Midnight (bartender, Deadline character) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Normal human
Occupation: Bouncer
Group Membership: None
Affiliations: Kat Farrell
Enemies: Third Rail
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Doc Holiday's in Alphabet City, New York City
First Appearance: Deadline#1 (June, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Midnight was a strong guy who liked to carry around a knife, but he possessed no superhuman abilities.
(Deadline#1 (fb) - BTS) - One night Midnight saw how Third Rail hassled the girls in Doc Holiday's and he had to kick him out.
(Deadline#1) - A week later Midnight gave Kat a scare when he rammed his knife into the bar next to her and asked her what she was doing in his seat. Her fear was gone when she realized that it was Midnight who tried to be funny. They talked about the Nicor-ex gum and Midnight told her that it got him more hooked than cigarettes. When he saw Third Rail he told him to get the hell out of the bar. After Third Rail was gone he told Kat what the criminal had done the night before and that his job wasn't easy with freaks like Third Rail running around.
Comments: Created by Bill Rosemann & Guy Davis
Profile by Markus Raymond
Midnight has no known connection to:
- Midnight, the former alias used by Mary McGrill-Archer @ US One#2
- Midnight (Jeff Wilde), the former partner of Moon Knight @ Moon Knight III#4
- Midnight Man (Anton Mogart), criminal father of Jeff Wilde @ Moon Knight I#3
- Midnight Monster (Victor Avery), mutated by his own immortality potion @ Journey into Mystery I#79
- Midnight Mountain, home of Gorgilla @ Tales to Astonish I#12
- Midnight Runner, ship of Excalibur @ Excalibur I#86
- Midnight Winds, book purchased by Leiko Wu and Shang-Chi @ Master of Kung Fu I#95
- Midnight Slasher, Shang-Chi villain later known as Lazarus @ Deadly Hands of Kung Fu#8
- Midnight Sons, Spirits of Vengeance of pre-Cataclysmic Atlantis @ Midnight Sons Unlimited#4
- Midnight Sons, group of mystical heroes @ Ghost Rider III#28
- Midnight Sun, a former agent of Fu Manchu @ Marvel Special Edition#16
- Midnight Wreckers, Machine Man allies from Earth-8410 @ Machine Man II#1
- any other midnight character
Deadline#1, p16, pan3 (Midnight main image)
First Posted: 01/12/2006
Last updated: 01/12/2006
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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