Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven (original) (raw)

Joan of Arc - Maid of Heaven

The Song of Joan of Arc

By Christine de Pisan

(Translation by Ben D. Kennedy)

The Song of Joan of Arc or Ditie de Jehanne d'Arc is an epic poem written in 1429 by the esteemed poet of France at that time Christine de Pisan. The poem was finished on July 31, 1429 at the height of Joan of Arc's success and reflects the national sentiments toward Joan at that time. In addition to being a highly regarded literary work this poem is also a great resource for historians as it gives an impression of Joan of Arc's military success and impact by one of Joan's fellow countrymen. This poem in tribute to Joan of Arc was the last known literary work by Christine de Pisan who apparently retired from writing afterwards and died the next year in 1430. ** Be aware that translating a poem from one language to another is very tricky and every effort was made to preserve the original meaning while also preserving some semblance of the original poetic structure. The following English translation was created by Ben D. Kennedy using the original fifteenth century French manuscripts as well as referencing two English translations: one contained in Diti� de Jeanne d'Arc by Christine de Pisan, edited. A. J. Kennedy and K. Varty1 and the second by Leah Shopkow available online at the Indiana University website.

Begin Reading THE SONG OF JOAN OF ARC By Christine de Pisan

Christine de Pisan famous 15th century poet and writer

The Song of Joan of Arc by Stanzas (first sentence only click MORE to read entire stanza)

I I, Christine, who have wept for read more . .
II I begin to laugh for happiness read more . .
III Now in 1429 the sun began to shineread more . .
IV But now my song has turned againread more . .
V My reason is because the legallyread more . .
VI Now let us welcome our Kingread more . .
VII But now I wish to relate howread more . .
VIII Now hear a matter wonderfulread more . .
IX And note you should not be dismayedread more . .
X Who then has seen something occurread more . .
XI A miracle it was and whoread more . .
XII And what an honor for the French read more . .
XIII And you Charles, now King read more . .
XIV In such a short time, when all read more . .
XV And I firmly believe that such graceread more . .
XVI For there will be a King of Franceread more . .
XVII All this is to profit your soulread more . .
XVIII I hope you will be good and read more . .
XIX How can you ever thank God enoughread more . .
XX May you be praised for thisread more . .
XXI And blessed Maid, are you to be read more . .
XXII Blessed is He who created you Joanread more . .
XXIII And who in history can be praised read more . .
XXIV When we consider your personread more . .
XXV For if God worked many miraclesread more . .
XXVI But as for us we have never heardread more . .
XXVII Much has been made of Gideonread more . .
XXVIII Esther, Judith and Deborahread more . .
XXIX She was miraculously sent read more . .
XXX She was very well examinedread more . .
XXXI Merlin, the Sibyl and Bede read the rest of Joan of Arc's letter . . read more . .
XXXII In truth the beauty of her holy life read more . .
XXXIII Oh! How clear this wasread more . .
XXXIV Oh! What honor for the feminineread more . .
XXXV A girl only sixteen years oldread more . .
XXXVI She drives her enemies from Franceread more . .
XXXVII Oh! you soldiers who have provenread more . .
XXXVIII You who in pain and suffereingread more . .
XXXIX So, Englishmen lay down your armsread more . .
XL You thought France was conqueredread more . .
XLI She will defeat the English for goodread more . .
XLII She will restore the Church andread more . .
XLIII She will also destroy the Saracensread more . .
XLIV Therefore, what man in history can compareread more . .
XLV Yet destroying the English invaderread more . .
XLVI As for you French rebelsread more . .
XLVII Oh! all you blind people,read more . .
XLVIII Has she not herself led the Kingread more . .
XLIX In great triumph and splendorread more . .
L And the little Maid right beside himread more . .
LI It is true that some still resistedread more . .
LII Although a huge force gatheredread more . .
LIII I don't know if Paris will hold outread more . .
LIV For the King will enter Parisread more . .
LV Oh! Paris so poorly counseledread more . .
LVI To only the evil ones do I referread more . .
LVII As for the rest of you rebel townsread more . .
LVIII To avoid the killing and destructionread more . .
LIX Alas, he is so magnanimousread more . .
LX I pray God that He give you the courageread more . .
LXI This poem completed by Christineread more . .

1Pisan, Christine de, Diti� de Jeanne d'Arc, ed. A. J. Kennedy and K. Varty, Oxford: Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature, 1977.