B.M.C, M.G, & Morris Engine Codes. (original) (raw)

Engine Codes

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1936 to 1956.

Consists of four letters, followed by the engines number.

(1)MODEL (2)Valves (3)Bore & H.P. (4)Make.
U Morris 8 S Sidevalve H 57mm 8HP M Morris
M Morris 10/4 P OHV J 63.5mm 10HP G M.G.
X late Morris 10/4 C OHC A 66.5mm 11HP W Wolseley
T Morris 12/4 B 69.5mm 12HP C Commercial
Q 2ltr 6 cyl E 72mm 13HP
O 3 1/2 ltr 6cyl D 75mm 14HP
A Austin A30 D 61.5mm 6cyl
H 69mm 6cyl

XPAG 1250cc MG TB OHV engine 11HP.
XPJM 1140cc Morris 10/4 ohv engine 10HP.
XPJW 1140cc Wolseley 10/40 ohv engine 10HP.
USHM 918cc Morris Minor MM SV engine 8HP.
XPEG 1488cc MG TF OHV engine 13HP.
MPJG 1292cc MG TA engine ohv 12HP.
MPJM 1292cc Morris 12/4 OHV engine 10HP.
MPJW 1292cc Wolseley 12/48 OHV engine 10HP.
APHM 803cc Morris Minor MM OHV engine, 8HP. ( first 'A' series.)
APJM 948cc Morris Minor 1000 OHV engine 10HP.
TPBG 1549cc MG VA ohv engine 12HP.
TPDG 1705cc MG 'Cream Cracker' TA engine.
QPHG 2322cc MG WA ohv engine 18HP.
QPHW 2561cc Wolseley 18/80 ohv engine 18HP.

BMC 'B' Series, 1947 to 1981.( First real 'B' series was in 1953.)

With the arrival of Austin based 'A' & 'B' series amongst those used, a system of engine cc was added. It basically followed the post 1956 system, but put 'BP' infront to denote 'B' series 'P'ush rod ohv.The first car to use the 'B' series was the M.G. Magnette ZA, in 1489cc form, in 1953. The earlier Austin 1200cc unit was that developed into this 1489cc and 1200cc 'B'.

BP15M was a 1489cc Morris Oxford.
BP15GA was the ZA Magnette of 1489cc.
BP15GC an improved ZA Magnette, with full flow oil filter.
BP15GB was the first MGA 1489cc engine,
BP 15GD followed it.
BC16GB was the MGA Twin Cam, 'B' series, 'C' camshaft.
1956 to 1970 'A', 'B', and 'C' Series engine Prefix.

The 'BP' prefix was dropped once BMC had its three engine types, A, B, and C. Again, there is a prefix, consisting of a number, then letter/letter/letter, then the engine number.

Cubic capacity Make Type Ancillaries Compression
8 803cc B BMC Industrial A to Z A automatic H high comp
9 948cc G M.G. ,, M manumatic clutch L low comp
10 1098cc P police spec.
12 1200cc
12 1275cc H miscellaneous ,, N column change
15 1489cc J Commercial ,, o overdrive
16 1588cc V Van den Plas
16 1622cc M Morris ,,
18 1798cc R Riley ,, U central gearchange
22 2200cc
25 2500cc
26 2600cc
29 2912cc

15W / U / H 1234 1489cc Wolseley 15/50, central gear change, high comp.
15GE / U / H 1234 1489cc M.G. Magnette Mk3, central gearchange, high comp.
16AMW / U / H 1234 1622cc Austin, Morris & Wolseley Farina, central gear, high c.
16GA / U / H 1234 1588cc MGA 1600,central gear change, high comp.
15AC / N / L 1234 1489cc Austin 15cwt van, column change, low comp.
18GA / O / H 1234 1798cc MGB 3 main B. with overdrive, high comp.
29WA / O / H 1234 2912cc Wolseley 6/110, overdrive, high comp.
29GA / A / H 1234 2912cc MGC GT, automatic, high comp.

1970 onwards.

After 1970 the system was again changed, and simple types were just numbered.

16 1622cc 18 1798cc 12 1275cc 22 2200cc

with either a 'V' or an 'H' after it. 16V meant vertical,( in-line), as in the Sherpa van, or 18V as in both the later Sherpa and MGB, and Morris Marina 1800. 12V would be in an Ital, and 12H in Metro, H meaning horizontal,(FWD.) It was the group of numbers/letters after that denoted the fitment, ie, 18V-584F for a UK specification engine on the MGB. 18H was in the FWD 1800.

