All 103 false statements Donald Trump made in his first 100 days in office (original) (raw)

Donald Trump says he's done more in his first 100 days in office than any other President ever.

That's just one of (at least) 102 false statements he's made since he swore the oath of office on January 20th 2017.

We've compiled a comprehensive collection of all his falsehoods, foul-ups and flat-out lies - and it's a long, long list.

For the sake of relative brevity we've restricted the list to the first occasion he's made a claim.

But it's worth bearing in mind that he's repeated many of his falsehoods and over again - particularly, for some reason, getting the size of America's trade deficit wrong, which he's done a lot.

So here we go with Day One - let's journey back to Inauguration Day

Day 1: Friday, Jan 20 2017



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1. Washington DC homicides are up 50%

Claim on White House website:

"The Trump Administration is committed to reducing violent crime. In 2015, homicides increased by 17 percent in America’s 50 largest cities. That’s the largest increase in 25 years. In our nation’s capital, killings have risen by 50 percent.”

This is untrue.

2. 'It stopped raining for my inaugural address'

Claim made in a speech at the Inaugural Liberty Ball:

"The crowd was unbelievable today. I looked at the rain, which just never came, you know, we finished the speech, went inside, it poured then we came outside. The helicopter scene was an incredible scene, and then, amazingly it rained—like God was looking down on us.”

This is untrue.



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Day 2: Jan 21



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3. 'The media invented my feud with the intelligence community’

Claim made during a visit to the CIA’s headquarters in Langley, Virginia:

" I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest human beings on Earth. And they sort of made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence community."

This is untrue.

4. ‘I have the all time record for Time Magazine covers’

Claim made during same CIA visit:

"We have the all-time record in the history of Time Magazine. … I’ve been on it for 15 times this year."

This is untrue.

5. 'The crowd stretched all the way back to the Washington Monument’

Claim made during same CIA visit:

“Honestly, it looked like a million and a half people. Whatever it was it was, but it went all the way back to the Washington Monument.”

And later:

“…all the way back to the Washington Monument, was packed.”

This is untrue.

6. 'It was the most watched inaugural ceremony both in person and around the world’

Claim made by Press Secretary Sean Spicer in a briefing to reporters:

"This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe”

Claim made by Donald Trump in CIA visit:

“I looked out, the field was — it looked like a million, million and a half people.”

This is untrue.

This is also probably untrue.

7. 'Trump inauguration was the first to use floor coverings’

Spicer claimed:

"This was the first time in our nation’s history that floor coverings have been used to protect the grass on the Mall. That had the effect of highlighting any areas where people were not standing, while in years past the grass eliminated this visual. "

This is untrue.

8. Trump's inauguration was the first time fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the Mall

Spicer claimed:

“This was also the first time that fencing and magnetometers went as far back on the Mall, preventing hundreds of thousands of people from being able to access the Mall as quickly as they had in inaugurations past.”

This is untrue.

9. More people used the DC Metro for Trump's inauguration than for Obama's last inauguration

Spicer claimed:

"We know that 420,000 people used the D.C. Metro public transit yesterday, which actually compares to 317,000 that used it for President Obama’s last inaugural."

This is untrue.

Day 4: January 23



The Washington Post)

10. 'I have recieved awards on the environment’

Claim by Trump to a meeting of CEOs:

"I’m a very big person when it comes to the environment, I’ve won awards on the environment but some of that stuff makes it impossible to get anything built."

This does not appear to be true.

Claim made to a meeting of Congressional leaders:

Between three million and five million “illegals” voted in the election, which cost him the popular vote.

This is untrue.

Day 6: January 25

12. 'I won one of the biggest electoral victories ever'

Claim made in an interview with ABC News:

"I had a tremendous victory, one of the great victories ever. In terms of counties I think the most ever, or just about the most ever."

This is untrue.

13. The author of the study about electoral fraud "changed his tune”

Claim made during the same interview, regarding the author of the Pew report cited in #11, denying his work was evidence of voter fraud:

"Really? Then why did he write the report? … Excuse me, then why did he write the report? According to Pew report, then he’s — then he’s grovelling again."

