Tether (Gene Nationals, X-Men character) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Unrevealed
Identity/Class: Human mutant (status unknown)
Occupation: Refugee
Group Membership: Gene Nationals (Boost, D'Gard, others)
Affiliations: Brotherhood (Dark Beast, Fatale, Havok), X-Men (Cannonball, Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm)
Enemies: Humanity's Last Stand (Jared McGee, Sean, Coral Trent, others)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
Formerly a village in Africa
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997
Powers/Abilities: A reptilian mutant with sharp claws and fangs, Tether possesses an electrified tail and enhanced agility. It is unknown if she retained her powers after M-Day, but she likely did not.
(Storm I#4 - BTS) - Refugees from the Hill dimension settled in an African village, ordered by Storm to settle the land and learn to survive as a community.
(Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997 (fb) - BTS) - At some point, Boost and Tether, mutant lovers, joined the community. Humanity's Last Stand focused attacks on a settled village of Gene Nationals in Africa, mounting several Razor and artillery attacks. Their initial attack cut of the village's communications with the outside world.
(Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997) - The X-Men (Cannonball, Cyclops, Phoenix, Storm) arrived to defend the Gene Nationals from the Razors. When Cannonball was nearly overwhelmed, Boost extended his powers, allowing him to take down several Razors in one shot. Tether, with her electrified tail, rushed to check on Boost. When the Razors fled, Storm let them go. D'Gard checked in with Storm, questioning how she could have left them behind and how much more they had to endure. Tether, refusing to be calmed by Boost, angrily confronted Storm on her mistakes. That night, the Brotherhood (Dark Beast, Fatale, Havok) arrived to help the Gene Nationals as well, despite their conflicts with the X-Men. Boost convinced Tether to stay there and defend their people, though she was reluctant to do so. D'Gard wondered whether the philosophy of the X-Men or the Brotherhood was more correct. A massive battle broke out. When McGee ordered Coral to open fire on the wounded, Cannonball, Boost, and Tether rushed to stop her. The insane bloody battle continued until Storm, her powers enhanced by Boost, managed to distract the Razors with a sandstorm while Dark Beast commandeered their armor, sending the Razors up into a massive lightning storm. The captured Razors were gathered together and Tether demanded their death. Havok was willing, but the X-men argued against it. As they fought about it, Dark Beast killed all the human pilots, overwhelming D'Gard with their sense of loss. D'Gard chose to keep the Gene Nationals in the village with no contact with the outside world. Boost and Tether departed with the Brotherhood, though they vowed not to join the team.
Comments: Created by Jorge Gonzalez, Duncan Rouleau, and Troy Hubbs.
Boost and Tether were members of the Gene Nationals in Africa. It is unknown if they originated, like many of their group, as the second generation of Morlocks in the Hill dimension.
Profile by Chadman.
Tether has no known connections to
- Tetherblood, Cable ally @ Cable II#1
- or any other "Tether" characters
images: (without ads)
Uncanny X-Men 1997, p11, pan1 (main)
p7, pan4 (2nd)
Storm I#4 (May, 1996) - Warren Ellis (writer), Terry Dodson (penciler), Karl Story (inker), Suzanne Gaffney (editor)
Uncanny X-Men Annual 1997 - Jorge Gonzalez (writer), Duncan Rouleau (penciler), Troy Hubbs (inker), Kelly Corvese (editor)
Last updated: 09/15/08
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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