As an aside, the big BMC 6 cylinder 'C' series was a Morris Engines design, where as the 'A' & 'B' were Austin designed.

BMC 'B' SERIES ENGINES USE.( 1953 to 1981.)

Model cc Prefix BHP/RPM Torque
Austin A40 Devon 1200 BP12M 40/4500 58lb/ft
Austin A40 Somerset 1200 BP12M 42/4500 58
Austin A40 Sports 1200 BP12M 42/4500 58
Austin A40 Sports 1200 BP12M 46/4500 58
Austin A40 Cambridge 1200 BP12M 42/4500 58
Morris Cowely series 1 1200 BP12M 40/4500 58
Austin Metropolitan 1200 1200 BP12M 42/4500 58
Austin Metropolitan 1500 1489 BP15M 52/4500 70
Morris Oxford series 2 1489 BP15MH 50/4500 70
Morris Oxford series 2 1489 BP15ML 45/4500 65 (LC)
Morris Cowely series 2 1489 BP15M 50/4500 70
Morris Oxford series 3 1489 15M 55/4500 72
Morris Oxford series 4 1489 15M 55/4500 72
Wolseley 15/50 1489 BP15W 50/4500 70
Wolseley 15/50 1489 15AMW 55/4500 72
Wolseley 1500 Mk1 1489 BP15LAW 50/4500 70
Wolseley 1500 Mk2 1489 15W, 15WA 55/4500 72
Riley 1.5 Mk1 1489 15R, 15RA 60/4800 77
Riley 1.5 Mk2 1489 15RB 66/5200 82
M.G. Magnette ZA 1489 BP15GA 60/4800 77
M.G. Magnette ZA & ZB 1489 BP15GC,15GC 68/5200 82
M.G. MGA 1489 BP15GB,15GB 68/5200 82
M.G. MGA 1489 15GD 72/5500 85
M.G. MGA 1600 1588 16GA 80/5600 87
MGA Twin Cam 1588 BC16GB 108/6700
Austin/Morris 1/2ton, ) van,pick up, ) 1489 BP15ML, )15AC, VS15C ) 15AC, VS15C ) 50/4200 74 (LC)
Diesel Engine 1489 BP15J,15Y,15J,15Z 40/4200 90
Austin A50 Cambridge 1489 1H 50/4500 70
Austin A55 Cambridge 1489 15 55/4500 72
Austin A55 Mk2 Camb. 1489 15AMW 55/4500 82
Morris Oxford series 5 1489 15AMW 55/4500 82
Wolseley 15/60 1489 15AMW 55/4500 82
Riley 4/68 1489 15RA, 15RB, 68/5200 85
M.G. Magnette Mk3 1489 15GE 66/5200 85
Morris Oxford series 6 1622 16AMW, 16AA 61/4500 90
Austin A60 Cambridge 1622 16AMW, 16AA 61/4500 90
Wolseley 16/60 1622 16AMW,16AA 61/4500 90
M.G. Magnette Mk4 1622 16GE, 16GF 68/5200 89
Riley 4/72 1622 16RA,16GF 72/5500 90
M.G. MGA 1600 Mk2 1622 16GC 90/5500 97
A60 commercials 1622 16AC,16AE 61/4500 90
Farinas with alternators, 1622 16C (1971 only) 61/4500 90

BMC 'A' Series Engines. ( 1952 to 1999)

Just like the 'B' series, BMC used the same system as above to denote the use of the engine. 1098cc 948cc 1098cc 1098cc 1275cc

