mathai varghese, varghese mathai, T-duality, mathematics, Atiyah-Singer index theory, noncommutative geometry, quantum Hall effect, string theory, Elder Professor (original) (raw)

PhD (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Elder Professor of Mathematics, FAA FAustMS Australian Laureate Fellow 2021 Hannan Medal and Lecture (AAS), Publicity 2021 George Szekeres Medal (AustMS), Publicity 2022 Professional Achievement Award, IIT (Chicago) Director, Insititute for Geometry and its Applications Editorial board, Journal of Topology and Analysis Input for ERA 2023 Recent appointments & awards Recent research interests Recent preprints & publications Recent ARC Grants & Postdocs Major Conferences Co-organized Students, Topics & Scholarships Teaching, Administration Contact details JGP (IF= 1.249) virtual special issue Index Theory, Duality and Related Fields String Math 2023