THE ORDER OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT,10545 Main Street, Clarence, New York 14031 (USA)

Contacts: Tel. (716) 759-6078

B. JOHN ZAVREL ....................................................................... Chancellor

The official seat of the Order is at the Nörvenich Castle, Germany


for Science and Art, under Patronage of Paul I., King of Greece
1947 - 1964
reorganized in Europe in 1975 according to the ORDRE POUR LE MERITE,
in the tradition
of the King Friedrich II. of Prussia, named Frederick the Great,
democratically renewed in 1990 by
Grand Master Roger Peyrefitte, Paris

is dedicated to the promotion of arts and science, justice,
freedom and peace.

In the spirit of Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) and his positive deeds for the advancement of mankind, and in remembrance of the outstanding historical figures who as Kings, Emperors, Popes, political leaders, scientists, and artists carried the name Alexander, this democratic Order is a free society without materialistic interests.

Members of the different categories can become only those men and women who feel dedicated to the ideals of the Order and who act in their lives accordingly, in private or in public.

The Order makes awards to promote: Fine Arts, Science, Classical Theater, and Music. The Order expects its members to support these goals according to their abilities.


Alexander the Great

What is the Order of Alexander the Great?by Dr. Wilson Greatbatch

Family Crests, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Glimpses into the History of the Alexander Order




Some Remarkable Men and Women of Our Time

The Genius and the Divine, by Salvador Dali

Yukio Mishima: The Harmony of Pen and Sword, by B. John Zavrel

The Miracle of Creation, by Arno Breker

The Pianist Wilhelm Kempff is dead, by B. John Zavrel

The Master at Work , by Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis

The Prophet of Space Travel -- Hermann Oberth, by Wernher von Braun

Hermann Oberth -- The Space Pioneer , by Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger

Swami Rama of the Himalayas

Ernst Jünger: A Miracle at 100 Years, by B. John Zavrel

Roger Peyrefitte : Alexandar is My Destiny, by B. John Zavrel

Ernst Jünger at the age of over 100 years in his home in Wilflingen, Germany. The photo shows the writer at the taking of the handprint. From left to right: Consul B.John Zavrel (Chancellor of the Alexander Order), Dr. Lieselotte Jünger , Jünger and Joe F. Bodenstein , the publisher of the sculptor Arno Breker, who had created an highly expressive portrait-bust of Jünger. Read the entireARTICLE...

© Foto: Marco Bodenstein / Marco-VG

A European Painter-Prince Turns 65, by B. John Zavrel

A Hymn to Youth, by Joe F. Bodenstein

A Museum is Born, by B. John Zavrel

Kurt Arentz, by B. John Zavrel

Ronald Reagan at 88: The Champion of Liberty and Peace, by Consul B. John Zavrel

On Assignment for Israel - My Life as a Spy, by Ruth Zucker. A book review by B. John Zavrel

Why Explore Space , by Dr. Ernst Stuhlinger

Alessandra Della Valentina, by B. John Zavrel

Salvador Dali: The Magician of Color, Speech given by the Spanish heir-apparent, the Crown Prince Felipe of Asturias, on the Occasion of the Exhibition of SALVADOR DALI in the Museum Collection of European Art at Nörvenich Castle.

"Ecological Eagle" For Prince Charles The bronze eagle flies to England

Commemorative plaque in bronze: Visit of H.R.H Prince Felipe of Asturias, the Crown Prince of Spain, to the House of Bodenstein at Noervenich Castle / Germany. Old relations and memories come up... see ARTICLE

© Photo Marco-VG

Wilson Greatbatch at 80, by Consul B. John Zavrel

AMERICAN STEWARDSHIP OF THE MOON: A Millennium Project. By Dr. Wilson Greatbatch.

George Bush Presidential Library & Museum Opens, by Consul B. John Zavrel

The Perennial in the Millennium. A poem by Swami Veda Bharati.

The portrait of H.H. the XIV. Dalai Lama of Tibet . The great artwork is seen at the Museum of European Art at Noervenich Castle in Germany. Millions of people in Europe and USA admire this religious leader. For full story, seeARTICLE.

© Photograph: Marco-VG

Dalai Lama: My Dream For Tibet's Freedom, Interview with Professor Thubten Jigme Norbu, elder brother of H.H. the Dalai Lama

Helga Tiemann - The First Lady of Painting, by B. John Zavrel

The Fragile Balance of Natureby Heinz Sielmann

Alexander the Great. A poem by Christa Wehner-Radeburg.

Alexander der Große.Ein Gedicht von Christa Wehner-Radeburg.

Arun Gandhi - The Pursuit of Truthfulness, by Consul B. John Zavrel

RENATE STENDAR-FEUERBAUM AT 8O.Speech by Consul B. John Zavrel at Schloß Nörvenich.

A Bust for Vaclav Havel as a Remembrance of Berlin, by Bernd Castell

Romantic Expressionism in the work of Edward Tabachnik, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Schriftsteller Peyrefitte - ein Freund der USA - ist tot, von Marco Bodenstein

Bush, Gorbachev and Kohl awarded Point Alpha Prize, by Joe F. Bodenstein

Standing ovations for George Bush on June 17, 2005 in Germany. Under his leadership it became a reality, what the US President Ronald Reagan was fighting for and had prepared during the many years of his successful presidency: the German Unity . At the ceremony, Mr. Bush released an eagle from the wild-life nature park Hellenthal (Nordhrein-Westfalen,Germany) of the famous European wildlife expert Horst Niesters . For the special report, see our ARTICLE ...

Roger Peyrefitte - Friend of USA - is Dead, by Marco Bodenstein

Toronto Painter Becomes Knight of Alexander Order. Speech by Consul John Zavrel.

Great Honor for Wilson Greatbatch

Dr. Joseph Wincenc Honored by the Alexander Order

Elfie Wörner becomes Lady-Knight of the Alexander Order

Ronald Reagan--An American Hero, by B. John Zavrel

Alexander-Order for Eleanor Greatbatch

Le Festin d'Alexandre le Grand : a painting at the Noervenich Castle, the residence of the Alexander Order in Europe. In front: Bronze of Alexander by Pierre Peyrolle. On the right of the table are to be seen the Knights of the Order: Arno Breker , Salvador Dalí and Ernst Fuchs . On the left side are: Joe F. Bodenstein , the Grandmaster Roger Peyrefitte , and Alexandre de Villiers (Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal). See ARTICLE...

© OAG / Marco-VG

Erica Pappritz and Konrad Adenauer

Bodenstein Castle--A Place of Art in Europe,by B. John Zavrel

In Memoriam Ron C. Voth, by B. John Zavrel

The Sculpture Garden of Alexander the Grea t - an UPDATE

Politics: The Price of Freedom, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Alexander Order and Princess Victoria Luise of Prussia

***The Order of Alexander the Great


Alexander the Great

the best Web Site, designed by John J. Popovich (Rome)

The Perseus Project

a treasure of information on Ancient Greece

Lend Me Your Name, Alexander!, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Alexander the Great and His Companions, by Consul B. John Zavrel

The Last Days of Alexander the Great, by Consul B. John Zavrel

Family Crests, by Consul B. John Zavrel

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