Car Model Engine cc Prefix number
Austin A30 803cc 2A
Austin A35 948cc 9A
Austin A35 van ( optional) 848cc 8G ( post 1962 all GPO.)
Austin A40 Mk1 948cc 9A or 9D
Austin A40 Mk2 948cc 9DB
Austin A40 Mk2 1100 10D or 10DD
Austin Healey Sprite Mk1 9CG or 9CC
Sprite Mk2/ MG Midget Mk1 10CG
Sprite Mk3/ MG Midget Mk2 10CC ( 2" main bearings.)
Sprite Mk4/ MG Midget Mk3 12CC or 12CE home market
.. 12CD or 12CJ N. America
.. after Oct '72, 12V/586F/H home market
.. 12V/671Z/L N. America
Austin Allegro 1275cc 12H/A ( same as Metro)
Austin Mini 848cc 8A
Morris Mini 848cc 8MB
Austin & Morris Mini after 1962, 848cc 8AM
Austin/Morris Mini automatic 848cc 8AH
Mini Automatic closed circuit breather 848cc 8AK
Mini floor change closed circuit breather 848cc 8AJ
Mini GPO saloon & van 848cc 85H ( 1" restrictor in carb.)
Mini Clubman 1098cc 10H
Mini 1000 998cc 99H
Mini 1275cc 1275cc 12H
Mini Moke 848cc 8AC
1275GT & Cooper Mk3 'S' 1275cc 12H
Later Cooper models 1275cc 12A
Wolseley Hornet, Riley Elf Mk1 848cc 8WR
Wolseley Hornet, Riley Elf Mk2 998cc 9WR
Austin, Morris, Wolseley fwd 1100 1098cc 10AMW, 10H
.. 1098cc closed circuit breather 10AH
Austin, Morris, Wolseley 1100 Automatic 1098cc 10AG
.. 1098cc closed circuit breather, 10AJ
MG 1100 Mk1 & Mk2, Riley 1100 1098cc 10GR
Vanden Plas 1100 1098cc 10GR, 10V
MG 1300 Mk1 1275cc 12G ( single SU.)
MG 1300 Mk2 , Riley 1300 1275cc after April '68 12GR
All fwd 1300 Automatic 1275cc 12A
Vanden Plas 1300 1275cc 12GR, 12V
Austin 1300 'S' Mk1, Mk2 1275cc 12FA
Austin 1300 'S' Mk3 1275cc 12H
Austin Maestro/Montego 1.3 1275cc 12HA ( 'A' Plus) ( Uses Marina 1.3 type block.)
Austin Metro 1 ltr 998cc 99HA ( all 'A' Plus)
Metro 1 ltr1985 on 998cc 99HA, 99HB, 99HC, 99HD, 99HE, 99F.
Metro 1300 HLE 1275cc 12HA08AA
.. .. 1275cc 12HB, 12HC, 12HD, 12HE, 12HF
MG Metro 1300 leaded fuel pre 1989 1275cc 12H996AA, 12HD24
MG Metro 1300 unleaded post mid-1989 1275cc 12HF01
MG Metro Turbo leaded fuel pre 1989 1275cc 12HD26
MG Metro Turbo unleaded 1275cc 12HF01
Austin Metro Sport .. 1275cc 12HF02
Austin Metro GTa .. 1275cc 12HF02
Austin Metro's with unleaded heads, 1275cc 12HE24, 35, 39, 40, 41, 42, 67 up to 75.
Morris Minor Series 2 803cc APHM
Morris Minor 1000 series 3 948cc APJM
Morris Minor 1000 series 4 after 1956 948cc 9M
Morris Minor 1000 series 5 1098cc 10MA
Morris Minor series 5, close circuit breather 1098cc 10ME
Morris 1000 GPO van 948cc 8AG after 1962
Morris 1000 van, low compression 1098cc 10AB
Morris 1000 van closed circuit breather 1098cc 10V
Morris Marina 1300 1275cc 12V
Mini Cooper 997cc & 1070cc 'S' 9F/SA/H comp 9.1
Mini Cooper 997cc 9F/SA/L 8.3
Mini Cooper 970cc 'S' 9F/SA/X 10
Mini Cooper 1275cc 'S' 9F/SA/Y 9.75
Mini Cooper 998cc 9FA/SA/H 9.1
Mini Cooper 998cc 9FA/SA/L 8.3
Mini Cooper 970cc 'S' 9FC/SA/H 9.1
Mini Cooper 998cc 9FD/SA/H 9.1
Mini Cooper 1070cc 'S' 9FD/SA/H 9.1 (engine 33661 to 33948,)
Mini Cooper 998cc 9FD/SA/L 8.3
Mini Cooper 970cc 'S' 9FD/SA/X 10
Mini Cooper 1275cc 'S' 9FD/SA/Y 9.75
Mini Cooper 970cc 'S' 9FE/SA/X 10
Mini Cooper 1275cc 'S' 9FE/SA/Y 9.75
Mini Cooper 1070cc 'S' 10F 8.3
1275cc Mini 1275 12HE (still fitted in 1999)

Neil Cairns, MG Engine Information Service <n.cairns650@btinternet.com>

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