Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw)

Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

Joan of Arc and her Scottish Knights

Sir Hugh Kennedy was a Scottish Knight who fought with Saint Joan of Arc.  Read a fictional account of the lives of Scottish soldiers fighting with Joan of Arc by clicking this shield

The coat-of-arms above belonged to Sir Hugh Kennedy who was a knight from Scotland that fought with the French and Joan of Arc as part of the Auld Alliance. Kennedy was one of thousands of Scots who arrived in 1420 to help Charles VII fight their common enemy the English. He distinguished himself at the battle of Baug� in 1421 and was rewarded by Charles VII with the right to display a quarter of France (the fleur-de-lis on blue) on his coat-of-arms. Kennedy fought at the battle of Orleans with Joan of Arc and was with her at all her great victories as well as the coronation of Charles VII. He was still fighting alongside Joan in 1430 at Lagny just before she went to Compiegne and was captured.

To learn more about Hugh Kennedy please visit this page containing a short biography about Hugh Kennedy of Ardstinchar

For more about the Scots serving with Joan of Arc try reading the fictional story below that is both entertaining and educating:

A MONK OF FIFE: A Romance of the Days of Jeanne D'Arc

The video below commemorates the Auld Alliance and contains music played by the Scottish Soldiers to honor Joan of Arc when she rode into Orleans to relieve the city on April 29,1429: