Sillatochca (Earth-148611/New Universe; Crashniye Solleetsi/Red Sun; Psi-Force character) (original) (raw)
Real Name: Leonid Vishnevetsky
Identity/Class: Alternate reality (Earth-148611 / "New Universe") human paranormal;
Soviet (USSR) citizen (see comments);
no criminal record
Occupation: Warrior;
former automobile factory worker
Group Membership: Formerly Crashniye Solleetsi (see comments) / Red Sun Soviet Paramilitary Task Force (Coojeechiscue/Nadehzda, Shivowtnoeh/Irina Mityushova; formerly Dehman Doosha/"Johnny Do")
Affiliations: Lindsey Falmon, Kathy Ling
Enemies: Potiphar, Siberian Project (Gennadi Shepalev, Petrov Szymanski, Serge Vladimiroff, Anya Zotov);
formerly Kathy Ling
Known Relatives: Zoya Kollanti Vishnevetsky (wife), Nina, Zenia (daughters)
Education: Completed studies at Leningrad Vocational Institute
Religion: Atheist
Aliases: Force Point (English translation of Russian codename)
"Butt-head" (from Kathy Ling)
Base of Operations: Unrevealed;
formerly the Siberian Project for paranormal research, Siberia, USSR;
born in Leningrad, USSR
First Appearance: Psi-Force#23 (September, 1988)
Powers/Abilities: Sillatochca could psionically expand the mesonic binding of atomic matter on a molecular level. This expansion occurred in the form of building pressure, which, in turn, caused the object of focus to eventually burst apart from the pressure being exerted.
The effort of using his power takes a heavy toll on Leonid, and he endured a consistent droning headache since his powers developed. This pain increased exponentially depending upon the amount of mental force is was required to use on a given object.
His paranormality and the associated enhanced brain capacity led to a slight enlargement of his cranium (see comments).
A trained mechanic, Leonid has an understanding of structural tension and because of this, he is able to quickly judge which portion of a mechanical construct needs the least amount of pressure applied to successfully incapacitate it.
A pacifist, Leonid resisted being pressed into being a warrior by the Siberian Project and he was afraid to use his powers to their fullest, but he reluctantly complied due to threats to his family.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown (sometimes white; male pattern baldness; sometimes with ponytail)
(Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) <April 1, 1955> Leonid Vishnevetsky was born.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#26 (fb) - BTS) - Leonid and Zoya had two daughters, Nina and Xena.
(Psi-Force#28 (fb)) - Leonid's wife, Zoya, gave him a necklace on his birthday (see comments).
(Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) - Leonid enjoyed automobiles, auto mechanics, ice hockey, and beer brewing.
(Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) <July 22, 1986 > - Leonid Vishnevetsky was empowered by the White Event (a release of Star Brandenergy that blanketed the Earth and granted two out of every million people paranormal powers). His paranormal ability to psionically expand the mesonic binding of atomic matter on a molecular level surfaced that same day.
(Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) - The effort of using his power takes a heavy toll on Leonid, and he endured a consistent droning headache since his powers developed.
(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - <Sometime before October 3, 1986; "over two years" before the main story> - The Siberian Project began gathering Soviet paranormals. (Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) - When Leonid professed an immense disgust for the Project's goals and their plans for him, the KGB took his family captive.(Psi-Force#28 (fb)) - Zoya, Nina, and Xena were taken away at gunpoint and placed in a cabin within a fenced area surrounded by armed guards.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - Via threats to his family, Leonid Vishnevetsky was pressured into joining the Siberian Project's Red Sun team. He was dubbed Sillatochca.(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - At Leonid's insistence, he was allowed to keep the necklace Zoya had given him.
(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - Nina and Xena were taken to school by men under the direction of Serge Vladimiroff. Zoya was kept a comfortable prisoner but wept due to loneliness and missing Leonid.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#27 (fb) - BTS) - Sillatochca and his fellow paranormals in Red Sun assisted in Afghanistan, where they suffered injuries.
(Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) - Sillatochca used his powers to burst a moving tank, but the strain rendered him unconscious for over sixteen hours.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#27 (fb) - BTS) - The Siberian Project considered this "Afghanistan affair" an abysmal performance (see comments).
(Psi-Force#23) <4/2/1988> - When the KGB's Sergei Vladimiroff visited the Siberian Project to oversee the rehabilitation of the Crashniye Solleetsi, Anya Zotov showed him footage of Sillatochca, noting that he continued to prove bitterly opposed to their entire program and that only their threat to his family kept him under their control.
