MidEast Web Documents: Arab Alexandria summit of September 1964 (original) (raw)


In 1959, Israel began work on the national water carrier project, which would take water from the Sea of Galilee for irrigation in other parts of the country, in accordance with the regional plan proposed by US Envoy Eric Johnston in 1955. The plan had been accepted by Arab engineers, but the Arab governments refused to ratify it.

In 1964, as the work progressed, Arab governments met in two summit conferences to consider ways of combating the water scheme and of eliminating Israel. At the first conference, in January 1964, they laid the groundwork for the PLO, the Palestine Liberation Organization, which was founded to encourage Palestinian terror raids. However, Syria, Jordan and Egypt made great efforts to ensure that such raids did not occur from their territory. The PLO was founded in May of 1964.

The second Arab conference, held in Alexandria on Sept. 13, 1964, declared the goal of eliminating Israel, and made concrete decisions regarding unification of army commands, increased size of armed forces and diversion of the waters of the Jordan before they reached the Sea of Galilee, in Syria and Lebanon. The goal was stated quite clearly:

"The Council has unanimously defined the national cause as that of liberating Palestine from Zionist imperialism and pursuing a plan of joint Arab action both during the present stage - for which plans have already been laid down - and at the next stage, for which it has already been decided to make preparations."

The text below gives the resolutions as published by the Arab states and annexed to a letter to the UN. They do not include the details of agreements regarding the preparations for the "next stage" which would emerge in 1967 as the 6 day war.

These resolutions were taken quite seriously in Israel and caused a good deal of alarm. Following the second conference, Israel addressed a note to the UN, quoting from the resolutions of the conference and noting that they contradicted the UN charter. The Arab statesreplied on October 8, andIsrael answered them on October 9.

Israel took active steps to stop the diversion, shooting at the Syrian tractors, and provoking fire fights that escalated into air combat and ultimately results in the 6-day war.

Ami Isseroff

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The Council of the Kings and Heads of State of the Arab League held its second meeting, at Al-Montasah Palace, Alexandria, 5 to 11 September 1964. Participating in the meeting were:

H.M. King Hussein I of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan;
El-Sayed El-Bahi El-Adgham, Representative of the President of the Republic of Tunisia;
President Ahmed Ben Bella, President of the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria;
General Ibrahim Abbud, President of the Higher Council of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Sudan;
Field Marshal Abdel Salam Mohammed Aref, President of the Republic of Iraq;
Prince Faisal Al-Saud, Deputy for the King of Saudi Arabia;
General Mohammed Amin El-Hafez, President of the National Council of the Revolution Command of the Arab Syrian Republic;
President Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of the United Arab Republic;
Field Marshal Abdallah El-Sallal, President of the Yemeni Arab Republic;
Sheikh Abdallah Al-Salem Al-Sabbah, Prince of the State of Kuwait;
President Charles Helou, President elect of the Republic of Lebanon;
H.M. King Idriss I of Libya;
Prince Abdallah, Representative of H.M. the King of Morocco;
El-Sayed Ahmed El-Shukairy, Head of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The Council of Kings and Heads of State of the Arab League studied the report of the Secretary General of the Arab League on the resolutions and principles adopted by the first session of the Arab Summit Conference, the implementations of these resolutions and means of strengthening them.

The Council expressed its satisfaction with the unity of Arab ranks, with the progress of work on the resolutions of the first session, and with the initiation of collective constructive work for the advancement of the Arab people and for ensuring victory for the cause for which they are struggling.

In its second session, the Council achieved remarkable success in strengthening the solidarity of the Arab world and the joint Arab action and adopted resolutions augmenting and completing those of the first Summit Conference.

The Council was unanimous in defining national objectives for the liberation of Palestine from Zionist colonialism and in committing itself to a plan for joint Arab action both in the present stage for which plans have been made, and in the following stage.

The Council stressed the necessity of utilizing all Arab potentialities, and the mobilization of their resources and capabilities, in order to counter the challenge of colonialism and Zionism as well as Israel's continued aggressive policies and its insistence on denying the rights of the Arabs of Palestine to their homeland.

The Council adopted resolutions for the implementation of Arab plans, especially in the technical and military fields, including embarking on immediate work on projects for the exploitation of the waters of the River Jordan and its tributaries.

The Council welcomed the establishment of the Palestine Liberation Organization to consolidate the Palestine Entity, and as a vanguard for the collective Arab struggle for the liberation of Palestine. It approved the Organization's decision to establish a Palestinian Liberation Army and defined the commitments of the member States to assist it in its work.

The Council discussed the political and economic surveys and reports concerning the relations of the Arab countries with foreign countries. It discussed the results of the visits of the Arab Foreign Ministers to foreign countries.

The Council expressed its appreciation for the support given by foreign countries to Arab causes in general and the Palestine cause in particular. It decided on the continuation of these contacts with all countries of the world and the completion of studies as a prelude to the implementation of principles adopted in the First Summit Conference which called for the regulation of relations vis-à-vis foreign countries in accordance with their position regarding the Palestine question and other Arab causes.

The Council confirmed Arab determination to oppose anti-Arab forces, primarily British colonialist policy and its exploitation of wealth and acts of extermination now practised in the Occupied South in defiance of the Charter and principles of the United Nations and the right of the people to self-determination and the resolutions of the General Assembly and of the United Nations Special Committee with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples.

The Council resolved to combat British imperialism in the Arab Peninsula and to provide assistance to the liberation movement in the Occupied South and Oman.

The Council devoted attention to consolidating Arab friendly relations with the amirates of the Arab Gulf to ensure the indivisible Arab freedom and to realize common interests.

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