All-Hate Squad (Fight Man/Agent X foes) (original) (raw)

main image


Membership: Able-Bodied Assassin, Aggressive Eleven, Atomic Lou,Babe Ruthless, Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man, Biggest Strongest Man,Blacklung the Malady Man, Triggerman Carr, Chimpanzo Rex, Coin-Op Creeps,Crimeasaurus, Crimeasaurus Rex/Crimeasaurus Two, Doctor Anarchy and his Anger Gang, DoctOrangutan, Doctor Tricky, E-Coli, Fastman, Fear Man,Fisticuff-Woman, Generic Badguy, Gimmick, Gismotron, Glass-Eye Freddie, Human Wreck, Ill Billy, Katmandingo, Massive Globula, Meany,Metalhead, Mr. Density, Mr. Kill, Mr. Troublesome, Murder Girls, One-Man Atrocity, Plaid Bug, Plug-In Maniac, Polka Doctor, Quickstart, Radio Head, Robot X, Roman Candle, Shiv, Shockjock, Slap Happy, Slugger, Stilt-Man, "S'umm A'lien J'erkk", "Will Fight For Food", and more (more than a hundred members)

Purpose: To oppose Fight-Man

Affiliations: Hooded Eye (Kenny Liebman), Beverly Lacoco

Enemies: Agent X, Sandi Brandenberg, Fight-Man

Base of Operations: Delta City

First Appearance: Fight-Man#1 (June, 1993)

History: (Fight-Man#1) - The All-Hate Squad, with "a hundred new members," were hired by the Hooded Eye to kill Fight-Man. They planned to use the ten million dollar reward to complete their master plan: the utter destruction of France. They failed in both endeavors.

(Agent X#11) - The 'All-New All-Hate Squad' were hired by the Hooded Eye and Beverly Lacoco to kill Fight-Man and Agent X. They failed in both endeavors.

Comments: Created by Evan Dorkin & Pam Eklund.

Fight-Man's profile in Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 (October, 2008) revealed a lot of additional information on various members of the All-Hate Squad.

Profile by Mikel Midnight.

The All-Hate Squad should not be confused with:

Able-Bodied Assassin has no known connection to:

Aggressive Eleven has no known connection to:

Atomic Lou has no known connection to:

Babe Ruthless has no known connection to:

Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man & Biggest Strongest Man have no known connection to:

Blacklung the Malady Man has no known connection to:

"Triggerman" Carr has no known connection to:

Chimpanzo Rex has no known connection to:

The Coin-Op Creeps have no known connection to:

Crimesaurus and Crimesaurus Rex have no known connection to:

Doctor Anarchy has no known connection to:

The Anger Gang has no known connection to:

Doctor Tricky has no known connection to:

E-Coli has no known connection to:

Fastman has no known connection to:

Fear Man has no known connection to:

Fisticuff-Woman has no known connection to:

Generic Badguy has no known connection to:

Gimmick has no known connection to:

Gismotron has no known connection to:

Glass-Eye Freddie has no known connection to:

Ill Billy has no known connection to:

Katmandingo has no known connection to:

Massive Globula has no known connection to:

Meany has no known connection to:

Metalhead has no known connection to:

Mr. Density has no known connection to:

Mr. Kill has no known connection to:

Mr. Troublesome has no known connection to:

Murder Girls have no known connection to:

One-Man Atrocity has no known connection to:

Plaid Bug has no known connection to:

Plug-In Maniac has no known connection to:

Polka Doctor has no known connection to:

Quickstart has no known connection to:

Radio Head has no known connection to:

Robot X has no known connection to:

Roman Candle has no known connection to:

Shiv has no known connection to:

Shockjock has no known connection to:

Slap Happy has no known connection to:

Slugger has no known connection to:

Stilt-Man has no known connection to:

Able-Bodied Assassin

Able-Bodied Assassin

(Matthew Harsh)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Harsh was an obsessive-compulsive soldier-turned mercenary.

