [.pdf]
Thesis: A Critical Old-spelling Edition of Middleton's Honorable entertainments (1621) and An Invention (1622) - Brian H. W. Hill [.pdf]
Thesis: London Low Life As Seen in Middleton's Comedies - Zona E. May [.pdf]
Thesis: Corrupt Leadership and Its Impact on Social Morality in Hamlet and
and Thomas Middleton's The Second Maiden's Tragedy - Racheal Leah Shertzer [.pdf]
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
"Pray Make Your Love No Stranger": Incest, Agency, and the Affective Family
"in Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women - Jillian Beifuss
To kindle an industrious desire": The Poetry of Work in Lord Mayors' Shows - Kara Northway
Stuart Civic Pageants and Textual Performance - David M. Bergeron
Leantio as an Outsider in Middleton's Women Beware Women - Ángel Luis Pujante [.pdf]
Women and the Meaning of The Revenger's Tragedy - Robert C. Evans
Re-membering Gloriana: 'Wild Justice' and the Female Body in The Revenger's Tragedy - Kathryn R. Finin
Adapting The Revenger's Tragedy - Patrick J. Cook
The Revengers in The Spanish Tragedy, The Jew of Malta, The Revenger's Tragedy and The Duchess of Malfi - Nathan Mao [.pdf]
Senecan Drama and Its Influence on The Spanish Tragedy and_The Revenger's Tragedy_ - Belgin Şakiroğlu
Marked Angels: Counterfeits, Commodities, and The Roaring Girl - Valerie Forman
Mary Frith at the Fortune - Mark Hutchings
Mary Frith, Alias Moll Cutpurse, in Life and Literature - Gustav Ungerer
Mad Moll and Merry Meg: The Roaring Girl as Popular Heroine in Elizabethan and Jacobean Writings - Patricia Shaw
The Roaring Girl de Dekker et Middleton: Moll Cutpurse ou le principe du théâtre - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
The Certainty of Uncertain Knowledge: The Collaborative Authorship of The Changeling - Richard Nochimson
The Secular Morality of Middleton's City Comedies - Derek B. Alwes
The Character of Credit and the Problem of Belief in Middleton's City Comedies - Aaron Kitch
If Women Should Beware Women, Bianca Should Beware Mother - Richard A. Levin
Space, Violence, and Bodies in Middleton and Cary - Jennifer L. Heller
Middleton, 'The Revenger's Tragedy,' and crisis literature - Brian Jay Corrigan
La Tragédie du vengeur de Thomas Middleton ou la thérapie paradoxale du théâtre - Elodie Likhtart [.pdf]The Trickster-figure in Jacobean City Comedy - William R. Dynes
Thomas Middleton and Anthony Munday: Artistic Rivalry? - David M. Bergeron
Was Thomas Middleton a Puritan Dramatist? - N. W. Bawcutt
Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chesse: A Sermon Analogue - Jeanne Shami
A Female Peon and the State of War in Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chess - Miroslawa Ziaja-Buchholtz [.pdf]
'Take heed, there's giants keep 'em': The Changeling III.iii.178 and Its Context - J. Daalder & A. T. Moore
Tiresias and the Basilisk: Vision and Madness in Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling - Andrew Stott
Acting the Act in The Changeling - Lisa Hopkins
Folly and Madness in The Changeling - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Role of Isabella in The Changeling - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Closet Drama in The Changeling, V. iii. - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Spanish Match Through the Texts: Jonson, Middleton, and Howell - F. Javier Sánchez Escribano
