Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz (original) (raw)

In formal portraits, he strikes an imposing figure, with a heavy brow and with piercing eyes that follow you across the room.

But then when you open up his 368-page Journal — filled with trumpet blasts of inspiration and rallying cries for renewal — you understand why Blessed George Matulaitis-Matulewicz’s portrait is given prominent placement in every Marian residence around the world. You also understand why his Journal is required reading and why he’s the model for the modern Marian.

“If I may ask, Lord,” Blessed George writes in one of his many highly quotable passages, “let me be but a dishrag in Your Church, a rag used to wipe up messes and then thrown away into some dark corner. I want to be used up and worn out in the same way so that your house may be a little cleaner and brighter. And afterwards, let me be thrown away like a dirty, worn-out dishrag.”

Read more.

His Beatification • June 28, 1987

View the full gallery of the Beatification Ceremony

See the gallery of images of Bl. George.

See videos of Blessed George’s visit to the U.S. in 1926.

See the short video on the life of Blessed George (in Polish).