Guide Page: "Darkness Ascending" (original) (raw)

"OK, so is anyone going to try to pass *this* one off as non-arc 'filler'?"

Exactly. See, that's where I get nuts about some of the other comments. A number of folks said last week's was just filler...but last week we saw the process by which Lennier was sent to White Star 27, what he was looking for, and why...we were introduced to the captain, the mission...and now this week it pays off. It seems like the *result* is considered arc, and the set-up is considered "filler."

Similarly, Lyta's actions in this episode (and those that are going to follow) are a direct result of the whole Byron thread, which is going to spiral further in some interesting directions. Some said the Byron stuff was just filler...but it was there to move Lyta into a whole new direction that will have a substantial effect on the show and her character (and at least one other).

It seems to me that repeatedly, people dismiss something new in the mix as filler or non-arc...when in fact it's ABSOLUTE arc stuff once you've seen the whole thing. (Except for those who only seem to feel that results are arc, not setups, which is as nutty a view as I've ever heard.)