(Fight Man#1) - The Able-Bodied Assassin carries a large collection of concealed knives in his uniform. Fight-Man returned home only to discover that the Able-Bodied Assassin and the Polka Doctor had been invited in by his parents having claimed to be his friends. He defeated them very easily.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1

Aggressive Eleven

(Fight Man#1 - BTS) - Aggressive Eleven killed one of Fight-Man's former sidekicks, Kid Wipeout.

--Fight Man#1 - BTS

Atomic Lou

Atomic Lou

(Lou Messmer)

(Fight-Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - Atomic Lou murdered Fight-Man's sidekick, Kid Hit.

(Fight-Man#1) - Accompanied by the Plug-In Maniac and the Massive Globula, he attacked Fight-Man during a business meeting. Fight-Man knocked him unconscious.

(Agent X#10) - Atomic Lou appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook; he carries an energy rod which generates atomic power blasts and which also regulated his own internal energies.
In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Atomic Lou lost one of his energy rods, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($1500 asking price)

(Agent X#11) - Accompanied by Metalhead and the Massive Globula, he attacked Fight-Man and Agent X. Fight-Man shattered his energy control rod, causing him to reach critical mass and explode.

--Fight Man#1 (Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS, #1, Agent X#10-11

Babe Ruthless

(Agent X#11 (fb) - BTS) - Babe Ruthless slit the throat of one of Fight-Man's kid sidekicks, Fight-Boy (Tyrone).

--Agent X#11 (fb) - BTS

Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man, Biggest Strongest Man

Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man, Biggest Strongest Man

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - DoctOrangutan augmented three steroid-powered fraternity brothers and turned them into Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man and Biggest Strongest Man. Due to hormonal imbalances they often turned against each other.

(Fight Man#1) - Big Strong Man (Steve Kisto), Bigger Stronger Man (Tracey Griffin), and Biggest Strongest Man (Chuck Manassa) were founding members of the All-Hate Squad. They each are big and strong, with ascending heights and degrees of prowess. Fight-Man knocked the first two unconscious by slamming their heads together, and hit the third into the Hudson Insurance Building (which unfortunately fell over on him, knocking him out).

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1

Blacklung the Malady Man

Blacklung the Malady Man

(Tristam Oberbeck)

(Agent X#11) - He was a member of the All-New All-Hate Squad hired by Hooded Eye and Beverly to kill Fight-Man and Agent X. Blacklung's 'hands of cancer' were chopped off by Agent X.

--Agent X#11

"Triggerman" Carr

(Gerald Carr)

(Fight Man#1) - "Triggerman" Carr is handy with guns. Accompanied by Glass-Eye Freddie and Metalhead, he attempted to rob a woman of her purse, before being intercepted by Fight-Man who hit him hard enough to knock out both of his eyes, rendering him blind. Fight-Man quickly knocked him out.

--Fight Man#1

Chimpanzo Rex

Chimpanzo Rex

(Fight Man#1) - Chimpanzo Rex appears to be a giant simian; he was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man. He was defeated by Fight-Man.

--Fight Man#1

Coin-Op Creeps

Coin-Op Creeps

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - One-Man Atrocity created the rentable Coin-Op Creep robots.

(Fight Man#1) - The Coin-Op Creeps are at least five rentable robots, which can be activated by inserting coins into their chest plates (twenty-five cents for a half-hour). Kenny Liebman attempted to use them as a weapon of last resort against Fight-Man, only to find that he was lacking in change.

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Increased misuse of the Coin-Op Creeps by the underworld led to the Robot Gang War. In the war's wake several robots were left hidden awaiting their activation.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1, Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe HC#4 - Fight-Man


(Haru Takahashi)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - One-Man Atrocity created the Crimesaurus armor.

(Fight-Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - Crimeasaurus wore a dinosaur armor, which presumably grants heightened strength; he later rented it to Crimeasaurus Two.

