MLRH (original) (raw)


Last year, the MLRH Cup went to Europe and we are determined to bring it back to the states. With our new $500 fee, any team can afford to play MLRH and they may help us win back the Cup from Europe.

- Doug Jones, MLRH

Bill was alive and part of the Juke Box Generation. Music was awful when I was a kid but by 1955, things were starting to happen.

Canfield Kings vs. Pennsylvania Inferno

Canfield Kings vs. Detroit Revolution

LA Pama Cyclones vs. Orange County Cowboys

Bill was alive and part of the In the 60s, Bill was in the club business and it was a wild time. The wild times also

included my introduction to the KKK. Click for music,

stories...sooo grovey!

Muddy Waters &

The Rolling Stones

J ersey Girl Showdown

Tom Wates


The Boss

Stevie Ray Vaughan plays an amazing rif at a sound check...

B ill moves to England...

I have included some

UK stuff you have never

heard. Have a listen!

PLUS BIll's K-Pop update.

Everything you need to know about

K-Pop...if the Donald screws up and

we are living under Korean domination.

Payne heads World League UK

GM of Leicester Dragons will schedule events



of major

hockey film

Allison Krause and

Robert Plant

Bill Raue takes time off to produce a film...

MLRH World League to be franchised

Check out Bill's Juke Joint

Back in the 60s, Bill was in the club business

and music has been a huge part of his life.

Join him for a bit of musical history (and

Bill's). Just click on one of the date icons

for his favorites from that era.

Unknown players who have made dramatic contributions to the game.

Bohumil "Boza" Modry changed the

way goalies played the position

Falsely accused and sentenced to15 years of hard labor by

Communist authorities, in his brief career, Modry, an architect

and engineer, is credited with developing and teaching the

"geometry of goaltending.

Bohumil Modry shuts

out Sweden in the 1949

World Championship


Follow Bill...

MLRH President Bill Raue posts on Hockey, music.

politics and the latest gossip

from his pub in England .

What's your Hockey Bar...

Everybody got a favorite hangout. So tell us about your favorite and we will create an all

MLRH listing.

Click on Bill or any logo for


In 1972, the Chicago Blackhawks offered him one million dollars (7 million today) but the communists would not let him travel.

His quickness and athleticism earned him the nickname—ˇThe Acrobat."

Jiri Holochek...Best goalie ever?

Some pick the Russian Vladislav Tretiak but, head to head, Holichek never lost to him. In their 1976 3-1 upset of the Soviet in the Canada Cup, Trietiak stopped 11 of 14 shots, Holochek 40 of 41.

Jaroslav Holik and the goal that

brought down an empire...

This may be the toughest guy

You have never heard of Gustav Bubnik shown as the baby faced whiz kid who scored the winning goal in the 1949 World Championships. I get Gordy Howe and I loved him from when I was a kid—but he never came back to play after five years in a

Soviet slave labor camp.

Over the past 18 months, I may have spent more time in Prague and the Czech Republic than in America. OIf you go for history, culture or hockey, this place has it all

and I am so looking forward to spending many more months there making a film. So click

and check it out. I'll meet ya there!

Another historic player you don't know but you may remember his son. Bobby Holik enjoyed a long career with the NJ Devils and finished up with the NY Rangers. His Father was a passionate anti-soviet agitator who scored the game winner in the 1972

World Championships

The hockey game that brought

down the Soviet empire

Glove droping at it's MLRH best!

Jerry Bruckheimer's hockey dream

SEATTLE — An emotional day for the new

Seattle team owners with the awarding of the

NHL’s 32nd franchise to our city.

Famed Hollywood producer Jerry Bruckheimer,

whose movies have been hailed for decades,

seemed a bit overcome by the moment.

Co-President of

Sony Classic Pictures

Tom Bernard still "laces 'em up," is a life-long NJ Devils season ticket holder and still found the time to earn over 100

Academy Award nominations for Sony.

The star of Friday

Night Lights and

many hit films

actually played

the game in the

British Columbia

Hockey League.

The star of friends is

a very serious hockey


But it will be a new format—made for TV, old style MLRH. Full contact, drop the gloves, roller hockey. The sport has more than enough

tournament series—what it lacks is excitement and a fan base!

The smartest thing Bill ever said is, "There's a reason fans don't

spend money to watch flag football." I get it that we may not be able to fill our rosters with the present crop of players. We may well have to include college and minor-league ice guys but I am committed to

go in that direction. More importantly, that is the only game, anyone

of substance will invest in.

At the moment, I am on hold with my film due to the Coronavirus shutdown of the film industry. I am guessing I will lose another six months before we begin production but MLRH will play again one day.

Keep skating everyone,

Many of you know that I am currently involved with a film. Regrettably, I could not pursue my dream of producing a Hollywood film and find the time to give MLRH the time it required. But, I have not been without my hockey fix. Fact is, you would be stunned to discover the number of actors,directors and producers who love the game. Many are still playing at an advanced age, others, like Jerry Bruckheimer buy teams. Just for fun, i'd like you to meet some of

the Hollywood hockey junkies...

It's going on two years since

MLRH has played a competitive

game but, one day we will

return. My time spent in the

film business has been invaluable—new contacts with film and TV people and, at some point (My guess is within a year), MLRH will play again.