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Welcome to mamud.com, the website of Evelyn Mathias and Paul Mundy.

Contact us at evelyn_at_mamud_dot_com or paul_at_mamud_dot_com.

2022 in review


“Nobody wants to read about grumpy old people ranting about the British government”, said Oliver. Though from the feedback I get, it seems that the avid readers of this annual letter are more interested in politics than family mishaps. Let me disappoint everyone: the 2022 edition of our annual letter contains both. Learn how to avoid vacuum cleaning, how to use search-and-rescue services, why you should learn Malayalam but not Ukrainian or German, where to place your beach towel in Italy without having to shell out €40, how the Welsh government makes your life more comfortable, and the subject of our granddaughter’s PhD.

Bagsite in the hangar

Bagophily.com, my airsicknessbag site has been undergoing repair for almost as long as the new Berlin airport. I'm slowly getting it back online again. Still no bag gallery, but some of the sick jokes are now back up.