This is untrue.

14. There were 2 gun homicides in Chicago during Barack Obama's farewell speech

Claim made (but not broadcast) during the same interview:

"When President Obama was there two weeks ago making a speech, very nice speech. Two people were shot and killed during his speech."

This is untrue.

15. ' cost $5billion'

Claim made in the same interview, regarding the cost of the Obamacare website:

"Remember the $5billion website?"

This is untrue.

16. 'Voter fraud in Chicago and Philadelphia is getting worse'

Claim made in the same interview regarding voter fraud:

"Chicago, look what’s going on in Chicago. It’s only gotten worse…You look at Philadelphia, you look at what’s going on in Philadelphia.”

This is untrue.

Day 7: January 26



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17. The murder rate in Philadelpia is increasing

Claim made in a speech to congressional Republicans:

"Here in Philadelphia, the murder rate has been steady — I mean just terribly increasing.”

This is untrue.

18. ‘The US knows nothing about the refugees we let in'

Claim made in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity:

"We’ve taken in tens of thousands of people. We know nothing about them. They can say they vet them. They didn’t vet them. They have no papers. How can you vet somebody when you don't know anything about them and you have no papers?"

This is untrue.

Day 8: January 27



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19. 'I was in Scotland the day before Brexit and predicted it'

Claim made during a press conference to mark Theresa May’s visit to the White House:

"I happened to be in Scotland, at Turnberry, cutting a ribbon, when Brexit happened. And we had a vast amount of press there and I said – this was the day before, you probably remember – 'Brexit is going to happen' and I was scorned in the press for making that prediction, I was scorned. Lo and behold the following day it happened and the odds weren’t looking good for me when I made that statement because as you remember everyone thought it wasn’t going to happen."

This is untrue.

Day 11: January 30



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20. A Delta Airlines computer outage caused the problems with his travel ban

Claim made in a tweet:

This is untrue.

Day 14: February 2

21. Iran got £150 billion out of the 2015 nuclear deal

Claim made in a tweet:

This is untrue.

22. Obama agreed to take in thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia

Claim made in a tweet:

Claim repeated in a meeting with Harley Davidson executives:

"I love Australia as a country, but we had a problem where for whatever reason, President Obama said that they were going to take probably well over 1,000 illegal immigrants who were in prisons, and they were going to bring them and take them into this country. And I just said, ‘Why?’…1,250. It could be 2,000, it could be more than that."

This is untrue.

23. Kuwait implemented a Muslim ban just like mine

Claim made in a Facebook post:

This is untrue.

24. The first female CIA second in command

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

Day 15: February 3

25. The first phone call with Australian PM was 'very civil'

Claim made on Twitter:

This is disputed.

Day 16: February 4

26. The New York Times apologised for its election coverage

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

27. The Judge halting the Muslim ban means 'anyone' can come into the US

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

Day 17: February 5

28. People have said I was right about voter fraud

Claim made during an interview with Fox News' Bill O'Reilly:

"A lot of people have come out and said that I am correct.”

This is untrue.

29. California is out of control - and voted for me

Claim made in the same interview:

"California in many ways is out of control, as you know. Obviously the voters agree, otherwise they wouldn’t have voted for me."

This is untrue.

30. I was against the Iraq War from the beginning

Claim made in the same interview:

"I’ve been against the war in Iraq from the beginning."

This is untrue.

31. The Muslim ban only affected 109 people

Claim made in the same interview:

"I think it was very smooth. We had 109 people out of hundreds of thousands of travellers and all we did was vet those people very, very carefully"

This is untrue.

Day 18: February 6

32. Terror attacks in Europe are 'hardly reported'

Claim made in a speech to US Central Command:

"You’ve seen what happened in Paris and Nice. All over Europe it’s happening. It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in many cases, the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it."

This is untrue.

33. I saved the US $700m on the F-35 deal

Claim made in the same speech:

"I have already saved more than $700 million when I got involved in the negotiation on the F-35. You know about that."

