Chick Harris (Speedball character) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Chick Harris
Identity/Class: Human
Occupation: Movie actor, martial artist
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Speedball (Robbie Baldwin)
Enemies: "Proletariat"
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Probably Hollywood, California
First Appearance: Speedball#3/2 (November, 1988)
Powers/Abilities: Chick was a skilled martial artist and probably a halfway decent actor too.
History: (Speedball#3/2)- In town promoting his new movie, Chick stopped at Springdale High School where he gave a speech for the students the importance of helping out in the world around you. He followed this up with a martial arts display, but it was interrupted however when a group of men in ski-masks calling themselves "Proletariat" who took hostages and demanded that Chick's movie company pay them a ransom.
Chick, not wanting innocents to get hurt, complied with the hostage takers, but Robbie Baldwin got away and became Speedball. When Speedball showed up and fought the hostages, Chick helped out. Afterwards, as Speedball was leaving Chick called out trying to convince him to become a stuntman.
Comments: Created by Steve Ditko, Jo Duffy and Bruce Patterson
This was the story where Speedball first discovered that bullets bounce of him. That's gotta be a load off the mind.
by Patrick D Ryall
Chick Harris has no known relation to:
- Bernard Harris, father of Debbie, former candidate for D.A., @ Daredevil I#10
- Bruce Harris, singer, Dazzler character, @ Dazzler#14
- Christine Harris, former new york city commissioner, @ Daredevil I#293(294-296
- Debbie Harris, ex-wife of Foggy Nelson, @ Daredevil I#10
- Monroe Harris, lawyer, @ Darkhawk#10
- Paula Harris, dated Dan Ketch, @ Ghost Rider III#58
- Steel Harris, enemy of Nick Fury, @ Marvel Spotlight I#31
- Lt. Harris -miami police, investigated the mop man, @ Marvel Comics Presents#61
- Chuck Norris, another Hollywood star drawn by Steve Ditko
- Anyone else with the surname Harris.
The group of men in ski masks who referred to themselves as "proletariat" considered themselves to be poor and opressed. They took hostages at Springdale high and demanded that Chick Harris's movie company pay a ransom, but the appearance of Speedball put a quick end to their hostage situation. They didn't even get a chance for their demands to be heard by the movie company...
Images taken from:
Speedball#3, page 26, panel 3
Speedball#3, page 25, panel 6
First Posted: 09/12/2004
Last updated: 09/12/2004
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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