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS ([Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1 (fb)]

Crimesaurus Rex

Crimesaurus Rex

(Spencer Breen)

(Fight Man#1) - Crimeasaurus Two wears a dinosaur costume, purchased from Crimeasaurus (Takahashi), which presumably grants heightened strength; he and The One-Man Atrocity invaded the office of Fight-Man's attorney, and Fight-Man managed to yank him out of his costume and toss him through a skyscraper.

(Agent X#11) - Renaming himself Crimeasaurus Rex he allied himself with the All-Hate Squad to assassinate Fight-Man. He eventually had an arm shot off by Agent X during a melee in downtown Delta City.

--Fight Man#1 (Fight Man#1, Agent X#11

Doctor Anarchy and his Anger Gang

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Doctor Anarchy employed Fisticuff-Woman.

(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - Doctor Anarchy used an underground secret base from which to operate using his Anger Gang. When he was jailed for tax evasion, he rented the base to the Hooded Eye (Lieberman).

--Fight Man#1 ([Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1 (fb)]

Doctor Tricky

(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Doctor Tricky lost his hypno-specs, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia.

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS


(Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, E-Coli lost his cosmic gas can, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($950 asking price)

--Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS


(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Fastman lost a bottle of his speed pills, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($5 each asking price)

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS

Fear Man

(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Fear Man lost his answering machinephone, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($10 asking price)

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS



(Vanessa Simmonds)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - DoctOrangutan augmented Fisticuff-Woman, who became an employee of Dr. Anarchy before he was imprisoned.

(Fight Man#1) - Fisticuff-Woman was a founding member of the All-Hate Squad, and appears to be nearly as good as Fight-Man at fisticuffs. Although briefly unable to strike back due to his 'superhero code' which disallows him from hitting girls, he was able to overcome this disability by using a magic marker to paint a beard and mustache on her face, renaming her "Fisticuff-Man."

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1

Generic Badguy

Generic Badguy

(Fight Man#1) - Generic Badguy was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man. His relationship to Generic Super-Hero, if any, is unknown. He was quickly defeated by Fight-Man.

--Fight Man#1


(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, the Gimmick lost several of his poison bubbles, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($15 asking price)

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS


(Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Gismotron lost his remote control, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($750 asking price)

--Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS

Glass-Eye Freddie

Glass-Eye Freddie

(Frederick Balzofiore)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - DoctOrangutan augmented Glass-Eye Freddie.

(Fight Man#1) - Glass-Eye Freddie sports a pair of cybernetic eyes. Accompanied by Metalhead and Triggerman Carr, he attempted to rob a woman of her purse, before being intercepted by Fight-Man who hit him hard enough to knock out both of his eyes, rendering him blind. Fight-Man absconded with one of the eyes for his eyes to sell as memerobilia.

Glass-Eye Freddie appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1

Ill Billy

Ill Billy

(William Williams)

(Agent X#11) - Ill Billy, the 'mutant yodeling human beatbox,' used a devastating sonic attack against Fight-Man and Agent X (as well as anyone else in downtown Delta City who happened to be in earshot).

Fight-Man and Agent X were unable to resist the sonic attack, until Agent X requested that Fight-Man rip his ears off.

Fight-Man shoved Agent X's ears into the resulting holes at his request. Insulated against Ill Billy's attack, Agent X was able to approach him from behind and knock him unconscious with a baseball bat.

--Agent X#11



(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Katmandingo and the bear-like Ursino were genetic creations created by DoctOrangutan and served as his assistants in Delta City.

(Agent X#11) - Katmandingo was one of the villains whom DoctOrangutan used as a power source to infuse Beverly Lacoco with super-abilities.