This is disputed.

Day 19: February 7

34. It's taken longer for me to get my cabinet confirmed than any President in history

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

35. US murder rate is at a 47 year high

Claim made in a meeting with the National Sheriffs Association:

"The murder rate in our country’s the highest it’s been in 47 years, right? Did you know that? 47 years? I’d say that in a speech and everybody’s surprised. Because the press doesn’t tell it like it is. It wasn’t to their advantage to say that.”

This is untrue.

Day 21: February 9

36. CNN didn't challenge Senator Richard Blumenthal over claims he misrepresented his military service

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

37. Thousands of voters were bussed in from Massachusetts to ‘illegally’ vote in New Hampshire

Claim made in a private meeting with senators:

Trump claimed "thousands" of people were taken by bus from Massachusetts to neighbouring New Hampshire to "illegally" vote in the election, according to one participant

This is untrue.

Day 22: February 10

38. The New York Times falsely reported I had not spoken with President Xi since November 14

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

Day 28: February 16

39. I said it was 'great' for President Obama to play golf

Claim made in a meeting with members of congress:

"Well, I always said about President Obama, it’s great to play golf, but play golf with heads of countries."

This is untrue.

40. Walmart is creating 10,000 jobs in the US because of me

Claim made in press conference:

"Walmart announced it will create 10,000 jobs in the United States just this year because of our various plans and initiatives."

This is untrue.

41. Hillary Clinton gave Russia 20% of our Uranium

Claim made in the same press conference:

"We had Hillary Clinton give Russia 20 per cent of the uranium in our country."

This is untrue.

42. The news media has a lower approval rating than congress

Claim made in the same press conference:

"I mean, you have a lower approval rate than Congress. I think that’s right."

This is untrue.

43. Labor Secretary nominee Alex Acosta is a member of the National Labour Relations Board

Claim made in the same press conference:

"He’s a member and has been a member of the National Labour Relations Board"

This is untrue.

44. I gave press conferences almost every day during the campaign

Claim made in the same press conference:

"Remember, I used to give you a news conference every time I made a speech, which was like every day. OK?"

This is untrue.

45. I had the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan

Claim made in the same press conference:

"I guess it was the biggest electoral college win since Ronald Reagan."

This is untrue.

Day 30: February 18

46. 'We did very well with women'

Claim made at a campaign rally in Florida:

"By the way, we did very well with women. You know, my wife said when some of these phoney polls were put out, the CNN poll was so far off, the phoney polls. When some of these, she said, what’s wrong with you and women."

This is untrue.

47. The US has a 500billiontradedeficitwithChinaand500 billion trade deficit with China and 500billiontradedeficitwithChinaand70 billion with Mexico

Claim made at the same rally:

"With China, we have close to a $500 billion trade deficit.”


"With Mexico, we have $70 billion in deficits, trade deficits, and it’s unsustainable."

This is untrue.

48. The US doesn't have a trade surplus with any other country

Claim made at the same rally:

"I’m trying to find a country where we actually have a surplus of trade as opposed to — everything is a deficit."

This is untrue.

49. Look at what's happening in Sweden!

Claim made at the same rally:

“We’ve got to keep our country safe. You look at what’s happening in Germany, you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden.”

This is untrue.

Day 36: February 24

50. There were queues stretching six blocks to see my CPAC speech

Claim made during a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference:

"By the way, you folks are in here — this place is packed, there are lines that go back six blocks and I tell you that because you won’t read about it, OK. But there are lines that go back six blocks."

This is untrue

51. The Washington Post made up its sources

Claim made during the same speech:

"Because they have no sources, they just make ’em up when there are none. I saw one story recently where they said, ‘Nine people have confirmed.’ There’re no nine people."

This is untrue.

52. I was endorsed by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency

Claim made during the same speech:

"Our Border Patrol, I’ll tell you what they do, they came and endorsed me, ICE came and endorsed me. They never endorsed a presidential candidate before, they might not even be allowed to."

