Portal Reviews (original) (raw)

Released On: Oct 10, 2007

My Score

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Portal, tucked neatly alongside four other games, outshines them all and ensures itself a place in posterity.

One of the best single-player experiences of the year.

Ein Meisterwerk und MUSS Für Jeden Gamer Das Spiel Hat zwar nur wenige Elemente ist aber Auf KEINEN Fall Langweilig oder eintönig !

es un buen juego de puzles, ami opinion nunca te va aburrir,muy weno, 10/10 si

It may be the least hyped part of the Orange Box but Portal is a strong addition to the lineup and really stands out on its own.

The idea stolen shamelessly from Prey, masterful implementation and... you won’t know when these three hours have passed. Zipping through portals and placing them on the fly (literally) makes for loads of fun, and the authors spice up the play with quite a story that’s not immediately visible and all the more enjoyable when discovered. [Dec 2007]

Skilled players will portal their way through the nineteen levels in just a few hours, but this little puzzle game / tech demo provides plenty of entertainment and makes a great addition to The Orange Box.

It may be short, but it's a wonderful learning experience, forcing you to rethink rather base concepts of the first-person genre. [Dec 2007, p.68]

By anyone's reckoning Portal isn't a long game, weighing in at around the three to four hour mark. Those of you who do see this game from start to end though are in for a very special experience.

Lo vi al 99% rebajado en Steam y pensé, vamos a echar un rato de juego... me gusta mucho empezar juegos sabiendo lo menos posible de ellos y desde luego esta saga fue todo un descubrimiento... Divertido, buenos puzles, buena historia y buen final. MUST PLAY

Sou um grande fã dos jogos da valve mas devo confessar que Portal nao é uma experiencia que me agradou muito.Diversas pessoas elogiam a imersao do jogo, coisa que nao presenciei em minha jogatina. Para mim foram apenas vários puzzles legalzinhos com uma história por trás.

portal is great. it has very well designed puzzles, and it is just a good game to crack out in a weekend and never play again. 7/10

Proof of concept - and I guess that's what this game was supposed to be. Well yeah, so it was decent for what it was?

С начала и до конца игра однотипна, но в отличии от 2-ой части тут всё в новинку и она в 3 раза короче, так что это не проблема. А еще финальный бой геймплейно очень не дожат.

Summary Portal is a new single player game from Valve. Set in the mysterious Aperture Science Laboratories, Portal has been called one of the most innovative new games on the horizon and offers gamers hours of unique gameplay. The game is designed to change the way players approach, manipulate, and surmise the possibilities in a given environmen...

Rated T for Teen

Initial Release Date: Oct 10, 2007


Publisher: Valve Software