Natural Satellites Ephemeris Service (original) (raw)

Ephemerides, orbital elements and residual blocks for the outer irregular satellites of the giant planets are available here.

Choose which objects you wish to observe, select what information you want returned, indicate your ephemeris options (if necessary) and then select the "Get Information" button.

Selection of Objects

All Jovian outer irregular satellites

All unnumbered Jovian outer irregular satellites

All numbered Jovian outer irregular satellites

Just the following Jovian outer irregular satellites

Jupiter VI (Himalia) Jupiter VII (Elara) Jupiter VIII (Pasiphae)
Jupiter IX (Sinope) Jupiter X (Lysithea) Jupiter XI (Carme)
Jupiter XII (Ananke) Jupiter XIII (Leda) Jupiter XVII (Callirrhoe)
Jupiter XVIII (Themisto) Jupiter XIX (Megaclite) Jupiter XX (Taygete)
Jupiter XXI (Chaldene) Jupiter XXII (Harpalyke) Jupiter XXIII (Kalyke)
Jupiter XXIV (Iocaste) Jupiter XXV (Erinome) Jupiter XXVI (Isonoe)
Jupiter XXVII (Praxidike) Jupiter XXVIII (Autonoe) Jupiter XXIX (Thyone)
Jupiter XXX (Hermippe) Jupiter XXXI (Aitne) Jupiter XXXII (Eurydome)
Jupiter XXXIII (Euanthe) Jupiter XXXIV (Euporie) Jupiter XXXV (Orthosie)
Jupiter XXXVI (Sponde) Jupiter XXXVII (Kale) Jupiter XXXVIII (Pasithee)
Jupiter XXXIX (Hegemone) Jupiter XL (Mneme) Jupiter XLI (Aoede)
Jupiter XLII (Thelxinoe) Jupiter XLIII (Arche) Jupiter XLIV (Kallichore)
Jupiter XLV (Helike) Jupiter XLVI (Carpo) Jupiter XLVII (Eukelade)
Jupiter XLVIII (Cyllene) Jupiter XLIX (Kore) Jupiter L (Herse)
Jupiter LI (unnamed) Jupiter LII (unnamed) Jupiter LIII (Dia)
Jupiter LIV Jupiter LV Jupiter LVI
Jupiter LVII (Eirene) Jupiter LVIII (Philophrosyne) Jupiter LIX
Jupiter LX (Eupheme) Jupiter LXI Jupiter LXII (Valetudo)
Jupiter LXIII Jupiter LXIV Jupiter LXV (Pandia)
Jupiter LXVI Jupiter LXVII Jupiter LXVIII
Jupiter LXIX Jupiter LXX Jupiter LXXI (Ersa)
Jupiter LXXII S/2003 J 2 S/2003 J 4
S/2003 J 9 S/2003 J 10 S/2003 J 12
S/2003 J 16 S/2003 J 23 S/2003 J 24
S/2011 J 3 S/2016 J 3 S/2016 J 4
S/2018 J 2 S/2018 J 3 S/2018 J 4
S/2021 J 1 S/2021 J 2 S/2021 J 3
S/2021 J 4 S/2021 J 5 S/2021 J 6
S/2022 J 1 S/2022 J 2 S/2022 J 3