This is untrue.

53. Obamacare covers very few people

Claim made during the same speech:

"Obamacare covers very few people"

This is untrue.

Day 39: February 27



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54. Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated

Claim made during a meeting of the National Governors Association:

"Nobody knew that healthcare could be so complicated."

This is untrue.

Day 40: February 28



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55. A rancher was fined $37,000 a day for digging a small hole

Claim made signing an Executive Order tearing up parts of Barack Obama's water pollution regulations:

"In one case in Wyoming, a rancher was fined $37,000 a day by the EPA for digging a small watering hole for his cattle. His land."

This is untrue.

56. Water regulations put thousands out of work

Claim made during the same EO signing:

"The EPA’s regulators were putting people out of jobs by the hundreds of thousands"

This is untrue.

57. The clean water rule regulates puddles

Claim made during the same EO signing:

"But a few years ago, the EPA decided that navigable waters can mean nearly every puddle or every ditch on a farmer’s land or anyplace else that they decide. Right? It was a massive power grab.”

This is untrue.

58. Increase in defence spending is historic

Claim made during an address to the joint session of Congress:

“I am sending the Congress a budget that rebuilds the military, eliminates the defense sequester, and calls for one of the largest increases in national defense spending in American history.”

This is untrue.

Day 44: March 4

59. Obama tapped my phones

Claim made on Twitter:

There is no evidence for this.

Day 47: March 7

60. 122 Guantanamo prisoners released by Obama have returned to the battlefield

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

Day 55: March 15

61. The New York Times finding my tax returns was fake news, and nobody's heard of the reporter

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

62: The US had an $800 billion trade deficit last year

Claim made during a speech to the American Center for Mobility in Detroit:

"Our trade deficit last year reached nearly $800 billion. Who’s making these deals?"

This is untrue.

63. There would have been loads of job losses in manufacturing if it weren't for me

Claim made in the same speech:

"Before NAFTA went into effect – by the way, NAFTA, a total disaster — there were 280,000 auto workers in Michigan. Today, that number is roughly 165,000 and would have been heading down big league if I didn’t get elected, I will tell you that right now. That I can tell you. Plenty of things were stopped in their tracks. They were stopped in their tracks. A lot of bad things were going to happen, a lot of places were going to get built that aren’t going to get built right now in other locations."

This is untrue.

64. My budget has the single biggest increase in military spending in US history

Claim made during a rally in Nashville:

"Our budget calls for one of the single largest increases in defence spending history in this country"

This is untrue.

65. I said 'wiretapping', not wiretapping

Claim made during an interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson

"And don’t forget, when I say wiretapping, those words were in quotes. That really covers, because wiretapping is pretty old-fashioned stuff. But that really covers surveillance and many other things. And nobody ever talks about the fact that it was in quotes, but that’s a very important thing."

This is untrue.

Day 57: March 17

66. Half of Tennessee has no health insurer

Claim made at a veterans' listening session:

"In Tennessee, where I just left, half of the state has no insurance and — no carrier. It’s gone. And they’re going to leave the other half of the state very soon."

This is untrue.

67. Germany has done well with its trade deals with the US

Claim made during joint press conference with Angela Merkel

"Germany has done very well in its trade deals with the United States, and I give them credit for it."

This is untrue.

68. Many countries owe lots of money to NATO

Claim made during the same press conference

"Many nations owe vast sums of money from past years, and it is very unfair to the United States. These nations must pay what they owe."

This is untrue.

Day 60: March 20

69. CNN's election polls were "way off"

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

70. The FBI and NSA said Russia didn't interfere in the election

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

71. Doctors are quitting medicine because of Obamacare

Claim made at a campaign rally in Louisville

"Many of our best and brightest are leaving the medical profession entirely because of Obamacare."

This is untrue.

72. I've only been here 52 days!

Claim made during the same rally:

"You know, I’ve only been there for, what, 52 days, right? Somebody said to me, when are you starting on NAFTA? I said, wait a minute, I did this, this, this. I knocked out unbelievable numbers of regulations. We’re negotiating much better deals — these terrible deals that were made. I’ve been here like 51 days."

