Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw)

Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Joan of Arc's Ring

Joan of Arc's Ring with 3 crosses and Jesus Maria written upon it

"I think it had on it three crosses, and no other sign that I know except the words Jesus Maria" Joan of Arc describing her ring while she was testifying at her trial in Rouen

All that is known about Joan of Arc's ring comes from Joan's own trial testimony. According to Joan she had two rings, one was given to her by her father or mother at Domremy and the other was given to her by her brother. The one given to her by her father or mother is the one that she described as having three crosses and the names Jesus and Maria in tribute to Jesus Christ and his mother Mary. Joan indicated that this ring was taken from her when she had been captured by the Burgundians.

When Joan was asked what was the substance of her ring that contained the writing Jesus Maria she responded: "I do not truly know. If it was gold, it was not fine gold. I do not know whether it was gold or brass. And I think it had on it three crosses, and no other sign that I know except the words Jesus Maria"

Joan was further asked why she liked to look at this ring when she was going into battle to which she responded: "Out of pleasure and in honor of my father and my mother; and while having this ring on my hand and on my finger I had touched Saint Catherine when she appeared before me"

** For an interesting Thesis on Joan's ring by Russell Leslie Phillips visit the Joan of Arc Center
To see a version of Joan's ring designed by Mr. Russell Leslie Phillips go to Jhesus+Maria+Ring

Joan of Arc Leading Her Army behind priests with cross