She also noted that they were not thrilled about using him thusly, as he could cause them to burst apart with but a thought.
(Psi-Force#27) <9/2/1988> - During a Siberian Project meeting, as Gennadi Shepalev and Petrov Szymanski discussed killing "Johnny Do" (aka Dehman Doosha) due to his uncontrollable nature as an autistic pyrokinetic, a disgusted Leonid interrupted, asking about his situation. Sergei Vladimiroff asked if he was going to whine incessantly about his family again, and he reminded Leonid that they had told him repeatedly that his family was being well cared for. Vladimiroff continued that they were being cared for better than they deserved, considering Leonid's abysmal performance in the Afghan affair.
Advising Vladimiroff that he was a mechanic and not a killer, Leonid caused Vladimiroff's pencil to explode, after which Leonid continued that his attitude and actions were rapidly making him change his position on the matter.
Coojeechiscue then used a cube of force to contain Sillatochca, who complained that she should be stopping Vladimiroff. Apologizing to Leonid, Coojeechiscue informed Leonid that as a member of the Red Sun task force, he was her responsibility, while Vladimiroff was her superior, "for better or worse."
Later, the still hospitalized Lyndsey Falmon touched a medicine tray Leonid had touched, and she sensed his love for his family, his wife Zoya and their two kids.
(Psi-Force#28) <10/3/1988> - Alongside Coojeechiscue and Shivowtnoeh, Sillatochca participated in challenge against Kathy Ling in the Siberian Project's Combat Situation Room. Leonid exploded something (a piece of machinery?) in Ling's vicinity, but she formed a telekinetic shield to protect herself as she vaulted (or levitated herself) away from it. She hurled something at Leonid, which he exploded. When she approached him after forcing her way out of Coojeechiscue's energy cube, Leonid exploded a series of combat dummies while apologizing to the "child" (in Russian, which she didn't understand), noting that he had to perform for his keepers if he wished to see his family, even if he had to hurt her. However, protected by her telekinetic shield, she instead continued forward to kick him in the chest and knock him down.
After Ling had surrendered due to her fear in being confronted by the monstrous Shivowtnoeh, Leonid rushed to her, asking if she was unhurt (speaking English but in thick Russian accent). Telling him she was just fine, Kathy asked his name, and he told her, "Leonid," after which she apologized for calling him "butt-head" during the conflict. When he asked her what that meant, she told him, "never mind."
Trying to help Kathy, he told her not to be afraid of Shivowtnoeh, as she was truly animal and could smell the fear on her and that she would consider Kathy to be prey as she was everything Shivowtnoeh could never be; he further noted that Shivowtnoeh was everything Kathy hated about her paranormal curse. After Kathy thanked him for the advice, he told her to be careful and bade her farewell, although he considered that his assisting of "the enemy" would give his Siberian Project masters something else to use against him.
As he walked away, fearing he would never his wife or darling daughters again, he accidentally collided with Lindsey Falmon, whose object empath powers caused her to see his memories of his family while causing him to feel his family's presence. Confused, he asked what she did and if she knew his family, and Lindsey noted that she had felt/sensed that they were OK. Leonid had more questions, but the Siberian Project's orderly/nurse took her away, telling her not to touch anyone again and apologizing to comrade Vishnevetsky.
Later that evening, desperate to know what Lindsey knew about his family, Leonid left his quarters and incapacitated a guard by blowing up his gun and then applying enough pressure on his head to knock him out. Stealing the guard's security card, Leonid accessed Lindsey's room. To answer his questions, Lindsey asked for something from his family, and he gave her a pendant from Zoya, and she used it to share history and emotions from Zoya.
Brought to tears by seeing and feeling the emotions of his family, Leonid argued that he had done nothing to deserve this. Lindsey hugged Leonid, assuring him that he would be with them again, and she promised him that if he helped her, he would see them again soon. Leonid asked what she would have him do.
(Psi-Force#29 (fb)) - Lindsey talked to Leonid about an escape plan.
(Psi-Force#29) <October 5, 1988> - During a free-for-all Red Sun training exercise, Shivowtnoeh hurled objects atSillatochca, who exploded it. However, this left him open to an assault by Coojeechiscue, who sent a cube to knock his feet out from under him, leaving him vulnerable to a potential assault from Shivowtnoeh. Administrative director Petrov Szymanski derided Red Sun's performance as pathetic, especially Leonid's, and he instructed him that he should be serving the state proudly rather than the whimpering, self-possessive, repressive attitude he had affected.
