Sureshot (X.S.E., Bishop character) (original) (raw)

main image


Real Name: Unrevealed

Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-1191) mutant

Occupation: X.S.E. officer

Group Membership: X.S.E. (Amazon, Hecate, Recoil, Trace)

Affiliations: Xavier Security Enforcers cadets (Shirley Baylor, Lucas Bishop, Shard Bishop, Trevor Fitzroy, Hooper and unidentified others)

Enemies: Emplates, Exhumes (Daemon, Virago)

Known Relatives: None

Aliases: None

Base of Operations: Xavier Security Enforcers Headquarters, Manhattan, New York;
formerly Xavier Security Enforcers Headquarters West, presumably New York

First Appearance: X.S.E.#1 (November, 1996)

Powers/Abilities: Sureshot is a mutant who supposedly never misses a shot, however, if this is her mutant ability is unrevealed. As a X.S.E. officer, she received armed and unarmed combat training.

Height: 5'6" (by approximation)
Weight: 130 lbs. (by approximation)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red

(X.S.E.#1 - BTS) - The woman who would become known as Sureshot grew up in the dystopian future of Earth-1191. She was presumably in one of the many concentration camps for mutants where she was tattooed over the right eye with an "M", marking her as a mutant.

(X.S.E.#1 - BTS) - Sureshot lost her left eye in an unrevealed event and it was replaced with a bionic replacement.

(X.S.E.#1 (fb) - BTS) - After the Summers Rebellion, Sureshot became one of the founding members of the Xavier Security Enforcers alongside Trace, Amazon, Recoil and commanding officer Hecate. The X.S.E.'s mission; close the mutant relocation camps, stop the branding of mutants and police mutantkind. As such she regularly worked alongside former Hound, Trace. During her time as X.S.E. officer, Sureshot received a reputation for never missing a shot, earning her the codename Sureshot.

(X.S.E.#1 (fb) ) - Sureshot and Trace repeatedly came to blows with the Exhumes, a radical mutant group with hate for humanity. During one instance they chased Virago to a mutant relocation camp where the terrorist threatened to kill a young girl (Bishop's sister Shard). Afraid she would kill the mutant girl, Sureshot and Trace held back until Virago was caught off guard by a young Bishop. With Virago distracted, Sureshot shot the terrorist in the head, killing her.

(X.S.E.#1 - BTS) - Eventually the X.S.E. opened an academy to train younger generations of mutants to become X.S.E. officers. Sureshot was one of the teachers when young Bishop, Shard and Trevor Fitzroy enrolled as cadets.

(X.S.E.#1 (fb) ) - A year into the academy, senior X.S.E. officers Sureshot and Trace took their cadets on a training patrol. They, however, were ambushed by a group of Emplates, mutant energy-vampires, who easily broke Sureshot's neck, killing her after which Trace quickly followed.

(X.S.E.#2 (fb) ) - With Sureshot and Trace's lifeless bodies on the battlefield, the young cadets managed to work together under Bishop's leadership until X.S.E. reinforcements arrived to save the cadets.

Comments: Created by John Ostrander, Chris Gardner, Terry Austin & Tom Palmer

Although unrevealed, it seems likely Sureshot fought during the Summers Rebellion.

Profile by MarvellousLuke

Sureshot has no known connections to:

images: (without ads)
X.S.E.#1, p5, pan3 (main image)
X.S.E.#1, p6, pan4/5 (killing Virago)
X.S.E.#1, p20, pan2 (death)

X.S.E.#1 (November, 1996) - John Ostrander (writer), Chris Gardner (pencils), Terry Austin, Tom Palmer (inkers), Kelly Corvese (editor)
X.S.E.#2 (December, 1996) - John Ostrander (writer), Deodato Studios (pencils, inks ), Kelly Corvese (editor)

First Posted: 12/03/2020
Last Updated: 12/03/2020

Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.

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