Chaos and Harmony in Middleton's A Game at Chess - Beatriz Soubriet Velasco
Tourments des temps, tourments des âmes: The Changeling et A Game at Chess - Antoine Ertlé[.pdf]
Wedding Vows and Coffins: Canticles' Rhetoric, the Liturgical Form of Matrimony, and Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Lissa Beauchamp [.pdf]
Bethlem and Bridewell in the Honest Whore Plays - Ken Jackson
The Mother as Bawd in The Revenger's Tragedy and A Mad World, My Masters - Jennifer Panek
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The School of the World: Trading on Wit in Middleton's Trick to Catch the Old One - Eric Leonidas
Beggary/Buggery and Oedipal Conflict in Thomas Middleton's The Phoenix - Patrick J. Cook
Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling - Joost Daalder, Antony Telford Moore
The"[Un]Reclaymed Frome" of Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One - D.B. Mount
Middleton's Women Beware Women and the Mothering Principle - Lisa Hopkins
Art and Nature in Women Beware Women - Lisa Hopkins
A Yorkshire Tragedy and Middleton's Tragic Aesthetic - Lisa Hopkins
"The City Cannot Hold You": Social Conversion in the Goldsmith's Shop - Janelle Day Jenstad
Comedy, Carnival, and Class: A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Rick Bowers
Realism, Desire and Reification: Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Pier Paolo Frassinelli
"O, how my offences wrestle with my repentance!": The Protestant Poetics
of Redemption in Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Alizon Brunning
"[B]egot between tirewomen and tailors": Commodified Self-Fashioning in Michaelmas Term - Mathew Martin
Cross Dressing with a Difference: The Roaring Girl and Epicoene - David Cope
Rehabilitating Moll's Subversion in The Roaring Girl - Jane Baston
'A silenc'st bricke-layer': an allusion to Ben Jonson in Thomas Middleton's 'Masque.' - Jerzy Limon
Play-making, Domestic Conduct, and the Multiple Plot in The Roaring Girl - Viviana Comensoli
Women in Men's Clothing: Apparel and Social Stability in The Roaring Girl - Mary Beth Rose
Civic Institutions and Precarious Masculinity in Dekker's The Honest Whore - Jean E. Howard
The Theatricality of Transformation: Cross-dressing and Gender/Sexuality Spectra on the Elizabethan Stage - Sara E. Gorman [.pdf]
Revenge and Revengers, in Hamlet and Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy - Heron McConnell
Crossdressing in The Roaring Girl: The Issues - Helen Hull
Clothing and Society in Dekker and Middleton's The Roaring Girl - Megan S. at Oklahoma State U.
Selling Cherries, Buying Water; Reworking Female Sexual Economics in
Thomas Middleton’s "A Chaste Maid in Cheapside" - Kirsten C. Uszkalo
"Women must have their longings, or they die": Capitalism as Gendered Discourse
in Honest Whore (1604) and Chaste Maid of Cheapside (1613) - Lea K. Allen
Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women - Robert Boyd
"Native Dyes": Race and Politics in the Jacobean Masque - Weidner & Walravens
Philip Massinger (1583-1640) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: Inset Forms of Art in the Plays of Philip Massinger - Joanne M. Rochester [.pdf]
Dissertation: Sexual Discourse in the Jacobean Theater of Social Mobility - Margaret M. Sticpewich [.pdf]
Fletcher, Massinger, and Roman Imperial Character - John E. Curran Jr.
