The Names of God (original) (raw)
From The Alpha and the Omega - Introduction
by Jim A. Cornwell, Copyright © 1995, all rights reserved
The Names of God
Revelation 19:12 "His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself."
So strong is the power of the spoken word, that the mighty four-letter name of God, the Tetragrammaton -- IHVH is never pronounced by devout Hebrews. The name is usually substituted for by another four-letter name, ADNI, which is pronounced Adonai and means Lord. The true pronunciation of IHVH is known to very few, as it is believed to be a great secret, and "He who can rightly pronounce it, causeth heaven and earth to tremble, for it is the name which rusheth through the universe." IHVH is commonly spelled out as Jehovah.
The intrinsic meaning of the Tetragrammaton -- IHVH -- is "to be," and it is a symbol of existence. It also represents the four cardinal points, the four elements, (fire, air, water, and earth), and the four worlds of the Kabbalists.
The Name may be transposed in twelve different ways, all of which mean "to be." The twelve transpositions are known as the "twelve banners of the mighty name," and are said to represent the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The twelve simple letters of the Hebrew Alphabet.
God also has three other four-letter names:
AHIH (existence), ADNI (Lord), and ALGA this one is a Notarikon version (Atoh Gebor Leolahm Adonai) which means (Thou art mighty forever, O Lord). The similarities between IHVH (Jehovah) and AHIH (Eheih) are very marked. The letter He (archetype of universal life) is the second and fourth character in both names. AHIH (Eheih) is the unmanifested cosmic principle, God before the Creation, while IHVH is the manifested cosmic principle, the Creation itself.
Another powerful name of God, is the Schemhamphoras, or the Divided Name, which is hidden in the Book of Exodus, chapter 14, verses 19, 20, and 21. Each verse is composed of seventy-two letters (in the original Hebrew). If one writes these three verses' one above the other, the first from right to left, the second from left to right, and the third from right to left, one would get seventy-two columns of three-letter names of God. The seventy-two names are divided into four columns of eighteen names each. Each of the four columns falls under the aegis of one of the letters of the Tetragrammaton, IHVH.
The following are a list of the Hebrew names for the above: these could also be the names of seventy-two angels of Jacob�s ladder, or the seventy-two syllable name of God, made up of 216 letters.
Also the 360 degree grand circle of the Mazzaroth is 25,920 years divided by 72 names is 360 years per each of God�s names to manifest itself in the world. One zodiacal age is 2160 years containing six 360 year periods.
The Tetragrammaton appears to have its origin in the phrase found in Exodus 3:14 "I am that I am." I can assure you not many people would set through the hours of Biblical study it would take to review the actual names of God in the Scriptures.
To see number 37 Ani as to the Names of Angels in Genesis.
This name was pronounced only once a year by the high priest on the Day of Atonement. Tradition tells us that once every seven years they were allowed to orally pass on the secret pronunciation to their disciples.
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Chapter Four for another view of heaven as connected to the Names of God.