Guide Page: "Mind War" (original) (raw)

"JMS is on an anti-typecasting crusade."

That's actually true, in a lot of ways. My sense is that here we have many actors who created enduring works because they were good at what they did; they're *good actors*. But because they were so good at it, they got typecast as only able to play that. How many people snickered, wrongly, when they heard Walter was going to be Bester? "Chekhov in the Psi Corps," was the usual lament.

Until they *saw* him. And saw what he could do.

To work against the typecasting is simply payment on a debt to those who created enduring characters. And I'll continue to do it wherever and whenever I can. (Look for Robert Englund in anupcoming episode playing a very different sort of character than he's played elsewhere lately.)