Vipers of the genus Echis (original) (raw)

A first photograph of a live Echis jogeri
was publicated by Dobiey and Vogel (2007).
A species look very similar to E. ocellatus. With permission of U. Joger.

A book about the vipers of the genus Echis has been written by me and my colleague Ji�� Hejduk.
148 pp. Privately publicated.


2nd revised reprint in prep.!

Echis pyramidum lucidus

Echis p. "aliaborri", Wajir, Kenya

Echis p. lucidus
Siwa, Egypt

Echis p. leakeyi
Garissa, Kenya

Echis p. leakeyi
Lake Turkana, Kenya

BMNH colletion of Echis

Copyright�Tom� Mazuch. All Rights Reserved. Web design: Tom� Mazuch (2008)

NOVINKY / NEWS New pictures of _Echis pyramidum "borkini"_Cherlin, 1990 were
added (� Petr Ne�as all photographs, New photographs of Echis jogeri and Echis megalocephalus from Ulrich Joger and Wolfgang W�ster.
See monographs. New article about the Echis from Garissa (Kenya)
- downloadable as PDF TERAFORUM 4/2007

ZMIJE RODU ECHIS (Tom�e Mazucha)

Echis multisquamatus

Herpetologists C. McCarthy a W. Wuster (London and Bangor, UK) et al. prepare a molecular analysis of the genus Echis. In principle, it is opening of the Pandora�s box. I will be inform you in time.