The Ignorant Elizabethan Author and Massinger's Believe As You List - David Bradley [.pdf]
The Trickster-figure in Jacobean City Comedy - William R. Dynes
Dramatic Nostalgia and Spectacular Conversion in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Holly Crawford Pickett
Ritual, Drama and the Performance of Baptisms in the Digby Conversion of St. Paul and Massinger's The Renegado - Matthew C. Hansen
Censorship and Representation in The Stuart Era: Three Roman Plays - David Cope [.pdf]
'On cheating Pictures': Gender and Portrait Miniatures in Philip Massinger's The Picture - Erin Obermueller
Making Death a Miracle: Audience and the Genres of Martyrdom
in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Nova Myhill
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The Renegade in English Seventeenth-century Imagination - N.I. Matar
The Distinctive Voice of Massinger - Anne Barton
Contemporary Politics in Massinger - Allen Gross
Massinger the Censor - Philip Edwards
Massinger's Men and Women - Philip Edwards
Verbal Formulae in the Plays of Philip Massinger - Cyrus Hoy
The Significance of Massinger's Social Comedies, with a Note on 'Decadence' - L. C. Knights
A New Way to Pay Old Debts: Massinger's Grim Comedy
The Moral Tone of Massinger's Dramas - A. L. Bennett
Giving and Taking in Massinger's Tragicomedies - Robert Y. Turner
Massinger's Political Tragedies - Douglas Howard
The Roman Actor, Censorship, and Dramatic Autonomy - David A. Reinheimer
The Theme and Structure of The Roman Actor - Peter H. Davidson
Ben Jonson's Head - Jeffrey Masten
Sacred Wood: Philip Massinger - T. S. Eliot
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: The Metaphysical and Psychological Basis of Thomas Hobbes' Moral Philosophy - Robert L. Gray, Jr. [.pdf]
Dissertation: Hypocrisy and Heresy: Language and Concepts in Early Modern England - Patricia Weightman Stewart [.pdf]
Dissertation: Thomas Hobbes and his Mechanistic Physiology: Factors in the Reception of the Mechanical Philosophy in Seventeenth Century England - William Frederick Spohn [.pdf]
Dissertation: Leviathan against Behemoth: Hobbes and Milton on Religious Conflict and the State - Simon Dir-Ching Kow [.pdf]
Thesis: The Western Philosophical Tradition as the Prime Culprit:
A New Interpretation of Hobbes's Diagnosis of the English Civil War - Peng Chengyi [.pdf]
Thesis: Authority and Justification: The Case of Thomas Hobbes - David Ross MacDonald [.pdf]
Thesis: Morality and Rationality: Hobbes, Hume, Gauthier - Katharine Browne [.pdf]
When Self-Preservation Bids: Approaching Milton, Hobbes, and Dissent - Christopher N. Warren [.pdf]
Hobbes's Critique of Miltonian Independency - Simon Kow [.pdf]
Slavery Discourse before the Restoration: The Barbary Coast, Justinian's Digest, and Hobbes's Political Theory - Deborah Baumgold
Leviathan and the Court Masque: Permissible Rhetoric - Ted Miller [.pdf]
Dear Prudence: The Feminization of Hobbesian Man - Marylu Hill
Thomas Hobbes and Who Should Rule - Michael Rogers
Thomas Hobbes and the Problem of the Unexplained Restoration - Adam George Yoksas
Politics, Mathematics, and Hobbes: What Being Mathematical Could Mean in the Seventeenth Century - Ted H. Miller
By Land or by Sea? Hobbes's Leviathan and Behemoth as Histories of the English Revolution - Mark S. Jendrysik
Who Is the Hobbesian Sovereign? Analysis of Hobbesian Theories of Leadership - Michael Rogers
Derrida's Economy of Violence in Hobbes' Social Contract - Rick Parrish
The Limits of Reason and the Necessity of Revelation: Civil Religion and the Christian Commonwealth in Hobbes' Leviathan - Martin DeNicolo
Global Politics as Cooperation in Hobbes' International Theory - Theodore Christov
Thomas Hobbes and the Allegorization of Reading - James Martel