Arriving as Szymanski departed, Lindsey asked if it was bad time, but Leonid told her "any time is bad time here." When she brought up the escape they had discussed, he noted his concerns regarding its danger and his for his family. Lindsey assured him that if they worked with her team, they could succeed, and she promised him that his family would be safe.
Leonid later accompanied Lindsey as they tried to round up the rest of her team. However, at that time, the Siberian Project was assaulted by Medusa Web agents and Justice, who sought to rescue Psi-Force and destroy Rodstvow. As the soldiers were distracted, at Lindsey's instruction, Leonid blew up the Project's soldier's guns, stunning them. However, awakened by the commotion, Ling telekinetically pinned Lindsey and Leonid upside down against the wall and demanded to know what was going on. Lindsey explained that they were seeking her aid to recover their teammate Wayne Tucker, and that Leonid was helping; distrustful of the Russians, Ling recalled that "Butt-head" was not as much of a jerk as the rest of them, and she released
Leonid and Lindsey.
Leonid then directed them to Tucker's room, but en route, the wall exploded as Medusa Web agent Potiphar led a group of Web agents into that region. Per his orders, Potiphar instructed his agents to take Ling and Lindsey with them, and Ling prepared to assault Potiphar (having previously witnessed his murderous actions). Leonid turned Ling around and tried to continue the effort to recover Tucker, but Potiphar shot Leonid in the back with his machine gun at the same time he told him to stop.
As Leonid fell to the ground, dead, Potiphar remarked, "Bad Russian. Dead Russian." Lindsey then aimed a weapon she had liberated at Potiphar and told him that Leonid had been helping them, to which Potiphar replied, "Ooops."
Not a killer, Lindsey dropped to the ground and held Leonid, apologizing for having led him to this and recalling her promises to him.
(Psi-Force#29 - BTS) - As Coojeechiscue and Shivowtnoeh arrived on the scene, Ling and Lindsey departed with Potiphar, who had noted the planned rescue, and Ling noted that it was better for Leonid's family that they leave the others thinking Leonid had died a hero.
Comments: Created by Fabian Nicieza, Graham Nolan, and Mike Witherby.
See the New Universe primer.
See the sub-profile on Zoya, Nina, & Zenia for Leonid's appearance pre-paranormality.
A very likable character for whom it was easy to be sympathetic. He just wanted to be with his family. He helped Kathy Ling overcome her fear of Shivowtnoeh, and he tried to help Psi-Force escape. Potiphar shooting him so callously helped make Potiphar a very unlikeable character.
I'm not sure if the "Afghanistan affair" that Coojeechiscue and Red Sun were involved in is related to the one in which Rodstvow virtually singlehandedly delivered victory to Soviets.
"Crasniye" means "red", but the "solleetsi" word doesn't exist. It seems to be a misspelling of "solntsa" - "suns".--Mike Castle
Me Psi-Force I#27 and subsequent issues, the group name is confirmed to be Red Sun, although the above Russian spelling is repeated.
Kathy Ling called him "butt-head" because he had a crease running down the middle of his balding head.
Per his OHotMU-esque profile in Psi-Force I#26, his codename is pronounced "Seel-ya-tosh-ka."
Though his Russian name is grammatically incorrect (it should be "Tochka Sily"), yes, it's "Force Point."
--Mike Castle
In his profile in Psi-Force#26, Leonid's date of birth was noted as 4-1-55. In Psi-Force#28, Lindsey reads Leonid's memories, and she notes that his wife, Zoya, gave him his necklace on his 34thbirthday...which is problematic, because that story took place on 10/3/1988, so he wouldn't have even been 34 at that time of the story, and we know that the KGB gathered him sometimes between July 22 and October, 1986, when he would have only been 31. He got the necklace before the time of his paranormality (or at least before his head started to change shape) and certainly before he was separated from his family.
Leonid certainly looked like he could be a decade older (born in 1945), but that may just be because of his hair loss. His children did not look that much older when going to school under KGB supervision than when they stood by happily as Zoya gave Leonid the necklace, so maybe his date of birth was off by a few years, so that maybe he was born in in 1950-1951, and he would have received the necklace in 1984-1985. Or, maybe Lindsey was just a little off in her assessment of Leonid's age when he got the necklace, and maybe he was only 30, which would make it 1985.
Leonid looked completely bald in the panel in which he was seen in Psi-Force#23, as well as the first time Lindsey glimpsed him in a vision in #27. Although balding, he had brown hair when actually seen in #27 and #29, but white/light gray hair in #28 and on the cover of #29.
