Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw)

Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Chapel of Bermont & Joan of Arc

Photograph of the Chapel of Bermont taken by Bob Perler on a pilgrimage with

Joan of Arc liked to visit a chapel a few miles north of

Domremy located in the woods for some quiet time alone in prayer. The Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bermont is the small building in the center-left of the picture above. Several of the people who knew Joan while she was growing up later described her visits to this small chapel:

"She was good and simple, and went often to the churches and holy shrines. When she was in the fields, she used to drop to her knees and pray every time she heard the church bells toll ... She confessed gladly, as the village priest said; and often she went on pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Bermont carrying candles ..."
Jean Waterin - Farmer from Domremy

"Joan went gladly and often to church, and to the hermitage of Notre Dame de Bermont near the village of Domremy, when her parents thought that she was at the plough, or in the fields, or somewhere else. If she was in the fields and heard the bell rung for mass, she would come to the village and go to church to hear the Mass, and I have seen her do so."
Jean Moreau - Joan's Godfather

"Joan went to church gladly and used to visit the holy shrines. I know that because, when I was young, I went on a pilgrimage with her to the hermitage of Notre-Dame de Bermont. She went nearly every Saturday to the hermitage with her sister and put candles there. She gave all the alms she could gladly for the love of god."
Michel Lebuin - Farmer from Domremy

"I saw Joan several times in her youth and up to her departure from her father's house. She was a good girl and well-behaved, a good Catholic who went gladly to church and to the holy shrines. She used to go on pilgrimage to the church at Bermont and made confession every month ..."
Nicolas Bailly - Church official

Several years ago some drawings were discovered underneath the paint on a wall inside the Chapel of Bermont. Many believe that the picture below is a drawing of Joan of Arc and may have been drawn by someone who knew her. Since Joan spent so much time at the Chapel of Bermont this drawing may indeed show what Joan of Arc really looked like while she was praying at the little chapel.

Is this Joan of Arc?  Drawing discovered on a wall inside the Chapel of Bermont where she frequently prayed

To learn more about the Faith of Joan of Arc visit:
Joan of Arc's Faith

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