Mick Clarke - British Blues Rock Guitar (original) (raw)

Hi -

Thanks for checking out my site and my music.

My new album 'Dirty Work' was released on Friday 13th. Always exciting putting out a new album, even though most of the tracks have already been released through the last year.

But that's the way I like to do things these days, and it has a lot of advantages. The songs get thoroughly road-tested and can be tweaked where necessary. And it keeps me entertained throughout the year and keeps the buzz going.

So I'm trying to get the best use out of this new fangled streaming world. I do love the immediacy and versatility that it provides.

Releasing the album also gives me a chance to catch up with my many friends and associates in the blues radio world - many thanks to all those already playing or planning to play tracks from the album.

'Dirty Work' will be online only for now, but might, if I ask them nicely, be included in a future BGO CD package release.

Meanwhile, a little background..

From 1968 I was a full time on the road blues rockin' guitar player with Killing Floor and then SALT, and then from the mid 80s led my own band, touring all over Europe, the US and beyond. These days I mainly enjoy making music in my own small recording studio here on the Surrey / Sussex border and releasing it online.

Unencumbered by record company, management or even other musicians, I just go where my muse takes me and feel free to experiment.

I like to explore different styles which might go towards country or retro pop, but fundamentally I'm a blues guitar player, and I try to give my 'official' albums a more focussed blues / rock direction.

And with some success - the last album 'The Blues, Man, Rides Again' made it to the No.1 spot on the Roots Music Report UK Airplay Chart, knocking the Rolling Stones off in the process!

'Dirty Work' released Friday 13 September... More news to follow. Blues guitarist Mick Clarke 72nd birthday - a beach in Sussex, England

Mick's 72nd birthday - July 2022 - Shoreham Beach, West Sussex. Photo by Linda Cooper.

My music is available all over the world, but sadly I have to support major distributors Spotify and others in withdrawing their services from Russia as part of international sanctions until the whole of Ukraine is free once again. Apple - why am I being streamed in Moscow? Please sort yourselves out.

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And finally - just to avoid confusion. There are, naturally enough, other Mick Clarkes out there - notably Mick Clarke of the Rubettes and Mick Clarke, guitarist with Long John Baldry, who has the dot.Net website.

Latest: I also see another new release in the pipeline - a track called 'Midnight Train' by some other Mick Clarke already getting confused with my Spotify catalogue - whoever you are please take the track down and then release it properly!

So please be sure of whom you're listening to, particularly on Youtube and Facebook. Generally the best source of info is right here on mickclarke.com. Do check in regularly!