MPCAT-OBS: Observation Archive (original) (raw)

The links below provide access to complete observational sets for numbered and unnumbered minor planets and comets. Due to the size of the files, they are available only in gzip-compressed form.

You are reminded that any use of these data, or of data derived from these data, requires you to maintain the reference information on any redistribution.

The file are complete through the 2024 JUL. 14 batch of Minor Planet Circulars. The gzip-compressed versions of the data files are roughly 20% of the size of the uncompressed data files.

Note that you should ensure that you have set your browser to download to your local disk before trying to access these files. If you fail to do this, your browser will attempt to display the downloaded file. Or more likely, your browser will crash...

The Isolated Tracklet File

The Isolated Tracklet File containing Isolated Tracklets can be downloadedfrom here. Please ensure you have read thisdocument.