Maurice Lemaitre | (original) (raw)


What is Lettrism?

ABSTRACT: Lettrism is a multi-disciplinary creative movement born in Paris in 1946 under the guiding force of Isidore Isou. The movement soon expanded by attracting numerous creative people, such as Gabriel Pomerand, Maurice Lemaître, Gil J Wolman… (and over the years, many others joined for particular periods or specific contributions)....
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Lemaître’s Contributions

ABSTRACT: Ever since his arrival in 1949 at the beginning of the Lettrist movement, Maurice Lemaître has been engaged in a quest for creative armament, helping Isidore Isou in all his avant-garde battles. Lemaître would be the principal and constant propagator of Isou’s ideas, publishing his texts, helping him edit his first movie, presenting...
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Lemaître Biography

1926 • Birth of Maurice Bismuth-Lemaître in Paris 1942 • Preparatory schooling in Arts et Metiers (Trade School) and Travaux Publics (Public Works) in Paris 1944 • Participates in the Liberation of Paris 1946 • Publishes his first article in Le Corbusier’s journal “L’homme et l’architecture” 1947 • Begins a degree...
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A Chronology of Lettrism

1945 • Isidore Isou, born 1925 in Botosani (Romania), comes to Paris 1946 • Isou creates Lettrism in Paris with Gabriel Pomerand. • Publication of the group’s first journal: La Dictature Lettriste / The Lettrist Dictatorship. 1947 • Isou publishes two founding books at Gallimard: Introduction à une nouvelle poésie et à une...
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