Moneyball Reviews (original) (raw)

Summary Based on Michael Lewis' nonfiction bestseller "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game," the book's subject is Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, who assembled a contending baseball club on a shoestring budget by employing a sophisticated computer-based analysis to draft players. (Sony Pictures)

My Score

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Summary Based on Michael Lewis' nonfiction bestseller "Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game," the book's subject is Oakland A's general manager Billy Beane, who assembled a contending baseball club on a shoestring budget by employing a sophisticated computer-based analysis to draft players. (Sony Pictures)

Like a cold beer under a bluebird sky; like a flawless line drive on a warm summer's day; like a long, languorous seventh-inning stretch - Moneyball satisfies.

A smart, intense and moving film that isn't so much about sports as about the war between intuition and statistics. I walked in knowing what the movie was about, but unprepared for its intelligence and depth.

I really fell in love with this one. With the advent of instantaneous international communication and the wealth of information that's now available at the speed of thought, the nature of our collective interest in sport has shifted and deepened. While the contests will always be our main focus, rightly, there's also a sweeping undercurrent of interest in the games behind the games. Player swaps, contract negotiations, deep statistical analysis; these are as formidable an arsenal for modern teams as the bat and glove, and it's about time Hollywood made the effort to explore that fundamental shift. Moneyball does this extremely well, delving into the theories and risks behind that new line of thought without falling into obsessive over-explanation. As the team's roster and strategies begin to change shape and coalesce, the film shifts into something larger than a mere underdog sports story, interpersonal drama or heady mathematical essay. It's all of those things and more, with a big toolbox and the confidence to use it; an evolution of sports-themed cinema. It's the rare picture that non-fans can enjoy just as much as season ticket holders, and a justified nominee for the Oscars' top honor.

Jonah Hill and Brad Pitt kill it. Top 3 sports movie and top ten movie all time

The surprisingly effective Moneyball has a smart script, solid direction and great performances.

This is a subtle, elegant and altogether triumphant film about a subject I thought I was tired of, told with an artistry and freshness that is positively thrilling.

Statistics and their alleged true meaning are at the heart of Moneyball, but it's also one of the most soulful of baseball movies - it confronts the anguish of a tough game.

Moneyball presents a misleading story line in order to prop up Billy Beane as some kind of would-be miracle worker antihero. In truth, he's just another tobacco-chewing go-getter trying to make sense of a game that, thankfully, has never quite made sense.

True to Hollywood's tireless efforts to fit square-peg material into roundish genre niches, this wavering, intermittently smart story of daring to think differently flattens its narrative into formula.

this movie is a **** 10, there is not a single problem except for that there wasn't any rap music but that can be a positive in many ways, anyways hopefully cosmonaut sees this because if you do, I love you no ****

I'm sure that Moneyball is the deepest and greatest sport movie I ever watched.

do not know what to write about it. It's pretty much a baseball movie .So when you are watching this movie , you should know a bit about baseball, which I don't know ,so i did not enjoyed it a lot. Only positive thing in here is--brad pitt.

This thing boring af, I'm sure the plot is decent but I wouldn't know I was asleep

The standards we set for entertainment have drastically diminished. I chose to watch this because of the positive reviews and it was a mistake. There are very few ways to make two hours more wasteful than watching this movie. It is a bunch of incomplete conversations and a disappointing plot that are enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Our time is valuable people. Stop giving credit where it is not due and lining the pockets of those who feed us this rubbish. I get it is about baseball and many people probably share in the sentimental value but you cannot expect only that to be considered entertainment. I mean it in the most literal way possible when I say I would rather have watched paint dry, applied a second coat, and watched it dry again.

Production Company Columbia Pictures, Scott Rudin Productions, Michael De Luca Productions, Film Rites, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, Specialty Films (II)

Release Date Sep 23, 2011

Duration 2 h 13 m

Rating PG-13

Tagline What are you really worth?

Georgia Film Critics Association (GAFCA)

• 2 Wins & 5 Nominations