Shenmue (original) (raw)

Released On: Nov 7, 2000

My Score

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Shenmue II literally is 5 times the game Shenmue: Chapter 1 incredible experience for me, from start to finish. The core gameplay formula isn’t much different from the first game, just packed with more action and improvements.

More action-packed than the original was.

Легендарная игра, спасибо Ю Судзуки и Сега что сделали это.

This game is an absolute jewel. A true classic gaming masterpiece. Everything is amazing. The controls are a little awkward at times while walking or at narrow places. But this is absolutely nothing compared to the wonderful detailed world, the story, the ambiance, the music. Combat is also creative. This game was way ahead of its time. And still today holds on beautifully. What a joyful and adventurous ride with Ryo and company!!!

The big improvement for me is that everything is a lot less linear then before; it really does feel that your actions directly influence Ryo’s progress through the adventure.

Shenmue II is so much better than its predecessor, refining nearly every aspect of the original. It's a polished game that serves as a showcase for the DC and the evolution of the RPG genre, and fans should definitely find a way to play it.

A disappointing sequel; it’s just not as good as the original which was in my opinion one of the greatest games of all time, it really was magical. Graphically it’s superior, but gameplay-wise, it’s just more of the same, albeit at a considerably slower pace.

A breathtaking visual experience. X-Box, PS2, and GameCube may have titles that push more polygons, but it's Sega's attention to detail, quality of texture mapping, and the overall scale of the game world that makes Shenmue 2 stand out.

A good game, but not one that is going to have a lot of replay value. Once you have gone through it, the only real reasons to dig the discs out again are the arcade classics included within.

The game that solidified me as a gamer in 1999. First weather changing system in a game among so many other firsts.

Это просто ЛЕГЕНДА. Шедевр, недооценённый в полной мере. Возможности этой игры, для своих лет, просто поражают и многим аспектам игры могут позавидовать даже современные поделки игростроя. D3T спасибо за детство!

Meh, it was alright. It was much better than the first, but still had far too much tedium. The story is really boring and kinda convoluted. It just takes way too long to do anything. For instance, I counted and it takes 14 seconds to use an elevator NOT including the load time. So the game shows you walk into the elevator, hit the button for the floor you want, then it brings you to the load screen, then it shows you step out of the elevator. This happens every time you use an elevator. That **** adds up as Kowloon is basically all elevators. This is just one example of tedium you'll encounter in Shenmue games. The music was really good though.

im not saying its bad, but when i play a game im looking for gamplay, which is something this game doesn't do well, its literally a whole game based on quick time events, one of the major sins of video games, not to Mention its high production value is one of the many reasons the dreamcast died. the only thing that's good here is the story

Summary It is the sequel to Shenmue, and was directed by Yu Suzuki of Sega AM2.

Rated T for Teen

Initial Release Date: Nov 7, 2000