--Agent X#11 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Agent X#11

Massive Globula

Massive Globula

(Morgan Schenk)

(Fight Man#1) - The Massive Globula has the powers one would expect of a massive globula; accompanied by Atomic Lou and the Plug-In Maniac, he attacked Fight-Man during a business meeting. Fight-Man buried him alive in hot plastic.

(Agent X#10-11) - Accompanied by Atomic Lou and Plug-In Maniac, he attacked Fight-Man and Agent X. Fight-Man shattered Atomic Lou's energy control rod, causing him to reach critical mass and explode, and catching the Massive Globula in the impact.

--Fight Man#1 (Fight Man#1, Agent X#10-11



(Fight Man#1) - Meany wears a numbered football jersey labelled "Meany;" he was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man. He was quickly defeated.

--Fight Man#1



(Joey Marone)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Metalhead was augmented by DoctOrangutan.

(Fight Man#1) - Metalhead has, apparently, metallic skin. Accompanied by Glass-Eye Freddie and Triggerman Carr, he attempted to rib a woman of her purse, before being intercepted by Fight-Man who knocked him into the sky. Metalhead's comment, "Oh, cripes, not again," makes it evident he had encountered Fight-Man before, with similar results.

(Agent X#11) - Metalhead, along with several other villains, occupied the office of Delta City's mayor.

Metalhead arranged to be fired out of a cannon at Fight-Man at sixt miles per hour. Unfortunately, he led with his chin, and Fight-Man easily deflected his path upwards. He prayed to make the harbor on his way down.

Metalhead fell to Earth, landing atop the now-powered Beverly Lacoco, knocking her unconscious. Before he landed, she terminated his status as an employee.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1, Agent X#11

Mr. Density

Mr. Density

(Gus Yaccarino)

(Agent X#11) - Mr. Density, along with several other villains, occupied the office of Delta City's mayor. When the Mayor of Delta City swore at Beverly Lacoco, she instructed Mr. Density to throw him out the window if he failed to silence himself. Asked whether he understood, Mr. Density replied, "Uhhh, yah, I fink so ... "

Mr. Density was one of the villains whom DoctOrangutan used as a power source to infuse Beverly Lacoco with super-abilities.

--Agent X#11

Mr. Kill

Mr. Kill

(Alex Guttman)

(Fight Man#1) - Mr. Kill was a toxin-spreading founding member of the All-Hate Squad. Hired by the Hooded Eye to kill Fight-Man he was quickly beaten by the hero alongside the rest of the All-Hate Squad.

--Fight Man#1

Mr. Troublesome

Mr. Troublesome

(Hank Sabin)

(Fight-Man#1) - Mr. Troublesome has in place of hands, a pair of extendable "troublewrenches;" he appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

Mr. Troublesome was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man. Fight-Man at one point absconded with a troublewrench as a piece of memorabilia.

--Fight Man#1

Murder Girls

(Fight-Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, one of the Murder Girls lost her laser compact, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($75 asking price)

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS

One-Man Atrocity

One-Man Atrocity

(Paul Lemonde aka Dennis Richmond)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - At some point Paul Lemonde worked for A.I.M. as a weapons designer. He left them on bad terms and moved to Delta City under the alias Dennis Richmond. As the One-Man Atrocity he became a weapons supplier to many of Fight-Man's enemies. Some of his inventions included the power-enhancing boxing gloves of Punchout (Ben Muldroon), the dinosaur-like Crimesaurus armor and the rentable Coin-Op Creep robots. He hopened to eventually fund a vengeance spree against his former employers at Advanced Idea Mechanics.

(Fight-Man#1) - The One-Man Atrocity wears advanced armor; he and Crimeasaurus Two invaded the office of Fight-Man's attorney, and Fight-Man managed to destroy his armour with one blow from his fist.

(Agent X#11) - The One-Man Atrocity attempted to assassinate Fight-Man; he was defeated by Agent X swinging from a grapple-hook.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1, Agent X#11

Plaid Bug

Plaid Bug

(Clifford Miles)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - The Plaid Bug was a gadget-wielding hero that turned villain.