Hobbes's Appeal to Pride as the Foundation for Political Obligation - Stephen Block
The Totemic Sovereign: Freudian Substructure in Hobbes's Theory of State - Kevin Cameron
Thomas Hobbes and Natural Law: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing? - Kevin M. Cherry
Thomas Hobbes on Reading, The Holy Spirit and the Question of Tolerance - James R. Martel
Hobbesian Knowledge: Negative Substance and Positive Doubts in Leviathan - Winifred L. Amaturo
Freedom of Thought and Hobbes's Liberal Critique of Christianity - Aaron L. Herold
A Defense of Hobbesian Constitutionalism - Evan Oxman
Marsilius & Hobbes on the Division of Church and State: Some Aspects of Continuity - Bettina Koch
The States of Nature in Hobbes' Leviathan - Gregory B. Sadler
Equity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes - Adam Yoksas [.pdf]
Hobbes on Large Legislatures as Mob Rule - Ethan Putterman
Hobbes' Pedagogy: A Portrait of the Potential Hobbesian - Graham R. Howell
Hobbesian Temptations: Security and the Environment - Harlan Wilson
Hobbes's Natural Condition and His Natural Science - Paul Ulrich
Beyond International Anarchy: Re-reading Hobbes on International Relations - Theodore Christov
A Comparison and Evaluation of Interpretation: Voegelin and Strauss on Thomas Hobbes - Jeremy Mhire
The 'Imitation of Action' in Hobbes's Leviathan - Laura Reagan
No Peace Without Injustice: The Ethics of Peacemaking in Hobbes and Locke - Jamie Mayerfeld
Hobbes and Terrorism - David Lay Williams
The Two Gods of Hobbes: Rethinking Political (Dis)obligation in the Leviathan's Theological Politics - Thamy Pogrebinschi
Vain-glory and Amour Propre: Hobbes and Rousseau on Political Pride - Lee MacLean
Of Lawyers and Fools: The Significance of Hobbes' Dialogue on English Common Law - Yishaiya Abosch
The Difference that Sovereignty Makes: Hobbes, Tocqueville and Foucault on the Anxiety of Equality - Benjamin McKean
Leviathan as a Theory of Transitional Justice - David Dyzenhaus
Thomas Hobbes and Religion: Strange Bedfellows - Halima Khan [.pdf]
Hobbes, Rousseau and the Modern Conception of the State - Peter J. Steinberger
The Disciplined Citizen: Thomas Hobbes, Neostoicism and the Critique of Classical Citizenship - David Burchell
Virtue and Consequences: Hobbes on the Value of the Moral Virtues - Alex John London
Leviathan Then And Now - Peter Berkowitz
Heavenly Philosophy: What Thomas Hobbes Said to Jean Hampton - Michael Davis
Hobbes on Hypotheses in Natural Philosophy - Frank Horstmann
The Hobbesian Notion of Self-Preservation Concerning Human Behavior During an Insurgency
Hobbes' Liberal Absolutism - Benjamin A. Kleinerman
Thomas Hobbes, Political Economist: His Changing Historical Fortunes - Quentin Taylor
Leviathan Harpooned: Aware of the Dangers Posed by Judges and the Law,
Thomas Hobbes Offered a Solution - Gary L. McDowell
Hobbes and the Ideal of Religious Toleration - Edwin Curley [.pdf]
The Theology of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan - Jürgen Overhoff
Thomas Hobbes: Skeptical Moralist - Diana Chabot
The Tolerant Leviathan: Hobbes and the Paradox of Liberalism - J. Judd Owen
Going against the grain: Hobbes's case for original maternal dominion - Joanne H. Wright
Hobbes and the Foole - Kinch Hoekstra
Hobbes's Bourgeois Moderation - Peter Hayes
Sur le Traité des passions de Hobbes: Commentaire du chapitre VI du Leviathan - Franck Lessay [.pdf]
Milton, Hobbes, and the Liturgical Subject - Timothy Rosendale
Hobbes and the Politics of Prophecy - Kinch Hoekstra
Thomas Hobbes in Ben Jonson's 'The King's Entertainment at Welbeck.' - A. P. Martinich
Paidea and Identity: Meditations on Hobbes and Locke - Bill Uzgalis
Hobbes, _Conatus_and the Prisoner's Dilemma - Juhani Pietarinen
