Logic Colloquium 2007 (original) (raw)


Tutorial Talks:
Steve Jackson (North Texas)
Bakh Khoussainov (Auckland)
Kobi Peterzil (Haifa)

Plenary Talks:
Albert Atserias (Barcelona)
Matthias Baaz (Vienna)
Vasco Brattka (Cape Town)
Zoé Chatzidakis (Paris)
Gabriel Debs (Paris)
Fernando Ferreira (Lisbon)
Andrzej Grzegorczyk (Warsaw)
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen (Cornell)
Piotr Kowalski (Wrocław)
Paul Larson (Miami U)
Tony Martin (UCLA)

LICS Joint Long Talks:
Martin Hyland (Cambridge)
Colin Stirling (Edinburgh)

LICS Joint Short Talks:
Cristiano Calcagno (Imperial College)
Martín Escardó (Birmingham)
Rosalie Iemhoff (Utrecht)
Alex Simpson (Edinburgh)


Alessandro Andretta
Françoise Delon
Ulrich Kohlenbach
Steffen Lempp (Chair)
Penelope Maddy
Jerzy Marcinkowski
Ludomir Newelski
Andrew Pitts
Pavel Pudlák
Sławomir Solecki
Frank Stephan
Göran Sundholm


Set Theory (organized by Ilijas Farah and Joel Hamkins):
Márton Elekes (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Gunter Fuchs (Münster)
Victoria Gitman (City University of New York)
Lionel Nguyen Van The (Calgary)
Asger Tornquist (Toronto)
Matteo Viale (Vienna)

Proof Complexity and Nonclassical Logics (organized by Pavel Pudlák):
Emil Jeřábek (Prague)
George Metcalfe (Vanderbilt)
Alasdair Urquhart (Toronto)

Philosophical and Applied Logic at the JPL (organized by Pen Maddy):
Aldo Antonelli (Irvine)
Horacio Arlò Costa (Carnegie-Mellon)
Greg Restall (Melbourne)
Albert Visser (Utrecht)

Logic and Analysis (organized by Itaï Ben Yaacov and Ulrich Kohlenbach):
Philipp Gerhardy (Pittsburgh/Oslo)
Peter Hertling (München)
Julien Melleray (Urbana)
Andreas Weiermann (Ghent)

Model Theory (organized by Françoise Delon and Ludomir Newelski):
Vera Djordjevic (Uppsala)
Amador Martin-Pizarro (Lyon 1)
Ziv Shami (Tel Aviv)
Marcus Tressl (Regensburg)


Deadline for application was March 19 and all the grants have been awarded.


The deadline for receipt of abstracts and titles for contributed papers was May 15. Abstracts of contributed talks submitted by ASL members will be published in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logicif they satisfy the Rules for Abstracts.


Registration is available at the registration page. If you want to register for more events, please consult the guide to registration and fees. You can only pay by a credid card, if you are really unable to do so, please email lc2007@ii.uni.wroc.pl. The deadline for early registration was May 31st. The early registration fee was 180 Euro and 90 Euro for students. The fees are now 260 Euros and 130 Euros for students. Your registration can NOT be cancelled anymore (the cancellation deadline was June 10th).


You may check if you need a visa for travel to Poland (more information here) or not. Poland is a member of the European Union, but it is not a part of the Schengen Zone, so there are still passport controls on the borders.


Welcome Reception, Saturday July 14, 6:30 PM.

Welcome Reception will be held in Botanical Garden of Wrocław University.
IMPORTANT: We enter the botanical garden through the gate on the corner of Świętokrzyska and Sienkiewicza Street. This is the north-west corner of the garden, see a google map (you need to scroll up a little). THIS GATE WILL CLOSE AT 19:30! After 19:30, there will be still somebody at the gate, but it is better to arrive earlier.

Free afternoon, Tuesday July 17.

We will have a choice of:
- excursion to Mountain Ślęża: hike and party (details here). Cost: 30 Euro.
- guided sightseeing of Wrocław (10 Euro) and a boat party on the Odra river (20 Euro).

Banquet, Wednesday July 18, 7:30 PM.

Banquet will be held in Piwnica Świdnicka. Cost: 25 Euro.

Social Events Organizing Committee

Tobias Kaiser (boat party)
Piotr Kowalski (banquet, boat party, reception)
Jan Kraszewski (sightseeing)
Amador Martin-Pizarro (boat party)
Serge Randriambololona (sightseeing)
Roman Wencel (excursion)


From the Airport to the Main Train Station

A taxi from the airport to the city center should cost 30-50 PLN (8-13 Euro).
There is just one bus (406) at the Airport (Lotnisko), which goes to the Main Train Station (Dworzec Główny - DWORCOWA stop). You need to go a bit straight and then right to get from the DWORCOWA bus stop to the Main Train Station tram stop.

From the Main Train Station to the Conference Venue and Kredka

Take tram 2 direction Biskupin or tram 9 direction Sępolno or tram 17 direction Sępolno. In all cases get off at the PL. GRUNWALDZKI stop (a big square, 8 stops from the train station). You can see Kredka (crayon) and Ołówek (pencil).
If you go to the direction opposite to Kredka, you will reach the Grunwaldzki Bridge and the conference venue.

From the Main Train Station to some hotels

Take tram 9 direction Sępolno or tram 17 direction Sępolno and get off at pl. Bema (4 stops). Just before pl. Bema you can see Tumski Hotel on your left. On the opposite side, you will find John Paul 2 Pilgrim's House. If you pass the Tumski Hotel and go further into the island you should notice HP Park Plaza.