All Saturnian outer irregular satellites

All unnumbered Saturnian outer irregular satellites

All numbered Saturnian outer irregular satellites

Just the following Saturnian outer irregular satellites

Saturn IX (Phoebe) Saturn XIX (Ymir) Saturn XX (Paaliaq)
Saturn XXI (Tarvos) Saturn XXII (Ijiraq) Saturn XXIII (Suttungr)
Saturn XXIV (Kiviuq) Saturn XXV (Mundilfari) Saturn XXVI (Albiorix)
Saturn XXVII (Skathi) Saturn XXVIII (Erriapus) Saturn XXIX (Siarnaq)
Saturn XXX (Thrymr) Saturn XXXI (Narvi) Saturn XXXVI (Aegir)
Saturn XXXVII (Bebhionn) Saturn XXXVIII (Bergelmir) Saturn XXXIX (Bestla)
Saturn XL (Farbauti) Saturn XLI (Fenrir) Saturn XLII (Fornjot)
Saturn XLIII (Hati) Saturn XLIV (Hyrrokkin) Saturn XLV (Kari)
Saturn XLVI (Loge) Saturn XLVII (Skoll) Saturn XLVIII (Surtur)
Saturn L (Jarnsaxa) Saturn LI (Greip) Saturn LII (Tarqeq)
Saturn LIV (Gridr) Saturn LV (Angrboda) Saturn LVI (Skrymir)
Saturn LVII (Gerd) Saturn LVIII Saturn LIX (Eggther)
Saturn LX Saturn LXI (Beli) Saturn LXII (Gunnlod)
Saturn LXIII (Thiazzi) Saturn LXIV Saturn LXV (Alvaldi)
Saturn LXVI (Geirrod) S/2004 S 7 S/2004 S 12
S/2004 S 13 S/2004 S 17 S/2004 S 21
S/2004 S 24 S/2004 S 28 S/2004 S 31
S/2004 S 36 S/2004 S 37 S/2004 S 39
S/2004 S 40 S/2004 S 41 S/2004 S 42
S/2004 S 43 S/2004 S 44 S/2004 S 45
S/2004 S 46 S/2004 S 47 S/2004 S 48
S/2004 S 49 S/2004 S 50 S/2004 S 51
S/2004 S 52 S/2004 S 53 S/2005 S 4
S/2005 S 5 S/2006 S 1 S/2006 S 3
S/2006 S 9 S/2006 S 10 S/2006 S 11
S/2006 S 12 S/2006 S 13 S/2006 S 14
S/2006 S 15 S/2006 S 16 S/2006 S 17
S/2006 S 18 S/2006 S 19 S/2006 S 20
S/2007 S 2 S/2007 S 3 S/2007 S 5
S/2007 S 6 S/2007 S 7 S/2007 S 8
S/2007 S 9 S/2019 S 1 S/2019 S 2
S/2019 S 3 S/2019 S 4 S/2019 S 5
S/2019 S 6 S/2019 S 7 S/2019 S 8
S/2019 S 9 S/2019 S 10 S/2019 S 11
S/2019 S 12 S/2019 S 13 S/2019 S 14
S/2019 S 15 S/2019 S 16 S/2019 S 17
S/2019 S 18 S/2019 S 19 S/2019 S 20
S/2019 S 21 S/2020 S 1 S/2020 S 2
S/2020 S 3 S/2020 S 4 S/2020 S 5
S/2020 S 6 S/2020 S 7 S/2020 S 8
S/2020 S 9 S/2020 S 10

All Uranian outer irregular satellites

All unnumbered Uranian outer irregular satellites

All numbered Uranian outer irregular satellites

Just the following Uranian outer irregular satellites

Uranus XVI (Caliban) Uranus XVII (Sycorax) Uranus XVIII (Prospero)
Uranus XIX (Setebos) Uranus XX (Stephano) Uranus XXI (Trinculo)
Uranus XXII (Francisco) Uranus XXIII (Margaret) Uranus XXIV (Ferdinand)
S/2023 U 1

All Neptunian outer irregular satellites

All unnumbered Neptunian outer irregular satellites

All numbered Neptunian outer irregular satellites

Just the following Neptunian outer irregular satellites

Neptune II (Nereid) Neptune IX (Halimede) Neptune X (Psamathe)
Neptune XI (Sao) Neptune XII (Laomedeia) Neptune XIII (Neso)
S/2002 N 5 S/2021 N 1

Output Format(s) Required

I require Ephemerides

I require Orbital Elements
either Multi-line format or One-line format
Please Show residual blocks

Ephemeris Options

The desired start date for the ephemerides should be entered in YYYY MM DD format (e.g., 2004 July 2 = 2004 07 02). The default is the most recent 0h UT hour.

Start date: Number of dates to output

Ephemeris interval: Ephemeris units: days hours minutes seconds

Observatory code:

Display positions in: truncated sexagesimal or full sexagesimal or decimal units

Total motion and direction
Separate R.A. and Decl. coordinate motions
Separate R.A. and Decl. sky motions
Display motions as: "/sec "/min "/hr °/day