"The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari" (original) (raw)

During his conversation with Londo, Sheridan's clothing changed several times, in line with his changes of uniform over the course of the show: first he wore an Earthforce uniform, then a shirt with no coat ("Severed Dreams.") Then he wore his Army of Light uniform ("Ceremonies of Light and Dark.") Next, he was dressed in the robes of the Entil'zha, just like Sinclair's garb in"War Without End." Finally, he was dressed in a simple white robe and hood like that of a Minbari acolyte, before he turned into a ball of light similar to the million-years-hence Ranger in"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars."

Londo's dreams can be prophetic at least some of the time, the obvious example being the dream of his death. If this one can be taken literally, the implication is that Sheridan will be the next Entil'zha. That's consistent with Zathras' claim that he is "The One who will be" ("War Without End, part 2.")

The meaning of the white robe is less clear; perhaps after he heads the Rangers he will turn his attention to Minbari spiritualism. It's worth noting that Delenn wore a similar robe during the rebirth ceremony in"The Parliament of Dreams," during the funeral ceremony in"Legacies," and after her transformation in"Revelations." Dukhat wore a similar robe in"Atonement." That last reference may be the most significant when considered in light of Delenn leaving the center space in the Grey Council open for "the one who is to come" ("Moments of Transition.")

The robe, it should also be noted, shielded most of Sheridan's head from view. Could that be a trick similar to showing Delenn's arm in"Babylon Squared?" Will Sheridan, late in life, transform into a Minbari-human hybrid, possibly to cement his role as Dukhat's successor?

The ball of light may be related to whatever event will lead to the legend (in"The Deconstruction of Falling Stars") that he was carried bodily into heaven after his death -- perhaps Lorien, a ball of light in his own right, will return and take Sheridan. Or perhaps there's still part of Lorien remaining in Sheridan, and it's that part that will depart when Sheridan's body dies.