(Fight-Man#1) - The Plaid Bug appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

(Agent X#11) - The Plaid Bug allied himself with the All-Hate Squad to assassinate Fight-Man.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1, Agent X#11

Plug-In Maniac

Plug-In Maniac

(Herschell Muller)

(Fight-Man#1) - The Plug-In Maniac is a cyborg who can fire missiles from his shoulders and probably has other armaments; he appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

(Fight-Man#1) - Accompanied by Atomic Lou and the Massive Globula, he attacked Fight-Man during a business meeting. Fight-Man decapitated him, rendering him useless in battle.

(Agent X#10-11) - Accompanied by Atomic Lou and the Massive Globula, he attacked Fight-Man and Agent X. Fight-Man flew straight through Plug-in-Maniac's torso, which decapitated him.

--Fight Man#1 (Fight Man#1, Agent X#10-11

Polka Doctor

Polka Doctor

(Eugene Kinsolving)

(Fight-Man#1) - The Polka Doctor makes use of his Hypno-Hate Wheel (similar to the Ringmaster's technology) to hypnotise his foes, whereupon he attacks them with a variety of medical implements; he appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

(Fight-Man#1) - Fight-Man returned home only to discover that the Able-bodied Assassin and the Polka Doctor had been invited in by his parents having claimed to be his friends. He managed to resist the Doctor's Hypno-Hate Wheel (probably by being too stupid to hypnotise) and defeated them very easily. Hypno-Hate Wheel is likely a play on Hypno Love Wheel, which was a musical band of which I believe some Marvel staffers were once a part.

(Agent X#11) - The Polka Doctor was kicked in the head by Agent X during a battle in Delta City.

Fight Man#1 (Fight Man#1, Agent X#11



(Robert Nazario)

(Agent X#11) - Quickstart was one of the villains whom DoctOrangutan used as a power source to infuse Beverly Lacoco with super-abilities.

--Agent X#11

Radio Head

Radio Head

(Lewis Milkey)

(Fight-Man#1) - Radio Head (briefly known as Television Head) has a radio for a head; he appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

(Fight-Man#1) - Radio Head was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man.

--Fight Man#1

Robot X

(Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Robot X lost his index finger, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($65 asking price)

--Fight Man#1 (fb) - BTS

Roman Candle

Roman Candle

(Armand Galante)

(Agent X#11) - Roman Candle, along with several other villains, occupied the office of Delta City's mayor.

Roman Candle appeared to have her arm broken off during an explosion in the battle with Agent X. She may be made of wax..

Apparently another version of Roman Candle was one of the villains whom DoctOrangutan used as a power source to infuse Beverly Lacoco with super-abilities. Gievn that Lacoco later manifested flame powers, she probably received them from Roman Candle.

--Agent X#11



(Dominic LoPretto)

(Agent X#11 (fb) - BTS) - Shiv knifed two of Fight-Man's assistants, the Fight Twins (Fight-Boy and Fight-Girl), because Fight-Man called him a pansy.

(Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS) - In a previous battle with Fight-Man, Shiv lost one of his darts, which Fight-Man attempted to sell for memorobilia ($25 asking price)

Shiv contacted Agency X for the Hooded Eye to hire them to assassinate Fight-Man.

(Agent X#11) - Shiv, along with several other villains, occupied the office of Delta City's mayor. He kept an eye on Sandi Brandenburg, holding a knife to her throat.

She shot him and other villains (including the mayor) with a machine gun while Fight-Man and Agent X fought other villains nearby.

--Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS (Agent X#11 (fb) - BTS, Agent X#10 (fb) - BTS, Agent X#11



(Kenneth Sjolin)

(Agent X#11) - Shockjock was one of the villains whom DoctOrangutan used as a power source to infuse Beverly Lacoco with super-abilities. (with lightning on his chest)

--Agent X#11

Slap Happy

Slap Happy

(Marvin Iggle)

(Agent X#11) - Slap Happy commenced rocketing rubber chickens at Fight-Man and Agent X.

