Wolverine (Aliens vs. Predator) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Unrevealed, presumably James Howlett
Identity/Class: Extradimensional (Earth-94415) human mutant (presumably)
Occupation: Trophy
Group Membership: None
Enemies: Predator (possibly Big Mama)
Known Relatives: None
Aliases: Unrevealed, likely Logan
Base of Operations: Big Mama's spaceship's trophy room
First Appearance: Aliens/Predators: The Deadliest of the Species#5 (March 1994)
Powers/Abilities: None;
formerly Adamantium skeleton and claws, and presumably a healing factor; none of which saved him.
Height: Unrevealed,
Weight: Unrevealed,
Eyes: (currently) none; (formerly) unrevealed, presumably blue
Hair: (currently) none; (formerly) unrevealed, presumably black
(Aliens/Predators: The Deadliest of the Species#5 (fb) - BTS) - At some point Wolverine battled a Yautja hunter (a.k.a. Predator) and lost.
(Aliens/Predators: The Deadliest of the Species#5) - Wolverine's clawed hand was displayed in the trophy room of the spaceship belonging to the Predator "Big Mama," mounted alongside the skulls of a Xenomorph, Xenomorph queen and others (see comments).
Comments: Created by Chris Claremont and Eduardo Barreto.
I'm unsure who the other trophies formerly were, given they were only skulls with the remains of masks in some cases. However, I can make some educated guesses:
Cyclops | Unsure | Etrigan the Demon | Unsure | Batman | Unsure |
I see some wiki sites identifying the second skull above as Magneto and the last as Thanos; I doubt the former and completely disagree with the latter (Thanos' bare head is smooth, not ridged/spikey).
The events of this story take place in the Aliens vs. Predators universe published by Dark Horse Comics, and first seen in Dark Horse Presents I#34 (November 1989).
Profile by Loki.
Wolverine is an alternate reality counterpart of
- Wolverine, long time X-Man --Incredible Hulk II#180
- and a myriad of the above's alternate reality counterparts
but has no known connections to:
- any other "Wolverine" characters
images: (without ads)
Aliens/Predators: The Deadliest of the Species#5, p3, pan1 (main image and other trophies)
Aliens/Predators: The Deadliest of the Species#5 (publication date) - Chris Claremont (writer), Eduardo Barreto (artist), Diana Schultz (editor)
First Posted: 10/15/2019
Last updated: 10/15/2019
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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