Thomas Hobbes' Physical Philosophy and its Implications toward the Religious Language of Scripture - Scott David Foutz
Thomas Hobbes and the Invented Tradition of Positivism - James Boyle
The Radical Promise of Thomas Hobbes: The Road not taken in Liberal Theory - James R. Martel
Hobbes and the Democratic Theory of the Rule of Law - David Dyzenhaus
Hobbes: The State of Nature and the "Nature" of the State - Gordon L. Ziniewicz
Hobbes' Challenge - Marcelo Dascal
Hannah Arendt: la signification de la philosophie de Hobbes - Denis Collin (Article in French)
Politica come Philosophia Prima - Bernard Willms (Article in Italian)
Fondamentidi filosofia del linguaggio nella concezione politica di Hobbes - K. M. Kodalle (Article in Italian)
I Due volti del Leviatano - Gunter Meuter (Article in Italian)
La Institution Imaginaria del Leviathan - Omar Astorga (Article in Spanish)
Naturzustand und Naturgesetz bei Thomas Hobbes - Patrick Horvath (Article in German)
Aristotelikern Thomas Hobbes - Niklas Olaison (Article in Swedish)
Polgáritársadalom. Civil filozófia: Hobbes - László Farkas János (Article in Hungarian)
Justice in Hobbes's Leviathan - Gizem Sökmensüer
Four different facets of Hobbes' natural state - Teruhito Sako
Hobbes and Absolute Sovereignty - Stuart Hopkins
The Contribution of Plato to Political Philosophy and the Search for
the Common Good in Hobbes, De Tocqueville and Marx - Fr. Seamus Mulholland
Modern Political Thought - Gavin Brownlie
Milton's Paradise Lost as a Critique of Hobbes' Leviathan - Leah Kaminsky
Progression of Society in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Europe - Anon. student
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682) | =Student Essay |
Thesis: Three Aspects of Time: A Structural Analysis of Urn Burial, The Garden of Cyrus and Samson Agonistes - Joyce Rosalind Lewison [.pdf]
Rhetoric, Religion, and Politics in Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici - Ingo Berensmeyer
The Private Opinions of Sir Thomas Browne - Ronald Huebert
Hydriotaphia,"The sensible rhetorick of the dead" - Adam H. Kitzes
Constructing a Critical Subject in Religio Medici - Samuel Glen Wong
The Problem of Memoria and Virtuoso Sensibility in Sir Thomas Browne's The Garden of Cyrus - Arno Löffler
Katherine Philips (1632-1664) | =Student Essay |
Katherine Philips: Friendship, Poetry and Neo-Platonic Thought in Seventeenth Century England - Mark Llewellyn
Re-configuring Early Modern Friendship: Katherine Philips and Homoerotic Desire - Harriette Andreadis
Reading Pseudonyms in Seventeenth-century English Coterie Literature - Margaret J.M. Ezell
The Pleasures of Restraint: The Mean of Coyness in Cavalier Poetry - Joshua Scodel
The Sapphic-Platonics of Katherine Philips, 1632-1664 - Harriette Andreadis
Matching the 'Matchless Orinda' to Her Times - Kathleen M. Swaim
The Forgotten Legacy of the 'Matchless Orinda' - Lucy Brashear
The Matchless Orinda - Elinor M. Buckingham
Introduction to Poems: 1667 - Travis DuPriest
Two Poems and a Prose Receipt: The Unpublished Juvenalia of Katherine Philips - Claudia Limbert
Manly Sweetness: Katherine Philips among the Neoclassicals - Paula Loscocco
Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and the Female Pindaric - Stella P. Revard
Subversive Sexuality: Masking the Erotic in Poems by Katherine Philips and Aphra Behn - Arlene Stiebel
Orinda, Rosania, Lucasia et aliae: Towards a New Edition of the Works of Katherine Philips - Ellen Moody
Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland (c.1600-1666) | =Student Essay |
'A storm of lamentations writ': Lachrymae Musarum and Royalist Culture After the Civil War - John McWilliams
Fane on Jonson and Shakespeare - Joseph T. Roy, Jr., and Robert C. Evans