Slapp Happy was disposed of by Agent X.

--Agent X#11



(Dean Whittinger)

(Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man) - Whittinger was a disgraced baseball player, who used trick baseball bats and drugged cleats.

(Fight-Man#1) - Slugger carried a baseball bat labelled "Slugg-O-Matic;" he was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man.

(Agent X#11) - Slugger is inadvertently (or casually) killed by Blacklung's 'hands of cancer'.

--Fight Man#1 (Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z HC#4 - Fight-Man, Fight Man#1, Agent X#11


(Fight-Man#1) - Stilt-Man was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man. Which Stilt-Man this is, exactly, is unknown., although he probably downloaded the schematics of the suit off the internet.

--Fight Man#1

"S'umm A'lien J'erkk"

(Fight-Man#1) - Some alien jerk Fight-Man beat up appeared in Fight-Man's case scrapbook.

--Fight Man#1

"Will Fight For Food"

(Fight-Man#1) - "Will Fight For Food" carried a sign around his neck labelled "Will Fight For Food;" he was one of the hundred or so members of the All-Hate Squad who were hired by the Hooded Eye to attack Fight-Man.

--Fight Man#1

images: (without ads)
Fight Man#1, p37, pan1 (main image)
Fight Man#1, p26, pan6 (Able-Bodied Assassin)
Fight Man#1, p11, pan1 (Atomic Lou)
Fight Man#1, p40, pan1 (Big Strong Man, Bigger Stronger Man, Biggest Strongest Man)
Agent X#11, p14, pan4 (Blacklung the Malady Man)
Fight Man#1, p1, pan5 ("Triggerman" Carr)
Fight Man#1, p34, pan2 (Chimpanzo Rex)
Fight Man#1, p46, pan3 (Coin-Op Creeps with Beverly & Hooded Eye)
Fight Man#1, p22, pan3 (Crimesaurus Two with Beverly & One-Man Atrocity)
Fight Man#1, p39, pan1 (Fisticuff-Woman)
Fight Man#1, p34, pan4 (Generic Badguy)
Fight Man#1, p1, pan5 (Glass-Eye Freddy)
Agent X#11, p15, pan1 (Ill Billy)
Agent X#11, p13, pan2 (Katmandingo)
Fight Man#1, p11, pan1 (Massive Globula)
Agent X#11, p8, pan1 (Metalhead)
Agent X#11, p8, pan3 (Mr. Density)
Fight Man#1, p37, pan1 (Mr. Kill)
Fight Man#1, p10, pan3 (Mr. Troublesome)
Fight Man#1, p22, pan3 (One-Man Atrocity with Beverly Lacoco)
Fight Man#1, p10, pan3 (Plaid Bug)
Fight Man#1, p11, pan1 (Plug-In Maniac)
Fight Man#1, p26, pan5 (Polka Doctor)
Fight Man#1, p10, pan3 (Radio Head)
Agent X#11, p8, pan2 (Roman Candle)
Agent X#11, p8, pan1 (Shiv)
Agent X#11, p13, pan2 (Shockjock)
Agent X#11, p13, pan5 (Slap Happy)
Fight Man#1, p33, pan7 (Slugger)
Fight Man#1, p10, pan3 ("S'umm A'lien J'erkk")
Fight Man#1, p35, pan1 ("Will Fight For Food")

Fight Man#1 (June, 1993) - Evan Dorkin (writer/pencils), Pam Eklund (inks), Fabian Nicieza (editor)
Agent X#10-11 (June-July, 2003) - Evan Dorkin (writer), Juan Bobillo (pencils), Marcelo Sosa (inks), Andrew Lis (editor)

First Posted: 01/07/2013
Last updated: 01/19/2024

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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