This is untrue.

Day 62: March 22



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73. I get the biggest crowds, believe me

Claim made during an interview with Time Magazine about the President's habit of saying things that aren't true:

"I went to Kentucky two nights ago, we had 25,000 people in a massive Basketball Arena."

This is untrue.

Claim made during the same interview:

"But that was in the newspaper. I wasn’t, I didn’t say that. I was referring to a newspaper … I’m just quoting the newspaper."

This is charitable at best.

75. Nobody knew NATO allies weren't ponying up until I came along

Claim made during the same interview:

"… and I said that the allies must pay. Nobody knew that they weren’t paying. I did. I figured it."

This is untrue.

76. NATO doesn't address terrorism

Claim made during the same interview:

"NATO, obsolete, because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They fixed that."

This is untrue.

77. There was a riot in Sweden the day after, and someone died

Claim made during the same interview:

"Sweden. I make the statement, everyone goes crazy. The next day they have a massive riot, and death, and problems"

This is untrue.

Day 63: March 23

78. Obamacare put truckers out of business

Claim made at a meeting with representatives of the trucking industry:

"So you know the problems, and it’s put a lot of the trucking businesses out of business, which is pretty tough."

This is unfounded.

Day 64: March 24

79. Charter Communications has just committed to investing $25 billion in the US

Claim made at a 'jobs announcement' with the firm

"Today I am thrilled to announce that Charter Communications has just committed to investing 25billion—withaB,25 billion — with a B, 25billionwithaB,25 billion — you’re sure that’s right, right? With a B, right — $25 billion here in the United States, and has committed further to hiring 20,000 American workers over the next four years"

This is untrue.

80. I never said I'd repeal and replace Obamacare in the first 61 days

Claim made in an interview with the Washington Post

"I never said I was going to repeal and replace in the first 61 days."

This is untrue.

Day 73: April 2

81. There have been 'many defections' from the Freedom Caucus (the right wing congressional group that skewered Trump's healthcare bill)

Claim made during an interview with the Financial Times:

"And if we don’t get the ... Freedom Caucus there that would be fine. They’re friends of mine. Many of them have already left, and many of them as you know have already given us their vote."

This is untrue.

Day 74: April 3



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82. People not looking for work are considered 'statistically employed'

Claim made during a meeting with CEOs:

"One of the statistics that to me is just ridiculous — so the 4.6 (per cent unemployment rate) sounds good, but when you look for a job, you can’t find it and you give up: you are now considered statistically employed. But I don’t consider those people employed."

This is untrue.

Day 75: April 4



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83: I had the support of everyone in the room at the Builders Trades Unions conference

Claim made during remarks to the Builders Trades Unions conference:

"But I had the support of, I would say, I would say almost everybody in this room."

This is untrue.

84. It's almost impossible for a Republican to win the electoral college

Claim made during the same event:

"Huge disadvantage, Electoral College. It’s very, very tough. They say almost impossible for a Republican to win.”

This is untrue.

Day 78: April 7

85: Immigration officers arrested 84 'criminal aliens'

Claim made in the President's weekly address:

"In just the last few days our Nation’s ICE officers have arrested … 84 criminal aliens in the Pacific Northwest."

This is untrue.

Day 82: April 11

86: I didn't know Steve Bannon until late in my campaign

Claim made during an interview with the New York Post:

"I like Steve, but you have to remember he was not involved in my campaign until very late. I had already beaten all the senators and all the governors, and I didn’t know Steve."

This is untrue.

87: Toyota are investing $1.3 billion in new jobs because of me

Claim made during a meeting of CEOs:

"And yesterday, Toyota just announced that it will invest more than 1.3billion—it’sprobablygoingtobe1.3 billion — it’s probably going to be 1.3billionitsprobablygoingtobe1.9 billion — into its Georgetown, Ky., plant, an investment that would not have been made if we didn't win the election"

This is untrue.

