Imp (X-Student, New X-Men character) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Anders Nobel
Identity/Class: Human mutant
Occupation: Student
Group Membership: Xavier Institute student body
Affiliations: Xavier Institute student body (Choir/Irina Clayton, Contact/Frida Rivera, Keratin/Dave Finn, Mentat/Robert Zepheniah, Polymer/Dana Holmes, Redneck/Vincent Stewart, Spike/Gary Walsh, Stalwart/Adewale Ekoku, Stepford Cuckoos (Celeste, Esme, Mindee, Phoebe, Sophie Cuckoo), other unidentified students), Special Class (Angel/Angel Salvadore, Beak/Barnell Bohusk), X-Men (Beast/Henry McCoy, Cyclops/Scott Summers, Emma Frost, Phoenix/Jean Grey, Wolverine/James "Logan" Howlett, Xorn/Kuan-Yin Xorn)
Enemies: Cassandra Nova
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: None
Base of Operations: Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, Salem Center, New York
First Appearance: New X-Men I#126 (July, 2002)
Powers/Abilities: Imp is a mutant with a horned appearance, it's been unrevealed if he would possess any mischievous behavior like the imps of folklore.
Height: 5'4" (by approximation)
Weight: 115 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Black
Hair: Bald
(New X-Men I#116 - BTS) - After Professor Charles Xavier (secretly Cassandra Nova who had switched minds with her twin brother) came out as a mutant on live TV, the Xavier Institute was opened to the public. Anders was one of the many young teenagers that enrolled at the Xavier Institute. Because of his mutation, he took the codename Imp.
(New X-Men I#126) - Refusing to hide like a common human, Imp and most of the students decided they wanted to join the fight against Cassandra Nova who at that point had fully manifested herself as a Mummudrai. Nova effortlessly used her psionic abilities to mind control Imp and the other students, sending them to fight Beast and Wolverine. Imp and the others were eventually freed from Cassandra's control by the Stepford Cuckoos.
Comments: Created by Grant Morrison (writer), Frank Quitely (pencils), Tim Townsend (inks).
An Imp is a mythological being similar to a fairy or goblin, frequently described in folklore and superstition. Imp was most likely one of the many millions mutants who lost their powers when a reality altering spell cast by the Scarlet Witch reduced the number of gene active mutants to a mere 300 worldwide.
Since all Xavier Institute students were selected to join special training squads mentored by members of the X-Men, Imp could have been a part of the Excelsiors (Iceman's squad), the Exemplars (Beast's squad) or the Paladins (Shadowcat's squad) whose rosters have never been revealed.
Imp's name and code name have been revealed in the Xavier Institute entry of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z HC#13 (2010).
Inside Info: Anders Nobel comes from Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel (inventor of dynamite and creator of the Nobel Prize), with Anders picked as a common Swedish first name. The overall impliction being Imp might be Swedish - there was a level of trying to hint that students had come from all over the world, not just the U.S.A.
Profile by MarvellousLuke
Imp has no known connections to
- Imp, diminutive criminal, led gang, battled the Witness @ Mystic Comics#8
- Imp, (Pandora Destine) - ClanDestine, young girl, fire laser beams @ ClanDestine#1
- Imps, of Beelzeboul's Hell @ Terror, INC#5
- "Imp", Harriet Homerstone, Voyager character @ Children of the Voyager#2
- or any other "imp" characters
images: (without ads)
New X-Men I#126, p18, pan1 (main image)
New X-Men I#126, p22, pan3 (freed from Nova's mind control)
New X-Men I#126 (July, 2002) - Grant Morrison (writer), Frank Quitely (pencils), Tim Townsend (inks), Mike Powers, Mike Marts, Pete Franco, Mike Raicht (editors)
First Posted: 04/26/2016
Last updated: 08/31/2018
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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