Jak 3 Reviews (original) (raw)

Released On: Nov 9, 2004

My Score

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Stunning graphics, an amazing range of highly imaginative and sprawling locations, endless variety, engaging and challenging gameplay, loads of mini-games, cool weapons, super powers, vehicles, races, a grand and exciting storyline, great music, superb voice acting and plenty of humour- did I forget anything?

The graphics are buoyed by the exceptional voice acting for the characters in the game.

The perfect ending to a glorious saga. The story perfectly closes all the plots and solves all the questions, giving a perfect closure to a well-deserved saga.

Despite the sweet new weapon upgrades and other new features, Jak 3 didn't have the same impact on me as "Jak II" because it wasn't as fresh - it feels a little too much like extra "Jak II" chapters. It's still great, don't get me wrong - but maybe not as mind-blowingly fantastic as what came before. [Nov 2004, p.70]

I thought the graphics and gameplay were the 2 most outstanding features of the game.

At times, Jak 3 seems to be scraping the bottom of the idea barrel...While this final chapter is not the platforming clinic of the first, nor the trendsetter of the second, it is an extremely satisfying finish for the series.

Aside from the occasional piece of ropey responsiveness from the game engine, Jak and Daxter's moves are among the slickest on any console.

For all it's technical wizardry, a game is only as good as its gameplay, and that portion of Jak 3 just doesn't measure up.

Um jogo simplesmente INCRIVEL! tenho a mesma sensaçao quando era criança, nao vejo a hora de jogar pela 8389734 vez e zerar denovo, haha

The overall score is based on how much fun I personally had with every component of the game and the overall experience.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

This game has allot of improvements over the 1st game but some down grades aswell. The downsides are this game is full of pointless time trials and races. All the time they slap a timer on something even if it makes no sense to do so. Time trials are fine at certain times like say your running out of an exploding building. They are not fine when it's just a mission where your running lifts for people. I've never been a fan of racing in games that aren't race focused but this game has so many races that it gets annoying. The 2nd game had a few but Jake 3 has loads more. Driving throu the desert is just annoying. With these other cars constantly ramming you yet we have no idea who they even are. There is now loads more orbs and skull gems which have made them feel less rewarding to collect. Also this game is perfect if you don't like playing as Jak because you barely ever use him. Your always driving or piloting something or other. You can literally forget your playing a Jak game. I don't mind this missions when there is a couple of them but when every other mission involves controller something it becomes over saturated and boring. It's like playing a racing game but spending most of your time walking round. You probably can't even put this game in the platformer genra because there is barely any platforming. Light eco is over powered. With the ability to heal yourself and deploy a shield around you. This makes all combat way to easy. Improvements are that the new guns are cool. The difficulty spikes still aren't perfect but they are much better then before. The story in this game is also good and is well portrayed. I personally prefer 2 but thats subjective. It's overall an easier game then the 2nd which I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I personally like a challenge but this game is a bit more accessible. Overall I prefer the second game. Jak 3 is still a good game but the second game overall had better combat and more time playing as Jak. I don't like missions playing as something else as this game has far to many of them.

Jak 3 is a competent sequel to Jak II. Unlike Jak II, Jak 3 does little to shake up the established formula and instead feels like oversized expansion. Jak 3 narratively is also an all time low for the series frequently undercutting itself and getting lost in plot thread after plot thread. If you have played Jak and Daxter and Jak II I would recommend Jak 3, however Jak 3 really does not stand on its own.

Summary One year has passed since Jak and Daxter saved Haven City from Kor and the attacking Metal Heads, yet Haven City is still immersed in deadly chaos as three groups fight for control of the streets. The people of Haven City have grown to distrust Jak's dark powers, and as rumors boil of Jak's ties with Krew and Kor, the city blames Jak for...

Rated T for Teen


Initial Release Date: Nov 9, 2004