Paydirt (Point Men member) (original) (raw)

main image


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Human mutate

Occupation: Adventurer

Group Membership: Initiative, Point Men (3-D Man/Delroy Garret,Devil-Slayer/Eric Simon Payne, Magnitude (Skrull, deceased), Star Sign)

Affiliations: Hank Pym (Criti Noll, deceased), Prodigy (Richard Gilmore)

Enemies: "Magnitude" (unidentified undercover Skrull)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Lookout Point (Point Men headquarters), Hawaii

First Appearance: Avengers: The Initiative#14 (August, 2008)

Powers/Abilities: Through unrevealed ways, Paydirt was able to manipulate dirt particles. He could use his control over particular matter to "sandblast" people or to blind them. As a side effect of his powers, Paydirt was continuously surrounded by a swirling mass of dust and dirt that gave him a messy, disheveled appearance. However, he could easily, perhaps even automatically, extract every last mote of dust from an object as soon as he let go of it. Paydirt was paunchy and seemed slightly out of shape.

Height: 5'6" (by approximation)
Weight: 180 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black


(Avengers: The Initiative#14 (fb) - BTS) - With the implementation of the Superhuman Registration Act and the launch of the Fifty State Initiative, the hero known only as Paydirt registered himself with the United States government. After completing the basic training at the Initiative's headquarters Camp Hammond, Paydirt was assigned by Hank Pym (actually the Skrull impostor Criti Noll) to the Point Men, a team of superheroes created to protect the island state of Hawaii from any and all threats from the east. He joined team members Devil-Slayer, Magnitude (secretly a Skrull as well) and the Hawaiian native Star Sign at their headquarters called Lookout Point, an artificial island based on the designs of the original Hydrobase.

(Avengers: The Initiative#14 ) - Paydirt and Star Sign were at the airport to welcome the Point Men's newly appointed leader 3-D Man (Delroy Garret, formerly known as the Avenger Triathlon). As his plane landed, Star Sign told Paydirt she was sure Garret was a Leo, since they're known to be natural leaders. When 3-D Man came down the step ladder, Star Sign welcomed him in the traditional Hawaiian way with "aloha" and a flower lei, while the eager, but dust covered, Paydirt picked up 3-D Man's bags. Garret, a little apprehensive to see the seemingly filthy Paydirt handle his luggage, but Star Sign assured him her teammate's control over particle (dust) matter was so precise, his bags would be even cleaner as soon as he put them down. After arriving at Lookout Point, they introduced 3D-Man to Devil-Slayer and called in their last remaining teammate Magnitude who was training in the gym. When he joined the party, 3-D Man's Skrull-detecting goggles immediately saw through the alien's disguise, causing Magnitude to drop the act and attack the Point Men, knocking out Paydirt with his first blast. Confused, Star Sign begged the newly revealed Skrull to stop, appealing to the fact they were once teammates. Star Sign was his next victim, hitting her and the Lookout Point's systems with an electromagnetic pulse before 3-D Man and Devil-Slayer managed to kill the Skrull. Devil-Slayer went to check on Paydirt and Star Sign, relieved to find them alive, though seriously injured. He stored them within the dimensional folds of his Shadow Cloak, where time passed more slowly. After teleporting the 3-D Man to the Initiative's headquarters at Camp Hammond to inform them of the Skrull infiltrator, Payne made sure the two young heroes got to a hospital for treatment.

(Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt#1 - BTS) - At some point, Paydirt recovered from his injuries and resumed his duties as a member of the Fifty State Initiative.

(Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt#1) - When Steve Rogers ordered Prodigy (Ritchie Gilmore) to head a new Initiative following the crisis involving Sin and the Hammer Wielders, Paydirt was one of the many Initiative members who responded to his call to arms. He attended Prodigy's rally in Washington D.C. along with dozens of other recruits and received his marching orders: Keep mankind safe during this latest fight between good and evil.

Comments: Created by Dan Slott & Christos N. Gage (writers), Stefano Caselli (pencils), Daniele Rudoni (inks).

Being able to control dust isn't that hot of a power. Then again, if you're stationed in Hawaii which is pretty much surrounded by sandy beaches, one can imagine Paydirt being a considerable threat. Too bad his dust clouds didn't protect him from a direct energy blast to the stomach. It's a shame we haven't seen more of Paydirt and the other members of the Point Men. They seem like a diverse bunch of characters.

Profile by Norvo.

Paydirt should not be confused with

images: (without ads)
Avengers The Initiative#14, p10, pan5 (main image)
Avengers The Initiative#14, p14, pan3 (shot by Skrull Imposter)
Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt#1, p10-11 (present with the Initiative)

Avengers: The Initiative#14 (August, 2008) - Dan Slott & Christos N. Gage (writers), Stefano Caselli (pencils), Daniele Rudoni (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)
Fear Itself: Youth In Revolt#1 (July, 2011) - Sean McKeever (writer), Mike Norton (pencils), Veronica Gandini (inks), Tom Brevoort (editor)

First Posted: 05/05/2014
Last updated: 05/05/2014

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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