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) | =Student Essay |
Lockean Essences, Political Posturing, and John Toland's Reading of Isaac Newton's Principia - Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth
All alone in the Universe: Individuals in Descartes and Newton - K. A. Brading & D. Jalobeanu [.pdf]
Mathematical Models in Newton's Principia: A New View of the "Newtonian Style" - Steffen Ducheyne [.pdf]
Newton on Substance - Matt Priselac [.pdf]
Newton's "Experimental Philosophy" - Alan E. Shapiro
Cosmic Codebreaker, Pious Heretic - Karl Giberson
The Apotheosis and Damnation of Sir Isaac Newton - J. Goellner
Isaac Newton, John Locke and God - Theresa Hemsoth
Analytical View of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia (1855) - Henry Lord Brougham and E. J. Routh
An Essay on Newton's "Principia" (1893) - W. W. Rouse Ball
Thomas Heywood (1573-1641) | =Student Essay |
Dissertation: The Image of Moors in the Writings of Four Elizabethan Dramatists: Peele, Dekker, Heywood, Shakespeare - Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan Elaskary [.pdf]
Witchcraft, Flight and the Early Modern English Stage - Roy Booth
Follow the money": Sex, Murder, Print, and Domestic Tragedy - Peter Berek
"What Good Newes from Barbary?" Nascent Capitalism, North-Africans and
the Construction of English Identity in Thomas Heywood's Drama - Jesús López-Peláez Casellas [.pdf]
Foul Papers, Promptbooks, and Thomas Heywood's The Captives - James Purkis
Framing Wifely Advice in Thomas Heywood's A Curtaine Lecture and Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale - Kathleen Kalpin
A Sociohistorical Reading of Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West - Sebnem Kaya
The Merry Tanner, the Mayor's Feast, and the King's Mistress: Thomas Heywood's 1 Edward IV and the Ballad Tradition - Nora L. Corrigan
The Crux in A Cure for A Cuckold: A Cryptic Message, A Doubtful Intention,
and Two Dearest Friends - David Carnegie and Macd. P. Jackson
Historicizing the Self-Starved Female Body in_A Woman Killed with Kindness_ - C. Frey & L. Lieblein
An Apologie for Poetrie de Sidney / An Apology for Actors de Thomas Heywood: Quelles Théories Derrière l'Apologie? - Charlotte Coffin [.pdf]
Élisabeth ou le personnage impossible: la figure d'Élisabeth Ire dans Chapman et Heywood - Gilles Bertheau [.pdf]
Royal Carnality and Illicit Desire in the English History Plays of the 1590s - Charles R. Forker
Thomas Heywood's The Royall King, and the Loyall Subject and the fall of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex - Kevin Lindberg
A 'Remedy' for Heywood? - M. L. Stapleton
Class Categorization, Capitalism, and the Problem of "Gentle" Identity
in The Royall King and the Loyall Subject and Eastward Ho! - Theodora A. Jankowski
"Speaking some words, but of no importance"? Stage Directions, Thomas Heywood, and Edward IV - Richard Rowland
'The Cittie is in an uproare': Staging London in The Booke of Sir Thomas More - Tracey Hill
Thomas Heywood and the Cultural Politics of Play Collections - Benedict Scott Robinson
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The Craft of Naming in Thomas Heywood's A Woman Killed With Kindness - John Thompson
Reading nascent capitalism in Part II of Heywood's If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody - Charles W. Crupi
Conceiving Cities: Thomas Heywood's Londini Speculum (1637) and the Making of Civic Identity - William Hardin
Algernon Swinburne on Thomas Heywood
“Pleasing All”: Thomas Heywood’s Preservation of the Bases of Elizabethan Theatre - Ayako Kawanami [.pdf]
Eavesdropping on the English Renaissance Stage - James Hirsh
Honour, Space and Nationhood: The Case of the Travel Play - [.pdf]
Racial Tension: The Fair Maid of the West - Settevendemie, et al.