His family looked significantly different than the images in Psi-Force#28. It would appear that Zoya, immediately to his right (our left), had short hair, while their two children appeared to be significantly older. The blond child could just as easily be a young boy as a young girl in that image, and the older girl has lighter hair than the dark-haired girl in the PF28 image.
In Psi-Force#23, Lindsey was just starting to recover from the battle with Rodstvow, and she was glimpsing Leonid at a distance, whereas she usually sensed memories, etc. on direct contact or with an object of personal perhaps she was actually reading more than one person at a time, or her powers were just a little faulty.
I would really love it if the likes of Kurt Busiek, Mark Waid, Fabian Nicieza, or Saladin Ahmed would do a story that stayed true to continuity and followed the New Universe forward in real time over the last 30+ years. I would like to see a little spot where Lindsey Falmon, possibly with the aid of Coojeechiscue and/or the members of Psi-Force, ensured the health and welfare of Leonid's wife and daughters, checking in on them at regular intervals.
Psi-Force was a decent series before Fabian took over, but it became the most interesting comic in a line I loved while he was in charge.
Profile by Snood.
Sillatochca should be distinguished from:
- SILLY - see SILENNUS. Olympian centaur, owner of Silly's Diner--Incredible Hercules#121
- SILLYPUSS of Earth-928 circa 2099 A.D. - Million Palms Family Fun Facility, robot--X-Nation#2
- BUTT-HEAD - compatriot of Beavis--Beavis and Butt-Head--Frog Baseball (1992)
- BUTTVIEW ( ) - biker, head shoved up his rear end and used as a servant by Hoss--Ghost Rider V#1
- Other "Sill," or "Butt" characters
Zoya Kollanti Vishnevetsky, Nina, & Zenia
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS / Psi-Force#26 (fb) - BTS) - Leonid and Zoya had two daughters, Nina and Xena.
(Psi-Force#28 (fb)) - Zoya gave Leonid a necklace on his birthday (see comments).
(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - <Sometime before October 3, 1986; "over two years" before the main story> - The Siberian Project began gathering Soviet paranormals. (Psi-Force#26: Sillatochca profile) - When Leonid professed an immense disgust for the Project's goals and their plans for him, the KGB took his family captive.(Psi-Force#28 (fb)) - Zoya, Nina, and Xena were taken away at gunpoint and placed in a cabin within a fenced area surrounded by armed guards.
(Psi-Force#23 (fb) - BTS) - Via threats to his family, Leonid Vishnevetsky was pressured into joining the Siberian Project's Red Sun team. He was dubbed Sillatochca.(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - At Leonid's insistence, he was allowed to keep the necklace Zoya had given him.
(Psi-Force#28 (fb) - BTS) - Presumably after Leonid complied with the Siberian Project and participated in Red Sun, Zoya, Nina, & Zenia were moved to a nicer home, but they remained under KGB supervision. Agents picked up Nina and Zoya and took them to school. Although kept a comfortable prisoner, Zoya was very lonely, and she missed Leonid.
Psi-Force#28 - BTS) - Bumping into Leonid in the Siberian Project, Lindsey Falmon shared his memories of his family. Leonid later sought Lindsey out and, via his necklace, Lindsey allowed Leonid to see and feel his family's current existence.
Promising they would get him to his family, Lindsey convinced Leonid to help her free her Psi-Force teammates and facilitate an escape. However, in the process, he was fatally shot by Potiphar, who had been sent to rescue Psi-Force and presumed Leonid to be loyal to the Siberian Project.
--Psi Force#23 (28
images: (without ads)
Psi-Force#23, pg. 7, panel 2 (training);
#27, pg. 15, panel 4 (Lindsey first senses his family distantly);
#28, pg. 3, panel 2 (training against Ling);
pg. 7, panel 4 (head);
pg. 8, panel 3-7 (Lindsey senses family by accidental contact);
pg. 17, panel 3-5 (via necklace; Lindsey senses family on purpose);
#29 cover (Lindsey holding his corpse);
pg. 6, panel 5 (full, tiny);
pg. 13, panel 2 (exploding guns in series);
pg. 18, panel 4 (shot by Potiphar);
Psi-Force#23 (September, 1988) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Graham Nolan (penciler), Mike Witherby (inker), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#27 (January, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
Psi-Force#28-29 (February-March, 1989) - Fabian Nicieza (writer), Alan Kupperberg (penciler), Chris Ivy (inker), David Wohl (assistant editor), Howard Mackie (editor)
First posted: 03/27/2023
Last updated: 07/31/2022
Any Additions/Corrections? please let me know.
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