88. Congressman Ron Estes won Kansas race despite 'heavy spending' and predicted win for Democrats

Claim made on Twitter:

This is untrue.

Day 83: April 12

89. Korea used to be part of China

Claim made during an interview with the Wall Street Journal:

"And Korea actually used to be a part of China."

This is untrue.

90. The battle to retake Mosul was supposed to last a week

Claim made during the an interview with Fox Business Network:

"Look, they’re still fighting. Mosul was supposed to last for a week and now they’ve been fighting it for many months and so many more people died."

This is untrue.

91. Many Democrats think my healthcare plan is 'incredible'

Claim made during the same interview:

"Well, as an example, on health care, I won’t get one Democrat vote, even though many of them think it’s an incredible plan."

This is unfounded.

92. I was right to say Susan Rice had committed a crime

Claim made during the same interview:

"When you look at Susan Rice and what’s going on, and so many people are coming up to me and apologizing now. They’re saying you know, you were right when you said that. Perhaps I didn’t know how right I was, because nobody knew the extent of it."

This is untrue.

Day 88: April 17

93. Democrat John Ossoff wants to allow illegal immigration and raise taxes

Claim made on Twitter:

This is unfounded.

Day 94: April 23



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94. I got 5.2 million viewers for my appearance on Face the Nation

Claim made in an interview with the AP:

"(CBS Face the Nation host John) Dickerson had 5.2 million people. It’s the highest for Face the Nation or as I call it, ‘Deface the Nation.’ It’s the highest for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down."

This is untrue.

95. I got 9.2 million viewers for my appearance on Fox News Sunday

Claim made during the same interview:

"I have, seem to get very high ratings. I definitely. You know Chris Wallace had 9.2 million people, it’s the highest in the history of the show. I have all the ratings for all those morning shows. When I go, they go double, triple. Chris Wallace, look back during the Army-Navy football game, I did his show that morning. It had 9.2 million people. It’s the highest they’ve ever had."

This is untrue.

96. Neil Gorsuch graduated top of his class at Harvard

Claim made during the same interview:

"I mean, here’s a judge who is No. 1 at Columbia, No. 1 at Harvard and an Oxford scholar."

This is untrue.

97. Hillary Clinton spent $2.2 Billion on her election campaign

Claim made during the same interview:

"So she had this massive advantage, she spent hundreds of millions of dollars more money than I spent. Hundreds of millions ... Yeah. Or more, actually because we were 375(million)shewasat375 (million) she was at 375(million)shewasat2.2 billion. But whatever."

This is untrue.

98. I had never heard of Wikileaks before the DNC hack emails came out

Claim made during the same interview:

"When WikiLeaks came out ... never heard of WikiLeaks, never heard of it."

This is untrue.

99. The Mexico border wall is not going to be that expensive - it'll cost $10 billion or less

Claim made during the same interview:

"Well, first of all, the wall will cost much less than the numbers I'm seeing. I'm seeing numbers, I mean, this wall is not going to be that expensive…I’ll do it for $10 billion or less"

This is exceptionally unlikely to be true.

100. The dairy farmers dispute was due to farmers getting 'killed by NAFTA'

Claim made in the same interview - referring to a row with Canada over milk:

"You saw what happened yesterday in my statements, because if you look at the dairy farmers in Wisconsin and upstate New York, they are getting killed by NAFTA"

This is untrue.

101. In 1949 there was no such thing as terrorism

Claim made in the same interview:

"You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism."

It's hard to know where to begin.

102. I have done more in the first 100 days than any other president

Claim made in the same interview:

“I’ve done more than any other president in the first 100 days.”

And on his 100-day Contract with the American Voter:

“Well, I’m mostly there on most items.”

This is untrue.

Day 99: April 28

103. There has been an ‘eight-year assault’ on second amendment freedoms under Obama

Claim made in a speech to the National Rifle Association:

“The eight-year assault on your Second Amendment freedoms has come to a crashing end”

This is untrue.